Thursday, October 27, 2011

Elimination Station #3 Luke and Leia arrive

Jeremy Kyle and Oprah and Rachel and Ross are waiting for the next team to arrive. Oprah and Jeremy Kyle got excellent interview material from Ross after his pogo stick incident. They wait to see who will come and are not all that surprised to see Luke and Leia.

"What happened to guys?" asks Oprah.

Luke and Leia explain that they were sabotaged by the wizards and that they put some junk in their trunk i.e a cheese wheel in their coffin. They go onto explain that the wizards all sabotaged Batman and Robin and sort of the hobbits.

"What?" says Ross "Those ruthless racers, they've done it again."

Jeremy Kyle wants Freddy and Jason to win still. Oprah hopes Ernie and Bert will make her book clubs proud and come in first. Rachel and Ross want Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to win since friendship is magic. Luke is loyal to Han and Chewbacca and wants them to win. Leia also wants the force to be with Han and Chewy but she is also hopeful for the hobbits because she thinks they're cute and they remind her of Ewoks.

All unanimously agree that Gandalf and Saruman should be next out. Then they all sit around a feast of penne all'arribiata. Yum!

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