Sunday, October 16, 2011

Elimination Station with Jeremy and Oprah

After Leg 1 Jeremy Kyle and Oprah are the first teams to be sequestered at the villa. They arrive. After they have an intensive interview with each other(and try to steal each other's talk show host skills) the two of them ponder who will be eliminated next.

Losing Team Prediction.
Jeremy Kyle predicts that Luke and Leia will be next as they seem to be confused a lot like thinking Yoda was Yodel. He is concerned that Freddy and Jason might be a potential threat to other teams as they seem to have their own elimination station wherever they go.

Oprah thinks that Homer and Barney will be next because they are always intoxicated. She tells Jeremy Kyle that if they are out next, she will get Dr Phil to talk to them about the dangers of alcohol blood pressure and high blood pressure from excessive donut consumption.

Both teams hope that Homer and Barney are out next so that they can party with them at the villa. Also so they can interview them and gain some new fans.

Team they want to win.
Oprah hopes that Batman and Robin will win. She likes their athletic prowess plus they look good in their underwear. Or maybe she would like Ernie and Bert to win because they seem nice and they asked for her autograph.

Jeremy Kyle hopes that Frodo and Sam as the underdogs will win even though he thinks it will be a stretch for them to reach the finish line.But then again they might surprise us and those little people might come up with a big finish.

Stay tuned for the next episode.

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