Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Amazing Race Leg #8 Recap


 The clue turned out to be for the Detour, given them a choice between Buddhist Tradition or Chinese Custom. In Buddhist Tradition, teams traveled to the Tien Kong Than Buddhist temple and carried a series of joss sticks to the top of the temple. After arranging them in the proper order, teams lit them and received their next clue. In Chinese Custom, teams traveled to Padang Kota Lama park where they participated in the Chinese New Year tradition of balancing large flags on their foreheads and then running across the esplanade. After both team members made it across the esplanade without letting the flag fall, they received their next clue.

Beastly and No Heart
Dr Evil and Minime
Po and Shifu

Adam and Bill
Nappa and Vegeta
Michael Jackson and Whitney


*Po and Shifu: Shifu loads up Po with all the joss sticks except for one, that he uses it to smack Po in the butt with, so that he'll move up to the top of the temple faster.

*Dr Evil and Minime collect up their sticks, and start running towards the top of the temple, but not before Beastly sneakily lights their bundle of sticks on fire. "hehehe they'll never win now," Beastly says.


Shifu: look at this fat, flabby arms. *smack smack* faster, faster you flabby furbag *smack* we have to win this race! I don't know who's bigger. You or the buddha!

Po: Ow! Ow! Ow!

Dr Evil says: "Sticks and stones, throw me a freaking bone."

No Heart: Good work, Beastly. Perhaps you're not as dim witted as I thought. There could be a spark of intelligence there somewhere.
Beastly: Th-th-thank you N-n-no heart.
Beastly then proceeds to drop the joss sticks, so they have to go back to the beginning.


*Michael Jackson and Whitney are a little slow in this detour, because they did a studding performance of 'Oh say can you see, the star-spangled banner' that mesmerized and thrilled everybody. It was a brilliant performance. But after that they were off like a shot, flag waving behind them.

*Bill and Adam recover from a bumpy start, when one of them accidentally lost the flag and the other one tripped and got wrapped up in it.

*Nappa oiled his bald head for a covershoot in Vogue, so the flag keeps slipping off his head, whereas Vegeta's flag gets stuck because his hair is so pointy.

*A strange van with tinted windows ominously drives past the detour.


Adam: Hey Bill, I'm hoping Christmas comes soon, because I'm all wrapped up.

Adam: Hey Bill, there's a weird van driving around here. Do you think Freddy and Jason are back?

Vegeta: Nappa your head's like a cue ball!!!
Nappa: Well at least my head's not on point.
Michael Jackson: Heeeeehee

Roadblock, where teams asking "Whose life could use a splash of color?". One team member had to prepare a traditional Hindu offering called a float by first breaking open several coconuts in order to find one that had colored flesh. They then built the float and gave it to the waiting Gurukkal who sent it out to sea and then gave teams their next clue. The clue sent teams to the Pit Stop at George Town's Pinang Peranakan Mansion

Team Members Doing the Roadblock:
Adam: Bill yells to Adam, "get cracking!"
Shifu: Shifu uses his kung fu skills to chop the coconuts
Beastly: Beastly gets hungry and starts eating the coconuts. He eats the one with the float in it, so No Heart smacks him on the back of the head and he spits it out. "B-b-but No Heart I was going to eat that. Oh. I'm so hungry." No Heart yells, "BEASTLYYYYYYYYYYYY."
Nappa: Vegeta helps him out and cracks open a coconut on Nappa's head. "Oh thanks Vegeta, I could use a little coconut oil. Hey Vegeta. I'm using my head Vegeta." Vegeta groans.
Michael Jackson: Michael Jackson makes it musical by knocking the coconuts together and then finding the right coconut by hearing the difference in pitch.
Dr Evil: While Dr Evil is opening his coconuts, he gets a squirt of coconut milk in the eye, blinding him. "Blinded by a coconut. Can't I get a freaking break here? Someone throw me a freaking bone here."

Ernie and Bert wait at the check in mat, for the first time. Po and Shifu come running.

"Po and Shifu," says Ernie, "you're team number #1 and they have won a matching set of grass skirts and coconut bras. And also these flags with your faces on them. And a new car courtesy of Sesame Street's The Alphabet Blockheads with the licence plate PIMPED OUT PANDA"

Adam and Bill come in second, and they are followed by the mysterious van, as it whizzes past.

Michael Jackson and Whitney miss a close encounter with the van but they are team number 3

Nappa and Vegeta slide into fourth place, with coconut oil flying off Nappa's shiny head.

Dr Evil and Minime come in last and slip on the coconut oil flying from Nappa's bald head, landing on the checkin mat. "Dr Evil and Minime, you have slid into last place," bert says, "and I am sorry to tell you, that does mean you've been eliminated from the race."

Friday, December 5, 2014

Masterchef brought to you by ABC Cleaning and the Missing Bert Bureau

This year on The Amazing Race, teams take a break from the race to fuel up with food. 

Teams competing:
Rocket and Groot
Spock and Bones Mccoy
Swedish Chef and Chicken
Freddy and Jason

Adam and Bill
Vegeta and Nappa
Beastly and No Heart
Ernie and Bert

Judges: Gordon Ramsay,  Shaggy, Samwise Gamgee 

The challenge:
Each team is given a quart of heavy cream and told to whip it to stiff peaks. Whoever had the thickest cream - measured by holding the bowl upside-down over one of the judges' heads - would get an advantage for the next team challenge.

*Rocket holds the bowl and Groot uses a branch to whip up a beautiful peaked whipping cream.

*Spock and Bones take a very logical approach. Spock holds the timer in one hand and a taser in the other, tasing Bones at 10 sec intervals in order to get the right consistency.

*Bert whips up a perfect bowl of cream, with nice stiff peaks. Ernie says "hey Bert, those peaks are really pointy, just like your head." 

*Adam and Bill whip up a perfectly peaked bowl of cream but two little cat like ninjas sneak up and lick the cream bowl empty.

*Swedish Chef starts chasing the chicken with a cleaver, and accidentally knocks Vegeta and Nappa's bowl flying into the air. The bowl lands on Nappa's head, knocking him out cold. To which Vegeta says, "the whipping champion just got whipped."

*Freddy tries to whip the cream but his knife glove hand keeps cutting down the peaks. 

*No Heart turns into a tornado and gets cream all over Beastly, so he looks like the abominable snowman.


Spock and Bones: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Damnit,Spock  I'm a doctor, not a pastry chef!
Spock: *tasers him again* This argument is illogical.
Bones: You're illogical.
Spock: keep whipping, doctor!! 

Groot: I AM GROOT.
Rocket: *points to Jason's mask* I need that guy's mask, to complete this challenge.


Teams must now pour their cream over the judges head. The top three teams are Spock and Bones, Rocket and Groot and Bert and Ernie. 

Ernie and Bert go first. They turn their bowl over Shaggy's head. Shaggy looks up, and compliments them. "Aw man, those are some perfect peaks. I gotta peek a little closer." Shaggy puts his face up to the bowl and starts licking the cream out. 

Rocket and Groot go second with Samwise Gamgee. They go to pour the cream over Sam's head. While they're pouring the cream, Groot grows a flower and Sam is so in awe of it, that he completely forgets to judge them, until the cream falls on his head. 

Spock and Bones are last with Gordon Ramsay. Spock says to Gordon Ramsay, "this challenge is very illogical." Bones who is feeling ill from the effect of the taser, says, "i may throw up on you." Then Spock turns the bowl of cream over, and the cream doesn't come out. Gordon Ramsay says, "those peaks are absolutely perfect. It's like you made them in a food processor. Gentlemen you are the winners of this challenge." Spock turns to Bones and sees, "see that,. You are a food processor, not a doctor," tasing him one more time, at which point Bones vomits all over Chef Ramsay. And the chicken, trying to escape from the Swedish Chef knocks the bowl out of Spock's hands, pouring it all over Chef Ramsay. 

Gordon Ramsay wipes the vomit and cream from his face. "it took me all morning to get my hair like that." He is then to reward the winning team of this cooking challenge, with a golden spatula, a food processor, and a diamond encrusted barf bag. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Amazing Race Leg 7 Recap

Teams are now flying to Seychelles.

First up is the DETOUR This leg's Detour was Turtle Toddle or Ox Trot. In Turtle Toddle, teams had to use a banana to lure a 500-pound (230 kg), 100-year-old Aldabra Giant Tortoise across a marked path on a lawn. Once it was across the finish line, teams had to deliver a bunch of bananas to a fruit merchant 1.5 miles (2.4 km) away to receive their next clue. In Ox Trot, teams had to pull a cart to a clearing and load a pile of coconuts into it. Then, after an ox was hitched to their cart, teams had to deliver their coconuts to a fruit merchant to receive their clue. If they forgot or lost any of the coconuts, teams had to retrieve them before being allowed to continue.

Teams doing Turtle Toddle:
Adam and Bill
Michael Jaqckson and Whitney
Nappa and Vegeta

Teams doing Ox Trot:
Beastly and No Heart
Dr Evil and Minime
Frank and Rocky
Po and Shifu


*Whitney and Michael sing to the turtle, while they coax it across with the Banana Boat song by Harry Delafonte.

*For Bill and Adam: To save time, and Bill's a slow walker, Adam puts Bill on top of the turtle, but as he's coaxing the turtle with the banana, the turtle stumbles sending Bill flying face-first into the banana. The banana gets stuck in Bill's nostril and Adam has to perform a variation of the Heimlich maneuver, called the Nostril maneuver, jamming a finger into Bill's open nostril, and jumping on Bill's chest. The banana goes flying, hitting Vegeta in the back of the head.

*Vegeta is in such a hurry to finish the race, that he leaves the banana in his hair. Vegeta tries to coax the turtle with the banana. But Nappa keeps asking him, "are we there yet?", "are we there yet?", "are we there yet?" and Vegeta gets so mad, he shoves the banana in Nappa's mouth and picks up Nappa and the turtle and carries them to the end of the detour, all the while Nappa can be heard saying, with the banana in his mouth(muffled), "are we there yet?", "ar re ere yet?"

*Adam to Bill: "Wow, I should be a Nostril surgeon."
Bill: Ah Adam, I don't think they exist.
Adam: They do now.

*Michael and Whitney together, "dayooo, dayoooooo"

*Nappa says to Vegeta, "hey Vegeta. I like the way that banana parted your hair Vegeta. It's a real banana split."


*Shifu is loading the cart with the coconuts and notices that they are exceptionally light. He turns to see Po biting the top of the coconuts and sucking all the milk out of them. The lightweight coconuts help them to finish the detour first. Po has to stop and pee every few minutes because of all the coconut milk but they still reach the fruit merchant first.

*Frank and Rocky get held up, because Frank keeps insisting on trying to make coconut bras while Rocky keeps singing to Frank, "you've got a lovely bunch of coconuts"

*Dr Evil and Minime make a ramp so that Minime can put the coconuts into the cart. But Beastly sabotages it, by turning the ramp into a see-saw, and dropping a rock on one end of it, launching Minime into the air. Beastly catches him in the potato sack and hangs him in a tree. Dr Evil doesn't notice, because he has his back turned, picking up coconuts. Dr Evil can't find Minime, so he starts taking the cart without him, but them finds him hanging in a sack in a tree, and says "what are you doing hanging around? We gotta win this race."

*While Beastly has been sabotaging Dr Evil and Minime, No Heart has been doing all the work, loading the cart with coconuts and now he;s hot, sweaty and irritated. Beastly finally shows up and No Heart picks him up and throws him into the cart which causes an avalanche of coconuts and Beastly and the coconuts go rolling off screen.

Dr Evil: Can I just get a freaking evil assistant to help me move these coconuts? Someone throw me a freaking bone here.

*Beastly: It's time to sideline the competition.

*Frank and Rocky see Beastly roll past and sing, "Rolling, he's rolling down the coconut river."

*No Heart: Beastlyyyyyyy if you don't get back here, you'll be made into a coconut cream pie!!
Beastly: But n-n-n-n-o heart I don't want to be in a coconut pie.

In the leg's Roadblock, one team member had to dive into the ocean to retrieve one of seven bottles tied to a platform in the water.

Bill: Adam has such poor directional skills, that he keeps yelling Bill go left, no your other left. Bill has to stop and take frequent breaks cause water keeps going in his nostril after the banana incident. Every time he comes up, he's blowing water like a whale's blow horn which is kind of fun, so Adam has to keep reminding him to get the bottle and stop fooling around.

No Heart: No Heart turns into a sword fish and dives down to get the bottle, but when he comes back up, he looks a bit like the poster from the movie JAWS.

 Minime: Dr Evil just throws Minime down but he keeps floating back up. Dr Evil grabs him and gives him a huge squeeze. Minime gives a huge belch, and the next time he sinks and is able to grab one of the bottles and bring it back.

Frank and Rocky get into an argumen over who does this one, because Frank doesn't want to get his hair wet.

Rocky: Rocky just does it, but before he dives in, he lifts off Frank's coconut shell bra and uses the hollow coconuts to help hm swim faster.

Vegeta: Vegeta picks this roadblock, so that he can wash the banana out of his hair, but when he dives in the water, the scent of banana attracts a sea of school turtles, and he has to wrestle his way through them to get the next clue.

Whitney: She dives down, and grabs the clue while Michael Jackson tells her before she leaves, "just remember the Banana Boat song." and he sings it from above.

Po: Po runs and jumps in, doing a huge cannonball which splashes everybody The camera crew run away screaming, "Tsunami." Shifu says, "it's not a tsunami you idiots, it's Po."


Po and Shifu come running across the checkin mat, bowling over Bert and Ernie, it seems like they are being chased by a homocidal machete waving fruit merchant, who has just discovered that all the coconuts have had their milk sucked out, leaving him a cart of hollow coconuts. They run off screen with Ernie calling after them, "Hey Po and Shifu you guys are  team number one! Hey Bert you think they got the point?"

Beastly and No Heart come charging up, with No Heart the sharp nose of the sword fish, poking Beastly in the butt, pulling into second place. "Beastly and No Heart," says Ernie, "you guys are team number two. And that means you are still in the race."

Michael Jackson and Whitney moonwalk into 3rd place, singing the Banana Boat song with an army of turtles behind them.

Nappa and Vegeta go into 4th place, but as they are standing on the checkin mat, shaking Bert and Ernie's hand, Po and Shifu come running back in, and cause a huge collision. The last in the pileup is the angry fruit merchant. Ernie goes to give him a hand and accidentally pulls off his hat, revealing...that the fruit merchant is Darth Vader, who is angry about being eliminated to early last season. Ernie says, "well, don't worry Darth Vader. As a parting gift for you, we have a lovely bunch of coconuts and don't feel bad about losing. You can always try out for Amazing Race Canada." Po and Shifu collect their prize of a fruit orchard, and a lifetime supply of coconut and baanan cream pie Plus a year time's suscription to Jenny Craig." To which Shifu, "I'll give my subscription to Po, so he can be in it for two years."

Dramatic 3-way foot race between Adam and Bill, Dr Evil and Minime and Frank and Rocky. While the Chariots of Fire theme music plays.

Beastly attaches a hook to the back of Dr Evil's pants, so every time he tries to move forward, he goes back, until he goes flying back so far that he falls into Frank and Rocky, who also fall over .

Adam and Bill slide into 5th because they weren't part of the sabotage, then go to eat some coconut cream pie.

Dr Evil and Minime: Minime chews through the rope holding Dr Evil and they race into 6th place, while Dr Evil points to Beastly and mouths, "I'll get you." leaving a dramatic rivalry for the next leg of the race.

Frank and Rocky come in last, and Bert steps up saying, "Frank and Rocky. You are the last team to arrive and I am sorry to tell you, that does mean you've been eliminated from the race." Frank starts singing, "I'm going home."

Friday, July 5, 2013

Amazing Race: Leg 6 Recap

In this Roadblock, one team member had to rappel 100 feet (30 m) into the chalk cellars of the winery of Leclerc Briant to search for a bottle of champagne specially marked with a small yellow and red striped flag on the bottom amongst the riddling racks.
Team members doing the Roadblock:

Beastly: No Heart pushes Beastly down. Beastly gets out of control, and starts knocking bottles off, as he goes down he shouts, "N-n-n-n-no heart."

Big Mac: He rappels down to the bottom, looks frantically for the marked bottle and says, "it would sure be easier if these were apples. Eyup."

Bill: Bill rappels down and lands on Big Mac's back. Big Mac asks Bill to form an alliance and they work together.

Dr Evil: Dr Evil rappels down but gets stuck halfway and is left dangling midair, screaming, "someone throw me a freaking bone here."

Rocky: Rocky zips down, and in among the chaos of galloping hooves and rolling wine bottles, one of the marked bottles rolls over his foot. He grabs it and rappels back up.

Shifu: Shifu lands in the bottom of the cave, while Vegeta is throwing bottles around, trying to find the right one. Shifu grabs the bottles flying towards him and starts juggling them. In his haste, Vegeta doesn't notice he's thrown away one of the bottles with a flag on it. Shifu grabs the marked bottle, leaving the other bottles he was juggling on the floor, tripping up Vegeta.

Vegeta: Vegeta starts throwing Beastly out of his way, looking for the wine bottle. Beastly knocks Bill off Big Mac, and Nappa yells down, "hey, Vegeta, did you hear that? It's a wine bottle." Vegeta growls back, "Nappa when I get back up there, I'm going to kill to you," to which Nappa replies, "but then we'd never win the race, Vegeta."

Whitney: Whitney starts rappelling down. But Michael Jackson grabs her line, swinging her around saying "wheee Whitney, you're flying, just like Peter Pan."


Teams have a choice between Tower or Terra

In Tower, teams had to stack 680  into a 15-level pyramid with only one coupe on the top level, then pour the entire contents of a magnumTaittinger champagne onto the top of the pyramid – all without breaking any of the glasses – in order to receive their next clue.
In Terra, teams searched the 1-square-kilometre (250-acre) winter-barren Taittinger  for a cluster of wine grapesmarked with the race flag. After finding the grapes, they returned it to the harvest foreman for their next clue.
Teams doing Tower:
Beastly and No Heart
Dr Evil and Nappa
Ghost Nappa and Vegeta
Po and Shifu

Teams doing Terra:
Adam and Bill
Applejack and Big Mac
Frank and Rocky
Michael Jackson and Whitney

The Producers went through the footage and were unable to produce any highlights. We apologize for the inconvenience. This message has been brought to you by the Missing Bert Bureau. *

Po and Shifu are the first to complete their tower. Shifu jumps up Po to put the champagne in the glass, but the angle of the tower is wrong and the champagne flows into Po's mouth, making him drunk and he starts to get drunk, wobbling around with Shifu on his shoulders. Shifu rolls off the shoulders, smashing Beastly and No Heart's perfect pyramid in the process.

*No Heart asks Beastly if he knows how to pyramid. Beastly says, "nyeh-heh-heh. Of course I do, N-no heart, I've made a dozen of them." But, first he makes a square box, then he makes an upside down pyramid, then he makes a butterfly but none of them even resemble a pyramid causing No-heart to lose his temper and in his rage, he becomes a tornado and accidentally blows all the cups into a pyramid shape.

*Nappa also gets into the champagne. and starts to hiccup wildly saying, "Hic-hey Vegeta, hic, hey Vegeta hic, Vegeta-hic. It's a CHAMPANGE-hic Vegeta. He showers everyone with the champagne and says, "look Vegeta-hig it's a champagne shower, Vegeta. HIC" Vegeta gets angry and uses his energy beam to destroy the tower, invoking he and Nappa with a penalty.

*Dr Evil and Minime. Dr Evil uses his evil intellect to build the tower. But it takes him a few tries to fill the tower with champagne because he has to keep throwing Minime up in the air, along with the champagne bottle.


*Dr Evil says to Minime, "You need to stop eating all those freaking donuts. You're getting heavy."

*Another message just in from the Missing Bert Bureau: Have you seen this guy called Bert? Wait. Wrong message. None of the other contestants were available for comment, due to massive intoxication. 


*All the teams work together in one huge alliance. They pluck all the grapes and madly start stomping them to make wine. As Frank and Rocky, Michael Jackson and Whitney sing, "it's just a jump to the left, and a step to the right. You put your hands on your hips and stomp the grapes all nightttttt. And then you drink the juice that makes you insannnnne. Let's do the wine dance againnnnnnnn. Let's do the wine dance agaiiiiiiiiiiiiin." They find the race markers and celebrate with their very own Catalina wine mixer. 

Lowlights and Quotes

Another message in from the Missing Bert Bureau. Ernie can be heard cutting in, "wait a minute you're not Bert. Wait is this thing on? You haven't seen a guy who is yellow, with sticky up hair, and a stripey shirt?" Bert can be heard from behind saying, "ERNIE I AM STILL ME." before the real message cuts in to apologize for the lack of lowlights on this detour, as well as everyone being too intoxicated for any comments.


The first team to arrive is Adam and Bill. still drunk from the last challenge. "Adam and Bill," says Bert, "you're team number one!" Adam and Bill grab Ernie and Bert and polka dancing with them Adam accidentally trips over, sending Ernie and Bert onto the pit stop mat and Ernie accidentally says, "Ernie and Bert, you're team number two and that means you are still in the race." 

In the actual second place is Michael Jackson and Whitney's ghosts, who trip over Ernie and Bert. "Ernie you can't check us into the pit stop, we're not even in this race," Bert exclaims, "Michael Jackson and Whitney you're team number two and that means you are still racing. Michael Jackson and Whitney join in the dancing and start singing "Just the two of us," in honor of being team number. 

Dr Evil and Minime come into 3rd place, and they start having a dance off with Whitney and Michael, because it's their song, saying, "that's our song!" while Adam, Bert, Ernie and Bill continue to polka dance. 

The fourth place team makes their way to the pit stop. It is Frank and Rocky, who are all like oooh dance off and they join in, pelvic thrusting everybody. 

5th to arrive is Beastly and No Heart. No Heart asks Beastly if he can win a danceoff. Beastly says, "oh sure I know all about winning dance offs....what is it?" before he starts dancing, while No Heart does the twist. 

6th place goes to Po and Shifu, who join in the dancing, but they do belly dancing, with Po trying to hit everyone with his enormous belly. 

Nappa and Vegeta come into 7th place and look very confused as to what's going on, because the pit stop seems to have turned into a disco. Nappa, "hey Vegeta. Did we go to the wrong show Vegeta? 'Cause it looks like we're on Dancing with the Stars, Vegeta." Vegeta replies, "we're leaving Nappa," as soon as he hears they haven't lost. Nappa is dragged yelling, "no Vegeta, I want to do the macarena, Vegeta. I want to do line dancing, Vegeta. I can dance a straight line, or a curvy line!!" 

As Applejack and Big Mac, come into the pit stop, having been held up by copious amounts of hay that sidetracked them, Ernie starts, "Applejack and Big Mac. You are the last team to arrive, and I am sorry to tell you that does mean you've been eliminated from the race." All Big Mac says is, "eyup." 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Amazing Race Season 3: Episode 5 recap

Teams make their way from Germany to France.

In this Leg's Detour, teams chose between In the Trenches or Under Fire. For both tasks, teams dressed up as World War I-era American soldiers, known as Doughboys.

In the Trenches, teams traveled through trenches to a telegraph where they had to decipher a message in Morse code –"We will prevail. Vive la France."– and then presented their deciphered message to the French sergeant.

In Under Fire, teams crawled under barbed wire 100 feet to receive a message –"The war is over. Vive la liberté."– from a man in a foxhole. They then crawled back through the barbed wire to present the message to the sergeant. Before either task was completed and the teams received their clue, the message they received was sent to "headquarters" via carrier pigeon.

Teams doing In the Trenches
*Po and Shifu
*Applejack and Big Mac
*Dr Evil and Minime
*Frankenfurter and Rocky

Teams doing Under Fire
*Adam and Bill
*Beastly and No Heart
*Ghost Nappa and Vegeta
*Gru and Vector
*Michael Jackson and Whitney's ghosts



* Po and Shifu make it to the telegraph first, because Po thinks he's going to get Pillsbury crescent rolls and starts looking for the Pillsbury doughboy. Shifu hits him with the stick to keep him moving.


*Frankenfurter doesn't want to get his clothes dirty, so he and Rocky jump on Applejack and Big Mac, slowing the other team down. When Big Mac and Applejack get to the telegraph they buck Frank and Rocky off, making them land in a big mud puddle.

*Dr Evil loses Minime in a mud hole, and has to feel around to fish him out.


Po "Shifu where are the crescent rolls? When they said doughboys I expected Pillsbury"
Po "Poke me and die old man, you should know better than to poke a hungry bear."

 Applejack and Big Mac say "Last stop on the pony express, " before bucking off Frank and Rocky.

Dr Evil, "come to daddy Minime, oh you stink."



*Bill and Adam suffer a temporary setback because Bill's pants get snagged on the barbed wire. Adam comes back and yanks Bill out of his pants, who finishes the detour in his underwear.

* No Heart turns into a tornado, whirling through the detour, carrying Beastly with him.


*Nappa and Vegeta get held up because Nappa keeps scratching his back with the barbed wire and purring like a kitten.

*Michael Jackson and Whitney get held up, because Michael Jackson keeps trying to steal the man in the foxhole's french military jacket, because he wants it for his next video.

*Gru and Vector use the shrink ray to shrink the wire, but they accidentally change the settings, so the wire ends up huge and everybody runs under it with no problem.


*Michael Jackson and French lieutenant, "Oui," "non," "Oui!" "Non, non, monsieur Jackson. It is my coat!" Michael Jackson hits the lieutenant with the baguette and takes the coat anyway.
Whitney says "Michael's gone gangster! He's bad, bad, bad you know it!"

*Adam to Bill: You have to crawl under there
Bill: Under where?
Adam: Ha I made you say underwear and now I can see your underwear.

Vegeta: Goddamnit, Nappa.

Gru: Run for it!!


Po and Shifu run past the u-turn, not wanting to use it. However Beastly and No Heart get to it second and decide to use it. Beastly and No Heart show up at the blind u-turn sign but Beastly falls on it and breaks it. No Heart says "What it is?" and then realises it's the u-turn sign. Beastly starts shouting, "we're going to win, we're going to win this leg."

Beastly says "let's u-turn Gru and, no no, Dr Evil and Minime, no no, Nappa and Vegeta..."
No Heart says "No we're going to u-turn someone who actually cares." No Heart puts up Michael and Jackson and Whitney's ghosts picture, which means they have to go back and do the trenches.

The ponies and Adam and Bill end up at the u-turn at the same time.
"Who do you think did this?"
"Beats me, but we have to go to the pit stop now, so we better beat it. "

Vegeta using his super saiyan swagger, looks around and sees the sign has been flattened and put back up and says to Nappa, "it must've been that windbag No Heart and that Beastly. "
Nappa says "Sucks to be you, MJ and Whitney. "

Michael Jackson and Whitney see they've been u-turned and Michael Jackson starts to cry. Whitney grabs him, and drags him along saying "we don't have time for this, here's a tissue. " They go back to the trenches where they're chased by the french lieutenant who keeps screaming, "give me back my coat you smooth criminal, monsieur Jackson, you better take a look at the man in the mirror because he's bad, bad, bad you know it! Sacrebleu! Zut alors! Merde! ScheiSSe oh that is not french. Come back Michael Jackson. Heal the World. Michael Jackson waves the jacket behind him saying "vive la liberte for the coat!"


Ernie and Bert wait at the pit stop. And suprisingly, in first place is Michael Jackson and Whitney. Michael Jackson wins/steals a free coat, courtesy of the french lieutenant. Whitney wins a new album called Let the spirit move you.

In second place, is the french lieutenant but he's not part of the race, so Ernie and Bert say "KIDNAP THAT FOOL" and drag him off. They give him a consolation prize, of a pink raincoat and he walks off like "Yes I'm a lady" which makes Bert raise his eyebrows.

The real second place team is Po and Shifu, with Shifu hitting Po with the stick screaming.

The third place team is Adam and Bill. Shifu drops the stick that he was hitting Po with, tripping Bill and Adam, who slide headfirst into third place, high fiving Bert and Ernie from the ground.

The fourth place team is Beastly and No Heart. No Heart gets really angry, "BEASTLYYYYYYYYYYYYY" because even though they u-turned MJ and Whitney, they still came in first. "n-n-n-n-o heart," Beastly says. No Heart grabs the stick and chases Beastly off the pit stop. "N-n-n-n-o Heart it's not my fault. Oh if only the care bears were here to distract you."

In fifth place is Applejack and Big Mac, who gallop in.. Bert and Ernie congratulate Big Mac and Applejack. "You are the 5th place team and that means you are still in the race." "Eyup"

In sixth place is Ghost Nappa and Vegeta. "Hey Vegeta, " says Nappa," guess what place we're in Vegeta."
"We're in sixth place Nappa." "No we're in 666 Vegeta." "What does that mean Nappa?" "It means....I've got a stuttering problem." "We're leaving Nappa."

In seventh place is Frankenfurter and Rocky. "Frank and Rocky, you are team number 7 and that means you are still in the race."

In eighth place is Dr Evil and Minime, who think they're in last and are all set to attack Bert and Ernie when Bert and Ernie tell them they are "team number 8 and are still in the race for 1 millionnn dolllarssss"

In last place is Gru and Vector. While trying to change the shrink ray settings after the barbed wire debacle, they accidentally shrink themselves and it takes them forever to get to the pit stop.
"Gru and Vector," Says Bert, "you are the last team to arrive and I am sorry to tell you, you have been eliminated from the race. " Since they are out of the race, and no longer a threat, Dr Evil who is good with frikkin laser beams,  helps fix their shrink ray and returns them back to normal size.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Amazing Race Season 3: Episode 4 recap

Firstup is an Intersection
At the Intersection, teams had to join with one other team to complete tasks and make decisions together until further notice. In this special Roadblock, one team member from each of the intersected teams had to take the S-Bahn bungee jump Crane (machine).

 Teams working together
Beastly and No Heart with Gru and Vector:Beastly and Gru are jumping.

Applejack and Big Mac and Po and Shifu: Applejack and Shifu are jumping.

Adam and Bill and Ghost Nappa and Vegeta: Adam and Vegeta are jumping.

 Miley and Billy Ray and Dr Evil and Minime: Billy Ray and Minime.

Frankenfurter and Rocky and Michael Jackson and Whitney's ghosts Frankenfurter and Whitney.

Beastly and Gru: Beastly cuts Gru's bungee cord and Gru says "
Beastly do you know anything about safety?" "Sure I know all about safety..." right as Gru falls to the ground..."What is it?"

Applejack and Shifu They bounce like crazy for an extra ten minutes. Shifu uses Po's stomach as a trampoline.

 Adam and Vegeta: Adam is too scared to jump, so Vegeta pushes him over the edge.

 Billy Ray and MinimeThey jump off and Minime flies out of his harness but luckily for him he is saved by Billy Ray's mullet.

Frankenfurter and Whitney: They jump off but somehow at the end of the jump they sonehow switch outfits.

 DETOUR The Detour for this Leg was a choice between Soccer or Sauerkraut. In Soccer, teams made their way to Adolf-Jäger-Kampfbahn Stadium and had to successfully kick a ball from the penalty mark (12 yd/11 m) through 5 targets located in the goal to receive their next clue. In Sauerkraut, teams had to travel to a restaurant called Alt Hamburger Bürgerhaus and eat a plate of sauerkraut while a band played a song called the "Sauerkraut Polka". Teams had to finish the plate before the end of the song in order to receive their clue. If the song ended first, they had to start over with a new plate of sauerkraut.

Highlights: *With 8 powerful pony legs Applejack and big Mac had no problem with this, kicking the ball like they just came off of the world cup field.
*Frankenfurter also showed off his legs and his soccer skills running around in skimpy soccer shorts and high heeled soccer cleats.
Minime also did fantastically good, running underneith and between the legs of the ponies and Frankenfurter like a little mini machine.

Low lights:
*Nappa kicked the ball so hard that it hit Beastly carrying him through the goal posts.
Quotes: No heart: Beastly! Get back here! Nappa: Hey Vegeta, look at me, I'm a balla! Minime: Wheeeeee  


While a band played a song called the "Sauerkraut Polka". Teams had to finish the plate before the end of the song in order to receive their clue. If the song ended first, they had to start over with a new plate of sauerkraut.

Bill and Adam love burgers so after choking down some sauerkraut they danced the polka with their empty plates on their heads, ordered some burgers and headed for the pit stop.

Gru and Vector used the shrink ray on the plate of sauerkraut, shrinking it then downing it.

Po couldn't wait to get into the sauerkraut. Unfortunately it turned him into a panda powder keg of gas! Po's gas bubble burst blasting him and his chair right out of the area. The force of the blast so strong it made Billy Ray's mullet stand up straight.

A hazard team came in and covered the detour is yellow caution tape.

MJ and Whtney: If we weren't dead we'd both be dying right now.
Po (After stomach starts to gurgle): Uh oh... Boom!
The Polka Band: And we call this number the I choka on Panda Smoka Polka. (they pass out just before they can start playing the song)


First to arrive is Po and Shifu, who departed the detour in fart style. "Po and Shifu, " says Ernie as they breeze past, "you're team number one and that means you are in fart..I mean first place. As the winners of this leg of the race, you have won a gas cooker courtesy of the New Zealand gas company. Ernie turns to Bert and says "hey wait a minute, you're not Bert...your skins turned all green! Bert you're not Bert!" The MBB come and take Bert away strapping an oxygen mask to his face. 

 Second to arrive in a cloud of gas is  Applejack and Big Mac "Applejack and Big Mac, you're team #2! "says Ernie, "you may want to take some time like the rest of us to catch your breath."

Third to arrive is Ghost Nappa and Vegeta. Nappa and Vegeta come into the pit stop. Nappa had far too much red bull because he thought it would give him wings so he mistakes Ernie for a Pokemon and tries to catch him. Vegeta tells him, "you have to damage it first, " but lets it go after Ernie tells them they are in 3rd place and still in the race.

Fourth to arrive, ready to rescue Ernie is Adam and Bill. "Adam and Bill, "says Ernie, "you are team #4 and are still in the race." In the words of Homer Simpson they say wooohooooo and go to get a Duff beer.

In 5th place, still struggling along from the sauerkraut detour is Michael and Whitney's ghosts, Whitney starts singing, "why didn't we have it all ?" and Michael Jackson replies, "the smell is bad, bad, you know it's bad bad bad."

In 6th place is Gru and Vector who seem glad to still be in the race.

In 7th place is Dr Evil and Minime 

In 8th place is Beastly and No Heart.

In 9th place is Frankenfurter and Rocky who sing about it.

In last place is Miley and Billy Ray.
"Miley and Billy Ray," Ernie says, "you are the last team to arrive. I am sorry to tell you that does mean you have been eliminated from the race."

Friday, July 20, 2012

Amazing Race Season 3 episode 3 recap

First up we have a ROADBLOCK Doing the roadblock:

Adam swang the lasso over his head accidently snagging Bill's hat. which flew through the air landing on top of the target and helping Adam to pull it in.

Billy ray: Says to Miley watch how your pappa use to do this as a kid. Yee haa! Unfortunately he ends up getting the lasso caught in his own mullet giving himself a very fancy looking pony tail . From behind he looks like he is a third my little pony.

AppleJack Struggles because teams keep lassoing her instead of the horse they are supposed to which holds up her and Big Mac. .Sick of her team being roped by other teams Applejack decides to get the assistance of her horse buddies to cause a diversion on the Adam and Bill team, causing a rift between the two teams.
Beastly tries to do the road block but has some trouble because he is hopping around on one foot So every time he throws the lasso he tips over to one side.

Rocky takes the challenge while Frank sings encouragement to him: It's just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right, Twirl the lasso over your head and bring the target in tight.

Mini Me 
Mini Me takes the challenge but has trouble at first as the target is higher than he is. Dr. Evil yells someone throw him a fricken bone! Then Mini me gets an idea and blimbs up Dr. Evil standing on his head and snares the target. Dr. Evils says: That's using my head mini me.

Ghost nappa 
Nappa lassos the target without a problem. Ghost nappa says: Hey Vegeta, you can call me a space cowboy or you can call me a gangster of love. Vejeta says: Nappa I'm just gonna call you Morrees now let's get to the detour you big lug.

MJ is about to do the challenge but first he does a back spin and magically appears in a sharif's costume. Someone comments that he looks like Woody from Toys story. MJ pulls out one of his gun from its holster. It is a water gun so he squirts them.

Po keeps missing the target he aim is not so good. Shifu gets an idea though. He skillfuly disarms MJ with a move that he got from Jackie Chan in Rush hour 2. then filling the squirt gun with chocolate sauce, he squirts the target. Poe instantly snags it dragging it in and licking it clean. Shifu smacks Po with a chopstick reminding him that he has no idea where that target has been.

Seeing as everyone else used guns and they used to promote violence, Gru pulls out Vector's shrink ray and accidentally fires it at the target, causing it to be smaller which gives him even more trouble with the roadblock.
Bella ends up snagging her target by pretending that it's Jacob as he hates Edward's washboard of a chest.

Next up is a Detour.In the Detour, teams chose between Horse Sense and Horse Power. In Horse Sense, teams were given a set of directions by a gunslinger and, using only a stationary compass as a navigational aid, had to find a bag of loot buried in a field. They then had to deliver the bag to the lead bandit, and if the markings on their bag matched the coordinates given to them, he would give the team coin with the name of the Pit Stop location on it as their next clue.
Horse Sense highlights:

MJ and Whitney: Whitney puts on s sweet southern accent and charms the gun slinger into giving her a clue as to where to look.
Po and Shifu: Shifu tells Po it is a bag of golden dumplings that they are looking for and Po digs up the bag like an ogre in just a few seconds. He also chips a tooth trying to eat the lead spitting it out and hitting Shifu in the forehead with it.
Low lights:
Beastly and No heart: No heart keeps zapping Beastly in the butt with a tazer to get him to dig faster.
Nappa and Vegeta: Vegeta also gets some help from the gun slinger when he pulls out a bigger gun and blasts a hole through the gun slingers hat. Nappa unfortunately loses the coin trying to do a magic trick where he pulls a coin out from Vejeta's ear. They suffer a temporary set back as Nappa chases after the rolling coin.

Bella and Edward also get held up. They were sparkling a little to brightly while they were digging. someone yells prarry fire! and people started throwing water and dirt on Bella and Edward to try and put them out.

Nappa and Vegeta: Vegeta to the gun slinger, "That's not a gun... This is a Gun! He blasts a cactus with it launching it 20 feet in to the air and turning it into black ash.

Whtney sings: "Thank God you're a country boy"

Po: "Did you say Dumplings Master?"
In this detour, teams had to enter a polo field and, using a wooden practice horse, had to get a goal within 9 strokes and received thetrophy with the name of the Pit Stop location on its base as their next clue.
Horse Power Highlights:

Apple Jack and Big Mac rear up on their back hooves and clap their front hooves together causing sparks to fly. Then Big Mac jumps on one of the wooden Polo Ponies crushing it flat. swinging the polo mallet with his teeth he gets a perfect score. Eeeyup!
Low lights:
Frankenfurter has trouble getting on the polo ponies because he is in a dress and heels but once on the pony he has no trouble swinging his mallet..
Dr. Evil gets some help from Minime who cups his hands and tries to give Dr. Evil a boost on to the horse but totally throws him right over the other side. The second time around Dr. Evil tries getting on himself and has no problem. He then starts firing his pollo balls with deadly accuracy at Gru and Vector, knocking them off their pony every time them attempted to get on it. The entire time yelling Marco! Polo!
Apple Jack and Big Mac: Wonder Pony Powers... Activate!!!
Gru and Vector: "owwww"

Dr. Evil: "Mini me!!!" As he's flying over the poloo Pony, "What are you a fricken jack in the box"
I have left you and I out of this so that you could choose which leg of the detour you wanted to do.


The first team to arrive is Po and Shifu. Ernie goes into give Po a close shave but Po bumps him,sending the razor flying which shaves off all of Bert's hair. Ernie says "Po and Shifu, you're team number #1!As the winners of this leg of the race you have won Mandarin All you can eat chinese buffets for the year.

Hot on the heels of Po and Shifu is Adam and Bill, narrowly missing a close shave. "Adam and Bill you are team number two"

Team number 3 is MJ and Whitney. Ernie moonwalks alongside them as they come into the pit stop.

Team number 4 is Dr Evil and Minime. Dr Evil rubs Bert's bald head for good luck in the next leg.

Team number 5 is Miley and Billy Ray.

Team number 6 is Rocky and Frankenfurter, who tries to grab Miley to get ahead of her. Ernie sings "you're a hot dog, and you better not try to hurt her. Frankfurter."

Team number 7 is Ghost Nappa and Vegeta. Nappa says "we better do better in the next leg because otherwise I'm coming back as a producer."

Team number 8 is Beastly and No Heart. No heart and Beastly enter as a tornado, knocking over the pit stop.

Team number 9 is Gru and Vector. Vector dances.

Team number 10 is Applejack and Big Mac. "Applejack and Big Mac, "says Bert, "you're still in the race!" Big Mac"Eeeeeyup!"

The last team to arrive is Bella and Edward. Bella and Edward says Ernie "we're sorry to tell you but you're team number 11 and that means your sparkle on the amazing race has gone out."