The teams who will do this roadblock.
Chewbacca: "Mwrorrr urghrrr rnnnnhhhhh rurgrrrr rrrnnnhh"(translation: I'm not wearing that girl's leotard" ) to which Han replies "better you than me." Chewbacca puts the leotard on and starts strutting. To which Han says "First you don't want to put it on. Now you're John Travolta. Get on the balance beam you big furball. This is the amazing race not America's Next top model. Or the next top wookie model."
Luna: Luna does a really unique performance, waving her arms and flapping and spinning but then Hermione realised she was just trying to get rid of the wrackspurts.
Robin: Robin takes to the floor losing no time because he's already wearing leotard-like attire.
Bert : Ernie annoys Bert by saying "Hey Bert, you look cute in that leotard, Bert." Bert gives a solid performance.
Freddy: Freddy does well until he gets to the floor exercises. Freddy attempts a one handed cartwheel but the knife blades on his glove cut through the mat and stick into the wooden floor. It takes Jason a good 5 or 10 minutes to pull him free.
Fluttershy: Fluttershy tackles the roadblock like a professional showjump horse, leaping over the balance beam, and the parallel bars. But stumbles at the end getting her hoof caught in the torn matting from Freddy's glove.
Both Freddy and Fluttershy have to redo the roadblock. While Freddy is performing, Jason eliminates one of the judges luring him away with a piece of cherry pie from the last detour. Freddy and Fluttershy get it right the second time and does a one handed cartwheel with his other hand.
Sheldon: He stands on the balance beam. "Hey Leonard, I can see some dandruff in your hair from up here." He then calculates every angle of every task.
Velma: "Let's get jinky with it!" She looks funky in her leotard. And she busts out some wicked Bring it on Cheerleading moves.
Frodo: He needs a lift to get up to the parallel bars. So Sam gives him a boost but with a little too much force sending him flying over the equipment. He hits his head hard and doesn't know who Sam is. Sam says "It's me, Mr Frodo. It's your Sam." He comes to and climbs up the parallel bars from the side and finishes the event.
Gandalf: While doing a handstand move on the parallel bars, Gandalf's robe falls around his head causing Saruman to giggle and point like a little schoolgirl and say "I can see your underwear."
Leia: Leia looks smoking in a extra shiny gold leotard. Luke says "Do it Leia!" to which Leia says "I'll try." In Yoda's voice, Luke says "Do or do not do, there is no try."
Homer: Barney and Homer got held up because they discovered the beer tent. Homer does the roadblock. A slightly wobbly Homer steps up onto the balance beam where he accidentally kicks over a can of beer that Barney left thinking it was a bar rail. Homer slides along the wet balance beam launching himself off the one end and catching the parallel bars. He does a triple flip landing in a belly flop on the mat, causing all the russian judges to hold up scorecards with a Perfect 10.
Now the teams are off to the detour. GYPSY MOVES or VAMPIRE REMAINS. In Gypsy Moves, teams have to help a family of gypsies move from one camp to another by loading their belongings on a traditional horse-drawn cart and unloading them at another location.
In Vampire Remains, teams have to drag a chained coffin to a field of stakes on the land of Bran Castle. Once there, they had to undo the chains of the coffin to find several antique frames which they then had to smash against stakes (i.e., impale, a reference to Vlad the Impaler) until they found one containing a flag that they could trade for their next clue.
Hermione/Luna: GYPSY MOVES
Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash: GYPSY MOVES
Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash: GYPSY MOVES
Sheldon/Leonard: GYPSY MOVES
Gandalf/Saruman: VAMPIRE REMAINS
Highlights of the GYPSY MOVES:
* Bert is very good at organizing the cart but they fall a little behind because Ernie spooks the horses with his rubber ducky.
*Leonard and Sheldon do the best because they treat it like a game of Tetris, with precision.
*Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash get exercise because they decide to pull the cart themselves.
Lowlights of the GYPSY MOVES:
*Frodo accidentally falls into a trunk and Sam locks him in. Then says "Mr Frodo? Mr Frodo? Damn I need those detectives to solve the mystery of the missing Frodo. " He eventually hears banging on the trunk and opens it to find Frodo.
*Chewbacca and Han fall behind because Chewy packed Han's hat.
"Man, "says Hermione, "this is just like packing for Hogwarts."
"Hey Rubber Ducky, say Hello to these cute little horsies." says Ernie.
"Mwrorrrrr urghrrr rnnnnh " "Yeah I know I've got hat hair, that's why we have to find it." "mwrorrrr urghrrr rnnnnnnnh rrrrrrr" (Translated as: What are you worried about, Daphnne has enough hair product for all of us."
Highlights of the Vampire Remains Detour:
*Freddy and Jason have no problem looking like they have dragged a coffin once or twice before.
*Freddy and Jason excel at impaling the frames. They look like they have had a lot of practice.
*Daphnne and Velma struggle at first to move the coffin but then Velma produces a handful of Scooby snacks and they pull it all the way to the finish where they impale the frames.
Lowlights of the Vampire Remains Detour:
* Homer accidentally backs into one of the stakes poking himself in the butt.
* While Batman and Robin are smashing the frames, Saruman sneaks up on them and closes the coffin lid, catching Batman's cape, holding them up for a few extra minutes.
*At the mention of steaks, the food kind, Gandalf and Saruman get hungry so they steal some of Daphnne and Velma's scooby snacks.
*Gandalf and Saruman put a cheese wheel from the first leg of the race in Luke and Leia's coffin. When Luke and Leia try to lift it, but they can't do it very well and have to go very slowly.
" Man I thought there were going to be steaks here, not wooden sticks. I brought my HP sauce and everything." says Barney "DOH" says Homer.
Luke"Leaping Lightsabers Leia, what's this cheese wheel doing in the coffin?"
Robin" Those wizards are pulling a caper on us, Batman!"
Daphnne " Zowie Wowie Velma, this reminds me of the case of the coughing coffin!"
Sheldon and Leonard engage in a foot race with Homer and Barney. Barney stops to pick up his steak that he got on the way and Sheldon and Leonard reach the mat first. "Sheldon and Leonard you're team #1!" to which Sheldon replies "Wow Adam, did you see our good man Leonard here run? He was like a little jackrabbit. Leonard, I didn't think you had it in you." Adam tells them that as the winners they have won for their excellent speed and packing abilities, Tetris for the PS2 and some luggage AND a ticket to Equestria where the my little ponies live.
Nobody is more surprised than Homer and Barney when they come to the pit stop and are told by Adam they're in 2nd place. Adam compliments Homer on his perfect 10 in gymnastics. Barney says "What?We're still in the race?Let's celebrate " He and Homer have another beer to go with their steak.
Freddy and Jason arrive at the pit stop in 3rd place. When the producers asked Adam what he thought of this team he told them "Oh they're a scream."
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash show jump their way into 4th place. "Yay!"
Chewbacca and Han come into 5th place. Chewy says "Mwrorrr Urghrrr Rnnnhhhh rnnnnh urghrrrr rnnnh " (translation: Next time keep your hat on your head unless you want to show off that wicket hat hair") Chewy grabs Han's hat and runs off the mat.
Ernie and Bert arrive in 6th place. "Hey Bert, hey Bert we made it."
Hermione and Luna packed their way to Hogwarts and apparate into 7th place. They high five each other and say "Now that's how you pack, sister!"
Frodo and Sam and Gandalf and Saruman also have a foot race. But the wizards grab the hobbits and leap frog their way over the top of them , into 8th place. "However,"says Adam "You sabotaged three other teams. You have incurred a 30 minute penalty which you will have to wait out until I can check you in." The wizards debate turning into a frog, a fruit basket or a pogo stick, but decide not to in case they incur a further penalty for sabotaging the host.
Frodo and Sam are excited to be Team #8. They set off a dragon firework that flies around the elimination mat and ends up lighting the wizard's robes on fire to which all the other teams laugh and clap, except Freddy and Jason. Gandalf grabs a fire extinguisher and puts out Saruman while they wait out their 30 minute penalty.
Daphnne and Velma run into 9th place sweating like crazy but with their hair still looking perfect from Daphnne's gel.
"Gandalf and Saruman,"says Adam "You can now check in." And they check into 10th place and skip off the mat.
Batman and Robin got held up because they had to get Batman's cape fixed. "Batman and Robin"says Adam "I am sorry to tell you....you are team #11!" "Walloping Wizards, Batman, we're still in the race!"
A dejected Luke and Leia make their way to the checkin mat knowing that they are in last place. "Luke and Leia," says Adam "You are the last team to arrive. We're terribly sorry the force wasn't with you this time. But as a consolation prize, here is some penne all'arribiata courtesy of Mr Stevens from the Death Star Canteen. "
"This episode of the Amazing Race was brought to you by the Death Star Canteen and Mr Steven's Catering Truck. (To learn more about the Death Star Canteen please check out the following link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv5iEK-IEzw)
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