Because Hermione and Luna came in first, they are first to depart. The rest of the tea
ms will follow in the order they arrived. They are all off to the airport. While in the car the teams use mobile phones to call up the airlines. Somehow, Freddy and Jason call Chewbacca and Han Solo so Han pretends to be an airline travel person. Luckily for them, Freddy and Jason think that it was a mistake on their part so the Wookie is safe: that was a close shave.
Teams get on flights and are on their way. They make their way to Ruhpolding and find their next clue.
This is the team's first ROADBLOCK. Who is ready to fly like an eagle? In this roadblock teams must paraglide with an instructor. The jump is more than 6,000 feet. Their partner must take the gondola back down the mountain and wait. If it's unsafe teams have the option of running do
The teams decide among themselves who will go for the roadblock.wn the hill.

Daphnne: Fred! Save me! Save me and my hair!
Ernie:Hey Bert watch me fly. Watch me fly, Bert.
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Bert you should try this too Bert it's fun!
Freddy: Jason slices some holes in Freddy's paraglider so that he plummets to the bottom of the hill gaining some extra time for Freddy and Jason.
Han Solo: I wish I had my millenium falcon here. Where's the warp speed button on this baby?
Luke: Hey Leia, if I can fly an X-wing fighter through a tiny hole in the Death Star Canteen this should be a piece of cake.
Homer:Homer paraglides through the drive-thru of a donut shop. Mmmmm Donuts, mmmmm. He flies over Bert with the donut box and a donut falls on Bert's head. Ernie comes up to Bert. "Hey Bert, I like your new hat, Bert."
"Ernie! Get this thing off me!"
"Sure thing Bert." And proceeds to eat the donut off the top of Bert's head "Mmmm that was delicious. Got any more?"
Bert puts Ernie in a chokehold, prompting Freddy and Jason to say to one another "Guess we'll be seeing them on the next Jeremy Kyle show."
Hermione: Hermione says that this is just as easy as flying a broom.
Fluttershy: Fluttershy flies. She tries to rescue all the birds she sees on her way down.
Frodo: "Oh, Sam, hobbits should always have their feet on the ground not the air...ARRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "Wow,"says Sam, "I didn't know Frodo could scream like a little girl."
Saruman: "FOR NARNIAAAAAAAAAAAAA AND FOR ASLANNNNNNNNNNN.....Oh wait wrong movie." Gandalf says"Oh fool of a wizard. Why don't you rid me of your stupidity?"
Sheldon: "Leonard and Penny, Leonard and Penny, Leonard and that I've calculated the precise wind speed and nose tilt angle this is actually kind of liberating. "
Ross: "Rachel I'm scared! I'm scared!" Rachel acts all sexy "Come on you big boy,"she says kissing him on the cheek. He jumps off.
Robin: Batman says to Robin "Remember everything I taught you about flying the bat jet!!!" Robin leaps off yelling "But I only have my learner's permit!"
Placing of the Teams:
Han Solo and Chewy are in 1st: They found a warp drive button and pulled into second place.
Freddy and Jason are in 2nd. Freddy gets mad after a quick descent to the bottom. He yells at Jason. And says that doesn't Jason remember what they learned on the Jeremy Kyle show. Jason yells back that he was just trying to give them a competitive edge.
Daphnne and Velma are currently in 3rd because Daphnne had to stop to fix her hair.
Barney and Homer: Barney and Homer are in 4th due to running on Donut Power.
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash: They are in 5th and now have lots of bird fr
Ernie and Bert: They fall to 6th place due to the donut dilemma.
Sheldon and Leonard: Sheldon calculated such a perfect angle and demonstrated a perfect landing allowing him and Leonard to make 7th place.
Luke and Leia: He tried to fly his glider into a tiny hole in the Death Star's Canteen so he could get some Penne All'Arriabiata and he fell to 8th place.
Hermione and Luna: They fell to 9th place. All Hermione had to say about that was oopsie, maybe it's not flying a broom after all.
Frodo and Sam: After being blown off course by 100 metres, Frodo and Sam bring up 10th place.
Batman and Robin: Robin screams "Batman we never covered parking" and promptly crashed the glider. Batman should've remembered that the last time he tried to teach Robin to drive he had to take the Batmobile to the repair shop. They are Team #11
Gandalf and Saruman: They come in 12th because Ross accidentally cut them off causing them to crash and Saruman turned Ross into a
pogo stick so Rachel rides the pogo stick to the detour where she convinces Gandalf to change him back.
Rachel and Ross: Are in 13th place. See above.
Teams now have to drive themselves to Schonau Am Konigsee. Once there they will have their first DETOUR. In this detour teams have the choice between BALANCING DOLLY or AUSTRIAN FOLLY. In Balancing Dolly teams must ride a Segway along a 2 mile obstacle course. At the end of the course they'll receive their next clue. In Austrian Folly teams
must go into a party tent and throw pies at a target. What they don't know is
The teams choose their detours.that the target is their partner's face. They must take turns smacking each other in the face until they find a pie with a cherry centre. The band leader will give them their next clue.
Chewy and Han Solo: They choose the pies because Chewy is hungry. He hopes it's an eating contest.
Daphnne and Velma: They choose the segways.
Luke and Leia: They choose the segways.
Barney and Homer: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm pies.
Ernie and Bert: Due to their biker gang, they choose the segways.
Hermione and Luna: They choose the segways
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash: They choose the pies.
Freddy and Jason: They choose the pies.
Frodo and Sam: They choose the segways
Gandalf and Saruman: They choose the pies.
Leonard and Sheldon: They choose the pies due to Sheldon's terrible video game driving skills.
Ross and Rachel: They head to the pies after the wizards.
Batman and Robin: They do the segways.

* Ernie and Bert admit that they are part of a renegade biker gang in Sesame Street, cruising the sesame streets. They tell others that the gang is the Alphabet Blockheads. They do wheelies on their segways.
*Robin crashes causing Batman to ask him "where did you get your licence? Out of a cereal box?" Robin promptly says "You should know you gave it to me."
*Frodo and Sam stand on each others shoulders and keep falling down. This prompts Sam to argue with Frodo to which Frodo replies "Don't get short with me!"
Luke and Leia "I wonder how Han is doing at the pie contest.I hope Chewy hasn't eaten all the pies."
Hermione"Nice segway."
And now the pie contest.

*Barney and Homer do exceptionally well at the pie challenge. Homer catches the pies in his mouth then opens his mouth to show Barney "Seefood" "Mmmmmm Seefood"
*In a genius move, Freddy and Jason replace the knife blades in Freddy's glove, with pie lifters, giving them a competitive edge.
Chewbacca has cheesed off Freddy and Jason. Freddy and Jason are mad because they've been running down wind from Chewbacca who is still feeling the effect of being lactose-intolerant and eating all that cheese. To get back at Chewy Freddy and Jason give him a haircut: a reverse mohawk. When Chewy complains they say they took lessons from their good friend Sweeney Todd. Han Solo says to Chewy "Well you know what they say, they're a cut above us. Let's get back in the race."
*The ponies get tangled up and get pie stuck in their hooves and end up sliding around the detour with pie tins stuck on their feet.
*Gandalf and Saruman and Rachel and Ross get held up as Rachel tries to convince them to turn Ross back to his human form instead of a pogo stick form.
Leonard"Sheldon! Where's my lactase?"
Sheldon"Leonard I have observed that you can tolerate small amounts of nonfat ice cream without producing a noxious gas.So eat the dang pie"
Leonard"I don't want to end up like that furry fart machine.
The teams then go to a woodcutters and get a piece of wood stamped with their next clue.
Once teams have their clue they can proceed to the Schloss Hellbrunn which is the pit stop on this leg of the race. The last team to check in here may be eliminated.
Teams get their wood and head to the pit stop. At the pit stop a woman named Yvonne is standing there near Adam wearing a t-shirt with the words Jeremy Kyle superfan across it and holding a sign saying "Bring back Jeremy Kyle" and she offers to race with him in place of Oprah.
Chewy's new haircut has made him more aero-dynamic, shaving minutes off their time, allowing them to come in 1st to the pit stop.
Han Solo says "Does anyone know where I can get a wookie steam-clean? This guy has cherry pie filling and cheese stuck in his fur?"
"Well,"says Adam "As the winners of this leg of the race, you've won complimentary dry-cleaning services from the ABC Cleaning Company!And a one year supply of cherry pie. "
A footrace occurs between Ernie and Bert and Freddy and Jason. To try and slow Ernie and Bert down, Freddy hits Bert in the back of the head with a pie but it doesn't work and Ernie and Bert segway into second.
"Ernie!"says Bert "Get this thing off me."
"Hey Bert,"says Ernie "I like your berry Beret Bert."
"Ernie get this thing off me."
"Sure thing Bert."
Nyom Nyom Nyom.
Ernie says to Han and Chewy "Can we get Bert's head steam cleaned?Because he's starting to smell like a wookie."
"ERNIE!!!!Don't let a pie hit me!"
Freddy and Jason slide into 3rd place. Adam stands surrounded by bodyguards. Adam says "How do you feel about being third?"
"We'd kill for second or first,"says Jason.
Homer and Barney bellyflop into 4th place. Adam asks how they did and they say it was a piece of cake, or a piece of pie.
Hermione and Luna magic their way into 5th place.
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash come in 6th place, looking a little pie-eyed.
Leonard and Sheldon make their way to the pit stop. Adam says "Sheldon and Leonard you're team number #7!"
"See,"says Sheldon "You were okay after those pies. You haven't yet produced a noxious gas."
Leonard answers his comment by saying "Sheldon I've been clenching all the way. I can't hold it anymore!" and with that he does a huge fart. Sheldon faints and Adam and Leonard pull Sheldon off the mat and Han Solo says "Man and I thought the wookie was bad."
In a dynamic duel for 8th and 9th place, the hobbits bunnyhopped the blundering Batman and the Boy Wonder who crashed and rolled into 8th place. Adam asks them how they feel about coming in higher than they did last week. To which Sam replies "Well we got a bit short with each other but we're good now." The hobbits dance off the the elimination mat.
After a rough ride, where Robin knocked over all the local's letterboxes, a ruffled Batman and Robin secure 9th place. Adam asks them what went wrong on this leg of the race. Robin says "Batman, I think I need more practice in the Batmobile" to which Batman says "No way" and walks off mad. "Hey Bert," says Ernie "Do you think they'll end up on the Jeremy Kyle show?"
Daphnne and Velma got sidetracked on their segways by some mysterious reason but still managed to come in 10th. "Jinkies,"says Velma.
Luke and Leia come in 11th place. "Looks like the force has saved you yet again,"says Adam. "Lucky Lightsabers Leia,"says Luke, "We did it again." They high five each other and walk off the mat.
Gandalf and Saruman got held up by the pogo stick situation with Rachel and Ross, as they try to find the right spell to change Ross back. Ross was turned into one or two different things until they finally got it right. They cast a spell to get to the pit stop faster and received a 15 minute penalty for excessive use of magic. "We're wizards,"says Gandalf, "What else are we supposed to do?" But they still claim 12th place.
After several transformations including a pogo stick, a rubber ducky(courtesy of Ernie), a fruit basket and a hoover, a dishevelled Ross and Rachel walk to the pit stop. Ross lost his shoes and had to walk barefoot. Adam says "Ross and Rachel, you are the last team to arrive. I am sorry to tell you you have both been eliminated from the race. How do you feel?" A teary, whimpering Ross says "My feet are killing me and it really sucks to be a hoover!" To which Rachel puts her arm around Ross and says "Well Ross, you're still a great friend. "
Adam gets on his segway and is joined by Bert and Ernie the leaders of the Alphabet Blockheads, as they segway off into the sunset they unroll a banner behind them that says "This episode of the Amazing Race was brought to you by the letters F and U and by the number 2. " The three turn around and wink at the producers.
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