As Jeremy Kyle and Oprah thought that Luke and Leia would be eliminated next, they are surprised to see Ross and Rachel and ask them what happened.
"Well Jeremy Kyle and Oprah,"says Rachel."You aren't going to believe those shady sorcerers. They really were our biggest downfall."
"Yeah,"says Ross, "they're ruthless racers. They make Freddy and Jason look like choir boys. I know I ticked them off when I crashed into them but their use of magic to get back at us was excessive and Rachel and I are glad to see that they got a penalty for that."
Rachel and Ross hope that the force will remain with Luke and Leia so that the wizards are out of the race. They want Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to do well because they think friendship really is magic, better than shady sorcerer magic anyway.
Oprah would like to see Bert and Ernie win because Bert is a member of her Book of the Month Club and Ernie is a member of her children's book of the month club.
Jeremy Kyle wants Freddy and Jason to win because he thinks they are all misunderstood. "And Oprah and I don't want competition from another more bloody kind of elimination station"
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