Teams make their way to Russia.
Detour. Stack or Construct. In Stack, teams have to stack pumpkins into a large wall formation in front of an existing stack. If their wall collapses into the existing one, they will have to rebuild both.
In Construct teams have to assemble a spooky looking window frame, then look for a creepy house marked with a "Repairs Needed" sign and install the window there.
In Construct teams have to assemble a spooky looking window frame, then look for a creepy house marked with a "Repairs Needed" sign and install the window there.
Teams doing Stack:
Barney and Homer
Bert and Ernie
Daphnne and Velma
Frodo and Sam
Leonard and Sheldon
Teams doing Construct:
Batman and Robin
Chewbacca and Han Solo
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash
Freddy and Jason
Gandalf and Saruman
Hermione and Luna
Highlights of the Stack Detour
*Ernie and Bert and Leonard and Sheldon help out all the other teams on the detour, due to their wicked tetris skills and organizing skills.
Lowlights of the Stack Detour
*Barney, stumbling around drunk, trips over a pumpkin, knocking Homer to the ground. Homer goes rolling into the hobbits who are standing on each others shoulders putting their last pumpkin in place. The pumpkin wall tumbles over starting a chain reaction. Daphnne and Velma yell "Zoinks! Look out!" but it's too late, the pumpkins tumble over and Ernie yells "JENGAAAAAAAAAA!"
On the Construct Detour
* Freddy and Jason are impressed by the wizards and form an evil alliance, corrupting Gandalf. They tell Gandalf when he's back in the USA to call their good friend Mike Myers.
*Freddy and Jason who are really good at working with sharp objects help the wizards install their window frame.
* Gandalf and Saruman switch the repairs needed sign and hang it up in front of a prison. All the other teams are slowed down because they install their windows correctly but the prisoners escape. Batman and Robin realise that they've been tricked by the wizards and redirect everyone to the right house.
*While putting up their window Han starts singing "How much is that wookie in the window?" Chewy steals his hat and runs for the roadblock.
The wizards reach the Blind U-turn first. Freddy and convince them to U-turn Leonard and Sheldon. The wizards put up a photo of Leonard and Sheldon which means they will have to go back and complete the Construct side of the detour.
Leonard and Sheldon: When they reach the Blind U-turn they're angry. They head to the Construct Detour where they struggle with the power tools. "Leonard, this is why I took physics and not shop classes at school" Sheldon accidentally hammers Leonard's thumb. "Owww. Pennny" They eventually get their window done and installed in the right house.
In the leg's Roadblock, one team member to complete a lap on a bobsled roller coaster in under four minutes while looking for seven letters scattered around the track. They then had to arrange the letters correctly (HAUNTED) in order to receive their next clue.
Freddy and Jason and the wizards arrive at the roadblock first.
Team members doing the roadblock:
Jason: Jason thinking that there may be a pickup game of hockey afterwards accidentally hits Freddy in the head with his goalie stick as he flies down in the roller coaster.
Saruman: Gandalf asks "Saruman are you trying to bring down the mountain?" Saruman says "No" as Chewbacca arrives, trudging towards the roadblock.
Han Solo: I'll take this one because the word we're looking for isn't mwrorrrrr urghrrr"
Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash crashes at the end of the bobsled and has to do it again. "Oh no," says Fluttershy "They're going to call you Rainbow Crash again" They get it on the 2nd time.
Daphnne: Jinkies I'm really familiar with this word. Daphnne is doing very well with her puzzle and the wizards see this so they cast a charm to put chewing gum all through her hair. "Now that's Chewy" says Han Solo. MWrorrrrrurghrrrrrrnnnh says Chewy (translation: Do you want me out of your hair Han?) Daphnne has to try and get the chewing gum out.
Ernie: Ernie has some trouble with spelling. "Hey Bert, I think the word is ant head. You look like you have an ant head Bert" "ERNIE!"
Sam: Sam works together with Ernie to get the word 'Haunted'
Batman: He sings the Batman theme song on the way down. "Wow, Robin, I haven't done this since I was a kid."
Hermione: Wheee this is fun. We should have this event at Hogwarts. Wait till I tell Harry about this!
Sheldon: Sheldon does it. He has no problem whatsoever in solving the puzzle.
Barney: Barney and Homer got stuck searching for beer in the snowbank. "I know I put it here somewhere, Homer." "Doh" Barney has trouble spelling because he keeps seeing double after drinking half a box of beer.
The teams make to a haunted house where Adam and his family the Addams Family are waiting. Freddy and Jason reach Adam first. "Oh no," says Adam. Freddy and Jason say "Adam we like what you've done with the place" "Freddy and Jason, you're Team Number One!" "As the winners of this leg of the race you've won a set of kitchen knives and some hockey equipment. And a trip to Disney World where you can have a killer time."
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash speed into second. Adam says "Ponies you're Team #2" They both neigh and gallop off, as far away from Freddy and Jason as they can.
Gandalf and Saruman arrive in 3rd place. Because of ratings week, the wizards don't get a penalty for sabotage because their antics make for excellent television and they are slowly making their way to being the Amazing Race's biggest villains.
Batman and Robin are hot on the trail of the ruthless racers and they come in 4th. "Batman and Robin, " says Adam. "You are Team Number #4"
Han and Chewbacca make their way to the pit stop as Team Number #5
Frodo and Sam and Ernie and Bert reach the pit stop mat at almost the same time. Frodo and Sam have the faster, furrier feet so they get their a bit before Ernie and Bert. Frodo and Sam you're Team #6, Ernie and Bert you're Team #7.
Hermione and Luna check in as Team #8.
Leonard and Sheldon check in as Team #9 Adam asks if the U-turn held them up much. Leonard stands there sucking his thumb "This was a rough leg of the race for us, " says Sheldon.
Homer and Barney arrive thinking they are in last again. "Barney and Homer, you're Team #10" "Woohoo" says Homer. Homer picks up Barney and piggybacks him off the mat singing "We're still in the race, we're still in the race!"
Daphnne and Velma know that they are last so they head to the pit stop together. Daphnne is still trying to get the chewing gum and crying "Fred, help me" Adam says "Daphnne and Velma, I'm sorry to tell you you are the last team to arrive. You have both been eliminated from the race."
Velma says "Zowie owie that hurts. But at least we solved the mystery of the missing beer!" The answer is in that fat, bald man's stomach.
Adam calls all the teams together and says "It's just a jump to the left. And a step to the right" The contestants all do the time warp then Jason with his awesome hit to Freddy's head asks to play hockey so all the contestants head to a frozen pond and play hockey.
This episode of the Amazing Race was brought to you by Jenga, Pumpkins and the knife sharpener truck.