Sunday, October 30, 2011

Episode 4 Recap

Teams make their way to Russia.

Detour. Stack or Construct. In Stack, teams have to stack pumpkins into a large wall formation in front of an existing stack. If their wall collapses into the existing one, they will have to rebuild both.

In Construct teams have to assemble a spooky looking window frame, then look for a creepy house marked with a "Repairs Needed" sign and install the window there.

Teams doing Stack:
Barney and Homer
Bert and Ernie
Daphnne and Velma
Frodo and Sam
Leonard and Sheldon

Teams doing Construct:
Batman and Robin
Chewbacca and Han Solo
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash
Freddy and Jason
Gandalf and Saruman
Hermione and Luna

Highlights of the Stack Detour
*Ernie and Bert and Leonard and Sheldon help out all the other teams on the detour, due to their wicked tetris skills and organizing skills.

Lowlights of the Stack Detour
*Barney, stumbling around drunk, trips over a pumpkin, knocking Homer to the ground. Homer goes rolling into the hobbits who are standing on each others shoulders putting their last pumpkin in place. The pumpkin wall tumbles over starting a chain reaction. Daphnne and Velma yell "Zoinks! Look out!" but it's too late, the pumpkins tumble over and Ernie yells "JENGAAAAAAAAAA!"


On the Construct Detour

* Freddy and Jason are impressed by the wizards and form an evil alliance, corrupting Gandalf. They tell Gandalf when he's back in the USA to call their good friend Mike Myers.
*Freddy and Jason who are really good at working with sharp objects help the wizards install their window frame.

* Gandalf and Saruman switch the repairs needed sign and hang it up in front of a prison. All the other teams are slowed down because they install their windows correctly but the prisoners escape. Batman and Robin realise that they've been tricked by the wizards and redirect everyone to the right house.

*While putting up their window Han starts singing "How much is that wookie in the window?" Chewy steals his hat and runs for the roadblock.


The wizards reach the Blind U-turn first. Freddy and convince them to U-turn Leonard and Sheldon. The wizards put up a photo of Leonard and Sheldon which means they will have to go back and complete the Construct side of the detour.

Leonard and Sheldon: When they reach the Blind U-turn they're angry. They head to the Construct Detour where they struggle with the power tools. "Leonard, this is why I took physics and not shop classes at school" Sheldon accidentally hammers Leonard's thumb. "Owww. Pennny" They eventually get their window done and installed in the right house.


In the leg's Roadblock, one team member to complete a lap on a bobsled roller coaster in under four minutes while looking for seven letters scattered around the track. They then had to arrange the letters correctly (HAUNTED) in order to receive their next clue.

Freddy and Jason and the wizards arrive at the roadblock first.

Team members doing the roadblock:

Jason: Jason thinking that there may be a pickup game of hockey afterwards accidentally hits Freddy in the head with his goalie stick as he flies down in the roller coaster.
Saruman: Gandalf asks "Saruman are you trying to bring down the mountain?" Saruman says "No" as Chewbacca arrives, trudging towards the roadblock.
Han Solo: I'll take this one because the word we're looking for isn't mwrorrrrr urghrrr"
Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash crashes at the end of the bobsled and has to do it again. "Oh no," says Fluttershy "They're going to call you Rainbow Crash again" They get it on the 2nd time.
Daphnne: Jinkies I'm really familiar with this word. Daphnne is doing very well with her puzzle and the wizards see this so they cast a charm to put chewing gum all through her hair. "Now that's Chewy" says Han Solo. MWrorrrrrurghrrrrrrnnnh says Chewy (translation: Do you want me out of your hair Han?) Daphnne has to try and get the chewing gum out.
Ernie: Ernie has some trouble with spelling. "Hey Bert, I think the word is ant head. You look like you have an ant head Bert" "ERNIE!"
Sam: Sam works together with Ernie to get the word 'Haunted'
Batman: He sings the Batman theme song on the way down. "Wow, Robin, I haven't done this since I was a kid."
Hermione: Wheee this is fun. We should have this event at Hogwarts. Wait till I tell Harry about this!
Sheldon: Sheldon does it. He has no problem whatsoever in solving the puzzle.
Barney: Barney and Homer got stuck searching for beer in the snowbank. "I know I put it here somewhere, Homer." "Doh" Barney has trouble spelling because he keeps seeing double after drinking half a box of beer.


The teams make to a haunted house where Adam and his family the Addams Family are waiting. Freddy and Jason reach Adam first. "Oh no," says Adam. Freddy and Jason say "Adam we like what you've done with the place" "Freddy and Jason, you're Team Number One!" "As the winners of this leg of the race you've won a set of kitchen knives and some hockey equipment. And a trip to Disney World where you can have a killer time."

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash speed into second. Adam says "Ponies you're Team #2" They both neigh and gallop off, as far away from Freddy and Jason as they can.

Gandalf and Saruman arrive in 3rd place. Because of ratings week, the wizards don't get a penalty for sabotage because their antics make for excellent television and they are slowly making their way to being the Amazing Race's biggest villains.

Batman and Robin are hot on the trail of the ruthless racers and they come in 4th. "Batman and Robin, " says Adam. "You are Team Number #4"

Han and Chewbacca make their way to the pit stop as Team Number #5

Frodo and Sam and Ernie and Bert reach the pit stop mat at almost the same time. Frodo and Sam have the faster, furrier feet so they get their a bit before Ernie and Bert. Frodo and Sam you're Team #6, Ernie and Bert you're Team #7.

Hermione and Luna check in as Team #8.

Leonard and Sheldon check in as Team #9 Adam asks if the U-turn held them up much. Leonard stands there sucking his thumb "This was a rough leg of the race for us, " says Sheldon.

Homer and Barney arrive thinking they are in last again. "Barney and Homer, you're Team #10" "Woohoo" says Homer. Homer picks up Barney and piggybacks him off the mat singing "We're still in the race, we're still in the race!"

Daphnne and Velma know that they are last so they head to the pit stop together. Daphnne is still trying to get the chewing gum and crying "Fred, help me" Adam says "Daphnne and Velma, I'm sorry to tell you you are the last team to arrive. You have both been eliminated from the race."

Velma says "Zowie owie that hurts. But at least we solved the mystery of the missing beer!" The answer is in that fat, bald man's stomach.

Adam calls all the teams together and says "It's just a jump to the left. And a step to the right" The contestants all do the time warp then Jason with his awesome hit to Freddy's head asks to play hockey so all the contestants head to a frozen pond and play hockey.

This episode of the Amazing Race was brought to you by Jenga, Pumpkins and the knife sharpener truck.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Elimination Station #3 Luke and Leia arrive

Jeremy Kyle and Oprah and Rachel and Ross are waiting for the next team to arrive. Oprah and Jeremy Kyle got excellent interview material from Ross after his pogo stick incident. They wait to see who will come and are not all that surprised to see Luke and Leia.

"What happened to guys?" asks Oprah.

Luke and Leia explain that they were sabotaged by the wizards and that they put some junk in their trunk i.e a cheese wheel in their coffin. They go onto explain that the wizards all sabotaged Batman and Robin and sort of the hobbits.

"What?" says Ross "Those ruthless racers, they've done it again."

Jeremy Kyle wants Freddy and Jason to win still. Oprah hopes Ernie and Bert will make her book clubs proud and come in first. Rachel and Ross want Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to win since friendship is magic. Luke is loyal to Han and Chewbacca and wants them to win. Leia also wants the force to be with Han and Chewy but she is also hopeful for the hobbits because she thinks they're cute and they remind her of Ewoks.

All unanimously agree that Gandalf and Saruman should be next out. Then they all sit around a feast of penne all'arribiata. Yum!

Elimination Interview with Luke and Leia

Adam: Congratulations Luke and Leia. There were a few times when we thought you would be eliminated but the force was strong within the two of you and you didn't place last.

Luke: Well, Adam, we were duped by the dark side this time Adam.

Leia: Yeah but we'll get them back in Return of the Jedi: The Apprentice.

How much time did the wheel of cheese cost you?

Luke: Well, we couldn't figure out why the coffin was so heavy but when we opened it to find a 100 pound wheel of cheese we knew that the wizards must've had a meddling hand in this. By the time everything was done it probably set us back behind the other teams about 45 minutes. We could see Batman and Robin's capes flying ahead of us but we were too far behind to catch up.

How did you know it was the wizards, and not any of the other teams at the coffin detour?

Leia: After what happened to Ross and Rachel, we just knew.

You're sure it wasn't Freddy and Jason?

Luke: Oh no if it was those two, I'm sure the cheese would've been finely sliced.

And what about Barney and Homer? Did you think they could've done it?

Luke: No because they were too busy trying to find the HP Sauce to go with their steaks.

How do you feel about being out of the race?

Luke: Well obviously we're disappointed but on the bright side we have this excellent consolation prize, courtesy of Mr Stevens.

** Stay tuned as Luke and Leia head to the Elimination Station.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Episode #3 Recap

Teams head to Romania. They head to their first roadblock. In this roadblock, teams must perform a series of moves for 3 gymnastics disciplines. The balance beam, parallel bars and floor exercises before receiving their next clue.

The teams who will do this roadblock.

Chewbacca: "Mwrorrr urghrrr rnnnnhhhhh rurgrrrr rrrnnnhh"(translation: I'm not wearing that girl's leotard" ) to which Han replies "better you than me." Chewbacca puts the leotard on and starts strutting. To which Han says "First you don't want to put it on. Now you're John Travolta. Get on the balance beam you big furball. This is the amazing race not America's Next top model. Or the next top wookie model."
Luna: Luna does a really unique performance, waving her arms and flapping and spinning but then Hermione realised she was just trying to get rid of the wrackspurts.
Robin: Robin takes to the floor losing no time because he's already wearing leotard-like attire.
Bert : Ernie annoys Bert by saying "Hey Bert, you look cute in that leotard, Bert." Bert gives a solid performance.
Freddy: Freddy does well until he gets to the floor exercises. Freddy attempts a one handed cartwheel but the knife blades on his glove cut through the mat and stick into the wooden floor. It takes Jason a good 5 or 10 minutes to pull him free.
Fluttershy: Fluttershy tackles the roadblock like a professional showjump horse, leaping over the balance beam, and the parallel bars. But stumbles at the end getting her hoof caught in the torn matting from Freddy's glove.
Both Freddy and Fluttershy have to redo the roadblock. While Freddy is performing, Jason eliminates one of the judges luring him away with a piece of cherry pie from the last detour. Freddy and Fluttershy get it right the second time and does a one handed cartwheel with his other hand.
Sheldon: He stands on the balance beam. "Hey Leonard, I can see some dandruff in your hair from up here." He then calculates every angle of every task.
Velma: "Let's get jinky with it!" She looks funky in her leotard. And she busts out some wicked Bring it on Cheerleading moves.
Frodo: He needs a lift to get up to the parallel bars. So Sam gives him a boost but with a little too much force sending him flying over the equipment. He hits his head hard and doesn't know who Sam is. Sam says "It's me, Mr Frodo. It's your Sam." He comes to and climbs up the parallel bars from the side and finishes the event.
Gandalf: While doing a handstand move on the parallel bars, Gandalf's robe falls around his head causing Saruman to giggle and point like a little schoolgirl and say "I can see your underwear."
Leia: Leia looks smoking in a extra shiny gold leotard. Luke says "Do it Leia!" to which Leia says "I'll try." In Yoda's voice, Luke says "Do or do not do, there is no try."
Homer: Barney and Homer got held up because they discovered the beer tent. Homer does the roadblock. A slightly wobbly Homer steps up onto the balance beam where he accidentally kicks over a can of beer that Barney left thinking it was a bar rail. Homer slides along the wet balance beam launching himself off the one end and catching the parallel bars. He does a triple flip landing in a belly flop on the mat, causing all the russian judges to hold up scorecards with a Perfect 10.

Now the teams are off to the detour. GYPSY MOVES or VAMPIRE REMAINS. In Gypsy Moves, teams have to help a family of gypsies move from one camp to another by loading their belongings on a traditional horse-drawn cart and unloading them at another location.

In Vampire Remains, teams have to drag a chained coffin to a field of stakes on the land of Bran Castle. Once there, they had to undo the chains of the coffin to find several antique frames which they then had to smash against stakes (i.e., impale, a reference to Vlad the Impaler) until they found one containing a flag that they could trade for their next clue.

Hermione/Luna: GYPSY MOVES
Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash: GYPSY MOVES
Sheldon/Leonard: GYPSY MOVES
Gandalf/Saruman: VAMPIRE REMAINS

Highlights of the GYPSY MOVES:
* Bert is very good at organizing the cart but they fall a little behind because Ernie spooks the horses with his rubber ducky.
*Leonard and Sheldon do the best because they treat it like a game of Tetris, with precision.
*Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash get exercise because they decide to pull the cart themselves.

Lowlights of the GYPSY MOVES:
*Frodo accidentally falls into a trunk and Sam locks him in. Then says "Mr Frodo? Mr Frodo? Damn I need those detectives to solve the mystery of the missing Frodo. " He eventually hears banging on the trunk and opens it to find Frodo.
*Chewbacca and Han fall behind because Chewy packed Han's hat.

"Man, "says Hermione, "this is just like packing for Hogwarts."
"Hey Rubber Ducky, say Hello to these cute little horsies." says Ernie.
"Mwrorrrrr urghrrr rnnnnh " "Yeah I know I've got hat hair, that's why we have to find it." "mwrorrrr urghrrr rnnnnnnnh rrrrrrr" (Translated as: What are you worried about, Daphnne has enough hair product for all of us."


Highlights of the Vampire Remains Detour:
*Freddy and Jason have no problem looking like they have dragged a coffin once or twice before.
*Freddy and Jason excel at impaling the frames. They look like they have had a lot of practice.
*Daphnne and Velma struggle at first to move the coffin but then Velma produces a handful of Scooby snacks and they pull it all the way to the finish where they impale the frames.

Lowlights of the Vampire Remains Detour:
* Homer accidentally backs into one of the stakes poking himself in the butt.
* While Batman and Robin are smashing the frames, Saruman sneaks up on them and closes the coffin lid, catching Batman's cape, holding them up for a few extra minutes.
*At the mention of steaks, the food kind, Gandalf and Saruman get hungry so they steal some of Daphnne and Velma's scooby snacks.
*Gandalf and Saruman put a cheese wheel from the first leg of the race in Luke and Leia's coffin. When Luke and Leia try to lift it, but they can't do it very well and have to go very slowly.

" Man I thought there were going to be steaks here, not wooden sticks. I brought my HP sauce and everything." says Barney "DOH" says Homer.
Luke"Leaping Lightsabers Leia, what's this cheese wheel doing in the coffin?"
Robin" Those wizards are pulling a caper on us, Batman!"
Daphnne " Zowie Wowie Velma, this reminds me of the case of the coughing coffin!"


Sheldon and Leonard engage in a foot race with Homer and Barney. Barney stops to pick up his steak that he got on the way and Sheldon and Leonard reach the mat first. "Sheldon and Leonard you're team #1!" to which Sheldon replies "Wow Adam, did you see our good man Leonard here run? He was like a little jackrabbit. Leonard, I didn't think you had it in you." Adam tells them that as the winners they have won for their excellent speed and packing abilities, Tetris for the PS2 and some luggage AND a ticket to Equestria where the my little ponies live.

Nobody is more surprised than Homer and Barney when they come to the pit stop and are told by Adam they're in 2nd place. Adam compliments Homer on his perfect 10 in gymnastics. Barney says "What?We're still in the race?Let's celebrate " He and Homer have another beer to go with their steak.

Freddy and Jason arrive at the pit stop in 3rd place. When the producers asked Adam what he thought of this team he told them "Oh they're a scream."

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash show jump their way into 4th place. "Yay!"

Chewbacca and Han come into 5th place. Chewy says "Mwrorrr Urghrrr Rnnnhhhh rnnnnh urghrrrr rnnnh " (translation: Next time keep your hat on your head unless you want to show off that wicket hat hair") Chewy grabs Han's hat and runs off the mat.

Ernie and Bert arrive in 6th place. "Hey Bert, hey Bert we made it."

Hermione and Luna packed their way to Hogwarts and apparate into 7th place. They high five each other and say "Now that's how you pack, sister!"

Frodo and Sam and Gandalf and Saruman also have a foot race. But the wizards grab the hobbits and leap frog their way over the top of them , into 8th place. "However,"says Adam "You sabotaged three other teams. You have incurred a 30 minute penalty which you will have to wait out until I can check you in." The wizards debate turning into a frog, a fruit basket or a pogo stick, but decide not to in case they incur a further penalty for sabotaging the host.

Frodo and Sam are excited to be Team #8. They set off a dragon firework that flies around the elimination mat and ends up lighting the wizard's robes on fire to which all the other teams laugh and clap, except Freddy and Jason. Gandalf grabs a fire extinguisher and puts out Saruman while they wait out their 30 minute penalty.

Daphnne and Velma run into 9th place sweating like crazy but with their hair still looking perfect from Daphnne's gel.

"Gandalf and Saruman,"says Adam "You can now check in." And they check into 10th place and skip off the mat.

Batman and Robin got held up because they had to get Batman's cape fixed. "Batman and Robin"says Adam "I am sorry to tell are team #11!" "Walloping Wizards, Batman, we're still in the race!"

A dejected Luke and Leia make their way to the checkin mat knowing that they are in last place. "Luke and Leia," says Adam "You are the last team to arrive. We're terribly sorry the force wasn't with you this time. But as a consolation prize, here is some penne all'arribiata courtesy of Mr Stevens from the Death Star Canteen. "

"This episode of the Amazing Race was brought to you by the Death Star Canteen and Mr Steven's Catering Truck. (To learn more about the Death Star Canteen please check out the following link :

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Elimination Station #2 Ross and Rachel arrive

Jeremy Kyle and Oprah sit outside sipping cocktails, waiting for the next eliminated team to arrive. They are frustrated with each other as they have interviewed each other multiple times. They hear a taxi. They decide to wait to see who comes through the door. And are surprised to see Ross and Rachel.

As Jeremy Kyle and Oprah thought that Luke and Leia would be eliminated next, they are surprised to see Ross and Rachel and ask them what happened.

"Well Jeremy Kyle and Oprah,"says Rachel."You aren't going to believe those shady sorcerers. They really were our biggest downfall."

"Yeah,"says Ross, "they're ruthless racers. They make Freddy and Jason look like choir boys. I know I ticked them off when I crashed into them but their use of magic to get back at us was excessive and Rachel and I are glad to see that they got a penalty for that."

Rachel and Ross hope that the force will remain with Luke and Leia so that the wizards are out of the race. They want Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to do well because they think friendship really is magic, better than shady sorcerer magic anyway.

Oprah would like to see Bert and Ernie win because Bert is a member of her Book of the Month Club and Ernie is a member of her children's book of the month club.

Jeremy Kyle wants Freddy and Jason to win because he thinks they are all misunderstood. "And Oprah and I don't want competition from another more bloody kind of elimination station"

Elimination Interview with Ross and Rachel

We're here with Ross and Rachel whose hoover encounter cost them the race.

How do you feel about being eliminated?
Ross: Well it could've been worse, we could've been eliminated by Freddy and Jason.

How much time did the pogo stick situation cost you?
Rachel: It cost us about 15 minutes and that was just enough time for the wizards to push us out of the race.

How do you feel about what Gandalf and Saruman did?
Rachel: Obviously, we're not happy, well duh, they cost us the race.

Ross: It's lousy my back hurts from all the pogo hopping we did, Rachel, you really need to lose some weight.

Rachel: Ross!(smack)

**Stay tuned as Rachel and Ross go to the villa.

Amazing Race Contest Episode 2 Recap

Teams are headed to Munich, Germany. Once they get there they must drive themselves to the village of Ruhpolding and ride in a cable car to the top of the mountain. Once there, they will receive their next clue.
Because Hermione and Luna came in first, they are first to depart. The rest of the tea

ms will follow in the order they arrived. They are all off to the airport. While in the car the teams use mobile phones to call up the airlines. Somehow, Freddy and Jason call Chewbacca and Han Solo so Han pretends to be an airline travel person. Luckily for them, Freddy and Jason think that it was a mistake on their part so the Wookie is safe: that was a close shave.
Teams get on flights and are on their way. They make their way to Ruhpolding and find their next clue.

This is the team's first ROADBLOCK. Who is ready to fly like an eagle? In this roadblock teams must paraglide with an instructor. The jump is more than 6,000 feet. Their partner must take the gondola back down the mountain and wait. If it's unsafe teams have the option of running do

The teams decide among themselves who will go for the roadblock.wn the hill.

Daphnne: Fred! Save me! Save me and my hair!
Ernie:Hey Bert watch me fly. Watch me fly, Bert.
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Bert you should try this too Bert it's fun!
Freddy: Jason slices some holes in Freddy's paraglider so that he plummets to the bottom of the hill gaining some extra time for Freddy and Jason.
Han Solo: I wish I had my millenium falcon here. Where's the warp speed button on this baby?
Luke: Hey Leia, if I can fly an X-wing fighter through a tiny hole in the Death Star Canteen this should be a piece of cake.
Homer:Homer paraglides through the drive-thru of a donut shop. Mmmmm Donuts, mmmmm. He flies over Bert with the donut box and a donut falls on Bert's head. Ernie comes up to Bert. "Hey Bert, I like your new hat, Bert."
"Ernie! Get this thing off me!"
"Sure thing Bert." And proceeds to eat the donut off the top of Bert's head "Mmmm that was delicious. Got any more?"
Bert puts Ernie in a chokehold, prompting Freddy and Jason to say to one another "Guess we'll be seeing them on the next Jeremy Kyle show."
Hermione: Hermione says that this is just as easy as flying a broom.
Fluttershy: Fluttershy flies. She tries to rescue all the birds she sees on her way down.
Frodo: "Oh, Sam, hobbits should always have their feet on the ground not the air...ARRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "Wow,"says Sam, "I didn't know Frodo could scream like a little girl."
Saruman: "FOR NARNIAAAAAAAAAAAAA AND FOR ASLANNNNNNNNNNN.....Oh wait wrong movie." Gandalf says"Oh fool of a wizard. Why don't you rid me of your stupidity?"
Sheldon: "Leonard and Penny, Leonard and Penny, Leonard and that I've calculated the precise wind speed and nose tilt angle this is actually kind of liberating. "
Ross: "Rachel I'm scared! I'm scared!" Rachel acts all sexy "Come on you big boy,"she says kissing him on the cheek. He jumps off.
Robin: Batman says to Robin "Remember everything I taught you about flying the bat jet!!!" Robin leaps off yelling "But I only have my learner's permit!"

Placing of the Teams:

Han Solo and Chewy are in 1st: They found a warp drive button and pulled into second place.
Freddy and Jason are in 2nd. Freddy gets mad after a quick descent to the bottom. He yells at Jason. And says that doesn't Jason remember what they learned on the Jeremy Kyle show. Jason yells back that he was just trying to give them a competitive edge.
Daphnne and Velma are currently in 3rd because Daphnne had to stop to fix her hair.
Barney and Homer: Barney and Homer are in 4th due to running on Donut Power.
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash: They are in 5th and now have lots of bird fr
Ernie and Bert: They fall to 6th place due to the donut dilemma.
Sheldon and Leonard: Sheldon calculated such a perfect angle and demonstrated a perfect landing allowing him and Leonard to make 7th place.
Luke and Leia: He tried to fly his glider into a tiny hole in the Death Star's Canteen so he could get some Penne All'Arriabiata and he fell to 8th place.
Hermione and Luna: They fell to 9th place. All Hermione had to say about that was oopsie, maybe it's not flying a broom after all.
Frodo and Sam: After being blown off course by 100 metres, Frodo and Sam bring up 10th place.
Batman and Robin: Robin screams "Batman we never covered parking" and promptly crashed the glider. Batman should've remembered that the last time he tried to teach Robin to drive he had to take the Batmobile to the repair shop. They are Team #11
Gandalf and Saruman: They come in 12th because Ross accidentally cut them off causing them to crash and Saruman turned Ross into a
pogo stick so Rachel rides the pogo stick to the detour where she convinces Gandalf to change him back.
Rachel and Ross: Are in 13th place. See above.

Teams now have to drive themselves to Schonau Am Konigsee. Once there they will have their first DETOUR. In this detour teams have the choice between BALANCING DOLLY or AUSTRIAN FOLLY. In Balancing Dolly teams must ride a Segway along a 2 mile obstacle course. At the end of the course they'll receive their next clue. In Austrian Folly teams
must go into a party tent and throw pies at a target. What they don't know is

The teams choose their detours.that the target is their partner's face. They must take turns smacking each other in the face until they find a pie with a cherry centre. The band leader will give them their next clue.

Chewy and Han Solo: They choose the pies because Chewy is hungry. He hopes it's an eating contest.
Daphnne and Velma: They choose the segways.
Luke and Leia: They choose the segways.
Barney and Homer: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm pies.
Ernie and Bert: Due to their biker gang, they choose the segways.
Hermione and Luna: They choose the segways
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash: They choose the pies.
Freddy and Jason: They choose the pies.
Frodo and Sam: They choose the segways
Gandalf and Saruman: They choose the pies.
Leonard and Sheldon: They choose the pies due to Sheldon's terrible video game driving skills.
Ross and Rachel: They head to the pies after the wizards.
Batman and Robin: They do the segways.



* Ernie and Bert admit that they are part of a renegade biker gang in Sesame Street, cruising the sesame streets. They tell others that the gang is the Alphabet Blockheads. They do wheelies on their segways.


*Robin crashes causing Batman to ask him "where did you get your licence? Out of a cereal box?" Robin promptly says "You should know you gave it to me."

*Frodo and Sam stand on each others shoulders and keep falling down. This prompts Sam to argue with Frodo to which Frodo replies "Don't get short with me!"


Luke and Leia "I wonder how Han is doing at the pie contest.I hope Chewy hasn't eaten all the pies."
Hermione"Nice segway."

And now the pie contest.


*Barney and Homer do exceptionally well at the pie challenge. Homer catches the pies in his mouth then opens his mouth to show Barney "Seefood" "Mmmmmm Seefood"
*In a genius move, Freddy and Jason replace the knife blades in Freddy's glove, with pie lifters, giving them a competitive edge.


Chewbacca has cheesed off Freddy and Jason. Freddy and Jason are mad because they've been running down wind from Chewbacca who is still feeling the effect of being lactose-intolerant and eating all that cheese. To get back at Chewy Freddy and Jason give him a haircut: a reverse mohawk. When Chewy complains they say they took lessons from their good friend Sweeney Todd. Han Solo says to Chewy "Well you know what they say, they're a cut above us. Let's get back in the race."

*The ponies get tangled up and get pie stuck in their hooves and end up sliding around the detour with pie tins stuck on their feet.

*Gandalf and Saruman and Rachel and Ross get held up as Rachel tries to convince them to turn Ross back to his human form instead of a pogo stick form.

Leonard"Sheldon! Where's my lactase?"
Sheldon"Leonard I have observed that you can tolerate small amounts of nonfat ice cream without producing a noxious gas.So eat the dang pie"
Leonard"I don't want to end up like that furry fart machine.

The teams then go to a woodcutters and get a piece of wood stamped with their next clue.

Once teams have their clue they can proceed to the Schloss Hellbrunn which is the pit stop on this leg of the race. The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

Teams get their wood and head to the pit stop. At the pit stop a woman named Yvonne is standing there near Adam wearing a t-shirt with the words Jeremy Kyle superfan across it and holding a sign saying "Bring back Jeremy Kyle" and she offers to race with him in place of Oprah.


Chewy's new haircut has made him more aero-dynamic, shaving minutes off their time, allowing them to come in 1st to the pit stop.
Han Solo says "Does anyone know where I can get a wookie steam-clean? This guy has cherry pie filling and cheese stuck in his fur?"
"Well,"says Adam "As the winners of this leg of the race, you've won complimentary dry-cleaning services from the ABC Cleaning Company!And a one year supply of cherry pie. "

A footrace occurs between Ernie and Bert and Freddy and Jason. To try and slow Ernie and Bert down, Freddy hits Bert in the back of the head with a pie but it doesn't work and Ernie and Bert segway into second.

"Ernie!"says Bert "Get this thing off me."
"Hey Bert,"says Ernie "I like your berry Beret Bert."
"Ernie get this thing off me."
"Sure thing Bert."
Nyom Nyom Nyom.
Ernie says to Han and Chewy "Can we get Bert's head steam cleaned?Because he's starting to smell like a wookie."
"ERNIE!!!!Don't let a pie hit me!"

Freddy and Jason slide into 3rd place. Adam stands surrounded by bodyguards. Adam says "How do you feel about being third?"
"We'd kill for second or first,"says Jason.

Homer and Barney bellyflop into 4th place. Adam asks how they did and they say it was a piece of cake, or a piece of pie.

Hermione and Luna magic their way into 5th place.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash come in 6th place, looking a little pie-eyed.

Leonard and Sheldon make their way to the pit stop. Adam says "Sheldon and Leonard you're team number #7!"
"See,"says Sheldon "You were okay after those pies. You haven't yet produced a noxious gas."
Leonard answers his comment by saying "Sheldon I've been clenching all the way. I can't hold it anymore!" and with that he does a huge fart. Sheldon faints and Adam and Leonard pull Sheldon off the mat and Han Solo says "Man and I thought the wookie was bad."

In a dynamic duel for 8th and 9th place, the hobbits bunnyhopped the blundering Batman and the Boy Wonder who crashed and rolled into 8th place. Adam asks them how they feel about coming in higher than they did last week. To which Sam replies "Well we got a bit short with each other but we're good now." The hobbits dance off the the elimination mat.

After a rough ride, where Robin knocked over all the local's letterboxes, a ruffled Batman and Robin secure 9th place. Adam asks them what went wrong on this leg of the race. Robin says "Batman, I think I need more practice in the Batmobile" to which Batman says "No way" and walks off mad. "Hey Bert," says Ernie "Do you think they'll end up on the Jeremy Kyle show?"

Daphnne and Velma got sidetracked on their segways by some mysterious reason but still managed to come in 10th. "Jinkies,"says Velma.

Luke and Leia come in 11th place. "Looks like the force has saved you yet again,"says Adam. "Lucky Lightsabers Leia,"says Luke, "We did it again." They high five each other and walk off the mat.

Gandalf and Saruman got held up by the pogo stick situation with Rachel and Ross, as they try to find the right spell to change Ross back. Ross was turned into one or two different things until they finally got it right. They cast a spell to get to the pit stop faster and received a 15 minute penalty for excessive use of magic. "We're wizards,"says Gandalf, "What else are we supposed to do?" But they still claim 12th place.

After several transformations including a pogo stick, a rubber ducky(courtesy of Ernie), a fruit basket and a hoover, a dishevelled Ross and Rachel walk to the pit stop. Ross lost his shoes and had to walk barefoot. Adam says "Ross and Rachel, you are the last team to arrive. I am sorry to tell you you have both been eliminated from the race. How do you feel?" A teary, whimpering Ross says "My feet are killing me and it really sucks to be a hoover!" To which Rachel puts her arm around Ross and says "Well Ross, you're still a great friend. "

Adam gets on his segway and is joined by Bert and Ernie the leaders of the Alphabet Blockheads, as they segway off into the sunset they unroll a banner behind them that says "This episode of the Amazing Race was brought to you by the letters F and U and by the number 2. " The three turn around and wink at the producers.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Commercial #2

Our second commercial is hitting youtube. Stay tuned. And please vote to We'd love to hear from you. If you hate us or love us(though if you hate us we may send Freddy and Jason to do some damage control) :P

Anyway we're working on commercials and promoting the blog.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Elimination Station with Jeremy and Oprah

After Leg 1 Jeremy Kyle and Oprah are the first teams to be sequestered at the villa. They arrive. After they have an intensive interview with each other(and try to steal each other's talk show host skills) the two of them ponder who will be eliminated next.

Losing Team Prediction.
Jeremy Kyle predicts that Luke and Leia will be next as they seem to be confused a lot like thinking Yoda was Yodel. He is concerned that Freddy and Jason might be a potential threat to other teams as they seem to have their own elimination station wherever they go.

Oprah thinks that Homer and Barney will be next because they are always intoxicated. She tells Jeremy Kyle that if they are out next, she will get Dr Phil to talk to them about the dangers of alcohol blood pressure and high blood pressure from excessive donut consumption.

Both teams hope that Homer and Barney are out next so that they can party with them at the villa. Also so they can interview them and gain some new fans.

Team they want to win.
Oprah hopes that Batman and Robin will win. She likes their athletic prowess plus they look good in their underwear. Or maybe she would like Ernie and Bert to win because they seem nice and they asked for her autograph.

Jeremy Kyle hopes that Frodo and Sam as the underdogs will win even though he thinks it will be a stretch for them to reach the finish line.But then again they might surprise us and those little people might come up with a big finish.

Stay tuned for the next episode.

Just a note

If you have gmail or some variant you can click "Follow" Or "Google connect" to get instant updates from us.

We may need some future staff due to some things happening here. And stay tuned because the commercial for this episode is coming. Who is ready? And we're sure that Freddy and Jason will keep slicing their clues open after all it's been a slice so far. Stay tuned and remember: we love comments!

My co-blogger has been great. Thanks to Bill for the comedy gold and helping me write these recaps. We'll keep producing the episodes as long as we have our audience. :) And if you want the blog to keep going then VOTE.

Voting format should be like this or something similar.

ELIMINATE:(quite ironic considering we have Freddy and Jason)

Also you should let us know if you would like an "Elimination Station" where you can see what the teams eliminated are doing(though knowing Jeremy Kyle and Oprah it's not much)

But anyway thanks readers

Peace out

Adam (And Bill)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Elimination Interview with Jeremy Kyle and Oprah

We're here with eliminated team Jeremy Kyle and Oprah to ask them some questions.

How do you feel about being the first team out of the race?

Jeremy Kyle:Well it's disappointing but we got some new material for the next Jeremy Kyle show.

Oprah: Well you know Adam I own the network. I'll be back on again next week.

Who did you think would be the first team out?

Jeremy Kyle: Anybody but us!

Oprah: When we saw Luke and Leia go off course looking for some guy named Yoda we felt for sure we'd beat them.

Where do you think it all went wrong for you?
Jeremy Kyle: I think it started with the fans.

Oprah: I guess we shouldn't have stopped to sign all those autographs but how could I disappoint my fans? They all love me.

When will fans be able to see the teams on the Jeremy Kyle show?
Jeremy Kyle: We're hoping to air it next week.

Oprah: And don't forget those cheese wheels under your chair if you're in the studio.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 5 commercial

Can you believe we're up to Week 6 already? :) Through pie fights and cheese wheels and those ruthless racers who brought our ratings up last week, we're almost halfway through the race!

We're here!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Episode #1 Recap

All the teams line up.

Adam the host: Welcome everyone. In just a few minutes our teams will leave on a race around the world. There is a clue waiting on your bags. When I give the word you can run over to your bags and open the clue. Read the clue and jump into one of the parked cars. Our teams will be racing for 1 million dollars. Is everybody ready? No? The world is waiting for you although I don't know if they're ready for you. GO!

Freddy and Jason are first to the clue. After a fight to get the clue Freddy slices it open. They're off to Zocano, Switzerland. Barney falls over drunk and knocks Homer into the bags. Homer opens the clue. Jeremy Kyle and Oprah interview their bag on the whereabouts of their missing clue. Velma and Daphnne solve the mystery and give Jeremy Kyle and Oprah the clue. Ernie and Bert are lagging behind as Ernie has lost his rubber ducky.

Eventually the teams get to the airport. Freddy and Jason get held up by the metal detectors but they manage to get through.

On the first flight departing, teams are:
Ernie and Bert
Freddy and Jason
Jeremy Kyle and Oprah
Daphnne and Velma
Homer and Barney
Chewbacca and Han Solo
Fluttershy and Rainbo
w Dash

On the second flight teams are:
Luke and Leia
Rachel and Ross
Batman and Robin
Gandalf and Saruman
Frodo and Sam
Hermione and Luna
Sheldon and Leonard

When the first flight lands teams are off on the train to Zurich.

When the second flight lands teams will catch their train in Milan.

At the train station in Milan, Rachel and Ross miss their train because Ross is whining about carrying all the luggage. Rachel tells him to shut up and hands him another piece of luggage to carry. They have to wait for the next train.

The first train is in Switzerland now.

When teams make it to Locarno they get a clue which tells them to go to the Church of San Antonio where they will sign a registrar and get a message from the priest.

The first team to make it to the registrar is Chewbacca and Han Solo and they sign in for the 7:15 am train. Ernie and Bert are next on the 7.15 am train followed by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and Daphnne and Velma.

The first team to sign in for the 7:30 am train is Jeremy Kyle and Oprah. Freddy and Jason and Homer and Barney sign up.

Meanwhile the other train has only just arrived. Sheldon and Leonard get the last seats on the 7.30 am train.

On the last train leaving at 7:45 is everybody else.

Teams get a picture and they're off to the Versazca Dam. They're off in their taxis.

Now it's time for the ROADBLOCK: Who has nerves of steel?

Chewbacca and Han Solo open the clue. To complete this roadblock one team member must do a death defying 70,000 foot bungee jump.

The team members performing the roadblock are:
Chewbacca : Han Solo pushes Chewbacca into doing it. Come on you big furball. As Chewy jumps all you can hear is the echo of MWRORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Ernie: Ernie volunteers to do it. Before Ernie jumps he hands Bert the rubber ducky then leaps off saying WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Bert you should try it this is fun.
Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash just leaps off. She has no fear of heights.
Velma: Daphnne and Velma are scared. Zoinks. After a quick game of rock, paper, scissors Velma says Jinkies I guess I'll go. She leaps off with her eyes closed.

The teams on the 7:30 train have arrived now and they're deciding who will do the roadblock.
Barney: They argue for a bit before Homer bribes Barney with duff beer. Barney jumps. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP is all anyone can hear.
Jeremy Kyle: He just jumps. Boring. Next.
Leonard: Before he jumps Sheldon tells him the statistical probability of something going wrong. Leonard is scared but he jumps anyway he yells "PENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNY"
Jason: Freddy and Jason argue over who is going to jump. Freddy says "Jason your shoes untied" then puts the bungee cord around his ankle as he bends down and pushes him over the side creating a new movie sequel Freddy v.s Jason 2.

The 7:45 train gets in.
Batman: Batman jumps. He has no fear and uses his own bat bungee for his utility belt.
Rachel: Ross and Rachel argue about who is going to jump. Rachel says "Ok, you big baby" and she jumps.
Gandalf: Gandalf and Saruman decide to flip a coin to see who jumps. But since they don't have any coins they toss Frodo in the air. Saruman wins the toss. Gandalf jumps. "Fly, you fools!"
Sam: Sam jumps because Frodo is dizzy from the coin toss.
Luna: Luna jumps.
Luke Skywalker: Luke jumps and Leia shouts "May the force be with you!"

The team catches transport to Interlaken, Switzerland to perform their next task. Transport 200 pounds of cheese down a hill. When teams have stacked all 200 pounds of cheese they will receive their next clue.

Highlights of the Cheese Task
*Oprah does well with the cheese task. After getting it to the bottom of the hill she gives it away to her audience after it's stacked.
*Bert and Ernie get extra points for Bert's incredibly organized cheese stacking.
*Homer and Barney slide down the hill with the cheese on the stomachs.

Lowlights of the Cheese Task
*Chewbacca eats the cheese in the run to the bottom of the hill and manage to convince the judges that they still transported it to the bottom of the hill, just inside Chewbacca, therefore they avoid any penalties.
* Freddy and Jason prove themselves quite adept at cheese-slicing.
* The cheese was as big as Frodo and Sam and it takes both of them to carry one cheese down the hill.

Quotations (Famous Quotes)

Han Solo: Chewbacca you're not supposed to eat the cheese

Luna: What do you call cheese that doesn't belong to you?
Hermione: Nacho Cheese.

Bert: Ernie! Ernie! Don't let a cheese hit me!

Frodo: Sam! That cheese is as big as you!

Batman: Robin think about the yoga classes we do!

Leonard: Why are you wearing gloves?
Sheldon: I can't touch that cheese with my bare hands. It's a rolling ball of bacteria!

Chewy and Han Solo finish the cheese task first. Teams that finish the cheese task can now make their way to the pit stop at Stechelberg. Once there they have to listen for a group of yodellers who will lead them to the pit stop.

Chewy is sluggish after eating the cheese and can't move very fast. This annoys Han Solo. He starts yelling insults Furball. Fleabag. Cheeseroller.

Meanwhile Ernie and Bert surge ahead. In a surprising turn of events Hermione and Luna sweep past all the competition on their brooms. They handle the cheese like they're in a big Quidditch match.

Hermione and Luna sweep their way in fact, all the way to the checkin mat where they find Adam standing at the pit stop looking annoyed at all the yodelling."Hermione and Luna, you're Team #1!" They dance and get all excited. "As the winners of this leg of the race you'll each receive a CD of The Latest Yodelling hits by Cheese ball and Swiss Cheesey with Guest Star Brie Camembert!" "I LOVE THEM!" says Luna.

Ernie and Bert make their way to Adam. "Ernie and Bert, you're team number #2!" Ernie and Bert high five each other and dance around Adam. Adam is not amused.Ernie and Bert sing "Rubber Ducky you're the one" and force Adam to pet the rubber ducky. Adam is not amused. Adam sends them off the mat to their mandatory rest period/ get out of my face rest place.

Freddy and Jason may have eliminated several citizens on their way to the pit stop. Adam stands quite a few feet back as they come to the check in mat. "Freddy and Jason you are team #3!" Freddy and Jason tell Adam that it's been a slice so far.

Han Solo and Chewbacca got held up. Chewbacca started coughing up cheese balls and is still on the slow side. Adam says "Han Solo and Chewbacca you are Team #4!" Han Solo says "Have you ever tried cleaning cheese out of a wookie's fur?" Chewbacca"Mwrorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Han Solo" Who knew that wookies could be lactose intolerant? We could've been first you furry, farting flea bag!!!!!"*

*Han Solo and Chewbacca will appear on the Jeremy Kyle show to talk about how cheese drove a wedge between their friendship. Adam: Funny, I didn't know cheese could drive. Producers: ADAM!!!

Checking in behind Han and Chewy are Homer and Barney! Adam says"Homer and Barney, you're team #5!" Their response? "Mmmmmmmmm, cheese. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP" Adam"That's amazing. That burping in sync. Can you teach me?"Barney, Adam and Homer "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP" Producers"ADAM we're warning you!"

Following closely behind Barney and Homer is Batman and Robin. They reach Adam and check in as Team #6. Robin"Flaming Fondo Forks, Batman, that was a lot of cheese" Batman"Luckily we did all that yoga."

Checking in shortly after Batman and Robin is the ponies! Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash check in Team #7. They smoked the cheese challenge. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" says Rainbow Dash. "Yay" says Fluttershy. "Louder!"says Rainbow Dash."Yay!" "Louder!" "GAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSP.....Yay"

Not far behind is Sheldon and Leonard. "Sheldon and Leonard you're Team #8!" Sheldon: "According to my calculations ever since encountering Chewbaca that cheese went from solid, to liquid to gas in record time, Leonard"

Daphnne and Velma check in as Team #9. Adam says "Daphnne and Velma you're Team #9!" They say "Well Adam, we solved the mystery of the missing week we'll solve the case of the missing knees" Adam"So that's where my cheese got to..." Producers"ADAM!"

Saruman races ahead of Gandalf to the checkin mat. "You shall not pass," yells Gandalf. He forces Saruman back so they step on the mat together. Adam says "Gandalf and Saruman, you're Team #10!" **

**Gandalf and Saruman will also be on the Jeremy Kyle show to talk about the road rules of passing.

Rachel and Ross find the pit stop. "Rachel and Ross, you're Team #11!" Ross smiles and says to Adam "After going through mud, sweat and cheese, we're still friends." Rachel nods in agreement.

Frodo and Sam head to the pit stop looking dejected. It took them about an hour to carry one cheese. Adam looks down at them. They are too short to even look in the eye. "Frodo and Sam," says Adam. "I am sorry to tell are still in the race" Frodo and Sam look at each other shocked. They were sure they were in last. They dance and high five each other. Even going through a hobbit toss again is worth it. They are Team #12

Luke and Leia wasted 10 minutes looking for Yoda instead of yodelling but they come in and they make it to Adam. Adam looks at them "Luke and Leia, you're team #13!" "Oh wow!"says Luke , "The force was strong enough to keep us in the race!" Leia"Now we know what yodel is!"

Jeremy Kyle and Oprah make it to Adam. "Jeremy Kyle and Oprah, I am sorry to tell you you are the last team to arrive. You have both been eliminated from the race. " Oprah says " Well Adam we did our best and we had lots of fan support and we're sorry we won't be going on. But as a consolation prize those audience members sitting in the studio if you just check under your chairs you'll see a gift certificate for a 100 pound cheese wheel for everyone in Oprah's audience today. " Jeremy Kyle says "Adam those other contestants better be careful of that team Jason and Freddy because this is what happens when people aren't hugged enough as children they grow up to be vicious killers like Freddy and Jason. Freddy and Jason come on my show and we'll get you the help you need. You can make that change"***

***Stay tuned for Freddy and Jason on the Jeremy Kyle show.

Jeremy Kyle and Oprah came in last because on their way to the pit stop, Oprah and Jeremy got stopped by adoring fans and ended up signing autographs for about 20 minutes putting them in last place and Oprah, being one to never disappoint her fans couldn't resist.

Adam the host says "Join us next week as 13 teams race around the world for 1 million dollars. Oh and by the way producers,"he screams, "It's NACHO cheese producers, NACHO cheese!" as he rolls a giant cheese wheel off the set.

On the next episode of the Amazing Race Chewbacca has cheesed off his competitors once again. You know what they say Chewy, cheese goes well with grapes.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

First Episode is coming soon!

Coming up on the Amazing Race this week. Join our teams in their first competition. Early favorites going into the race are Ernie and Bert and Barney and Homer.

The 14 teams depart from a training base in Los Angeles and make their way to Switzerland. And something goes wrong for one team during a cheese task.

Stay tuned for the recap and make sure you get those votes into :

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Amazing Race Contest Teams

Welcome to our first Amazing Race Contest. Where YOU the reader get to decide on the fate of these teams. After the votes come through there will be a recap of what happened in this episode of The Amazing Race. So here we are. 14 teams are competing for 1 million dollars.

To vote, please send an email to me at with the teams you want to WIN and the team you want eliminated. The team with the most votes for win or lose either wins the leg or will be eliminated from the race. Voting closes on THURSDAY NZ time(Wednesday Canada/US time)

Comment about your predictions, on your favourite teams and the teams you don't think you'll like. We'll check the email box over the weekend and the week and the recap of what happened will be posted on Friday NZ time(Thursday US/Canada time)

Let's meet the teams.

Team Relationship: Father/Daughter
Jeremy Kyle
Occupation: Talk show host

Occupation: Talk show host

Team Relationship: Roommates/Best Friends
Occupation: Lab assistant

Occupation: Genius

Team Relationship: Brother/sister(possibly incestuous)

Occupation: Jedi

Occupation: Bikini model/princess

Team Relationship: Drinking buddies

Homer Simpson
Occupation: Donut eater

Barney Gumble
Occupation: Beer drinking + professional belcher

Team Relationship: Mutual Enemies

Occupation: Good Wizard

Occupation: Bad Wizard.....very bad wizard

Team Relationship: Friends
Occupation: Whining

Occupation: Professional Shopper

Team Relationship: Friends
Occupation: Solving mysteries(in a dumb way)

Occupation: Solving mysteries(in a smart way)

Team Relationship: Superhero + sidekick
Occupation: Crime fighter

Occupation: Underwear model/boy wonder

Team Relationship: Gambling Buddies
Occupation: Couch model/ bounty hunter

Han Solo
Occupation: Used car salesman/bounty hunter

Team Relationship: Gay lovers

Occupation: Ballerina/Organizer

Occupation: Rubber Ducky Salesman

Team Relationship: Eloped
Occupation: Jeweller

Occupation: Unemployed

Team Relationship: Nerds

Occupation: Student

Occupation: Student

Team Relationship: Pony friends
Occupation: Animal Caregiver

Rainbow Dash
Occupation: Rainbow making/racer

Team Relationship: Badass villains

Occupation: Nightmare causer/Knife Sharpener truck driver

Occupation: Disgruntled hockey goalie