Teams go to Chile from Argentina
Teams doing Paddle
*Bob and Susan
*Hannibal and Jigsaw
*Kermit and Miss Piggy
*Simba and Nala
*Spongebob and Patrick
*Yoda and Obi wan
Teams doing Pedal
*Alf and E.T
*Bumblebee and Optimus
*Mark and Roger
*Scooby and Shaggy
*Statler and Waldorf
*A tremendous race of determination between our two rival teams of Piggy and Kermit and Hannibal and Jigsaw as both teams put their heads down and their backs in to it paddling for all they are worth.
*Spongebob and Patrick can be heard screaming Wheeee and singing paddling songs as they race down the river.
*Yoda and Obi-wan are off to a slow start because before getting into their raft they do some lightsaber practice with their paddles. Obi hits Yoda with his paddle causing him to fall into the water.
*Susan loses BOB as he flies out of the raft when they hit a huge drop. A passing seagull swoops down and grabs BOB and starts taking off with him. BOB thinks he's found the gull of his dreams and starts complimenting the seagull on its eyes and talking about what a great bird he's got now. The Gull drops BOB who ends up landing in Susans lap.
*Simba and Nala are doing well just riding the current down the river until they turn to see what is hapenning with BOB and accidently puncture their raft with their claws. Simba sits on the hole trying to block the air from coming out but their raft deflates and they have to swim the last 3 metres to the shore.
BOB: See Susan, I knew my charm would pay off and eventually some sexy bird would try and pick me up.
Obi-wan: "Master Yoda, you're a little wet behind the ears."
Yoda: "At one with the water am I" says Yoda before pushing Obi in.
Simba: Abandon ship
Nala: Cat overboard.
Hannibal: Why is that pig karate chopping the water with her paddle?
Jigsaw: I don't know but they're passing us!
Piggy: Hiiiii Yah!
Kermit: Croak, croak, croak, croak!
*Alf and E.T really fly on the detour. As in really fly ....E.t's bike wheels never touch the track as they glide along.
*Scooby gets Shaggy power peddling as he blows a train whistle from behind him.
*Mark and Roger bust out some funky Arrow Dynamic bike shorts and gots lots of whistles from on-looking as they wizz past under Alf and E.T.
*The autobots get off to a slow start as their joints creak as they try to pedal the autobot sized bikes that the race has provided.Bumblebee pulls out a can of Motor oil, oiling up Optimus and himself and then they start to catch up. Bumbleebee plays "I like to ride my bicycle I like to ride my bike" by Queen.
*Statler and Waldrof get so tired they take a nap halfway through.
They only wake up when Shaggy and Scooby wizz past and Scooby blasts his train whistle in their ears!
*Alf thinks he sees a cat and accidently cuts off E.T causing a mid air collision.They both hit the ground with a thud.
Statler and Waldorf: I haven't sat on one of these things since I was a kid.
Did they even have bikes when you were a kid? I thought they were still riding dinosaurs. Dohohoho!
Shaggy and Scooby: Shags: Zoinks! Is that a train? Pedal faster Scoobs pedal faster!
Teams now head to the roadblock.
**STOP if you don't want to be grossed out.
In this Roadblock, one team member had to eat four pounds of a traditional Argentinian feast containing cow rib, pork sausage, blood sausage, cow intestine, cow udder, cow kidney and part of a cow's salivary gland. When they finished eating, teams would receive their next clue.
First to the roadblock is Shaggy and Scooby. They try and decide who will take this roadblock.
Shaggy: OK Scoobs let flip a scooby snack for it. Heads I win, tails you lose.
Shaggy flips the scooby snack into the air and catches it in his mouth on the way down.
Shaggy: Mmm tastes like heads to me. See you at the end of the buffet line Ol buddy.
Next to arrive is Mark and Roger. Mark and Roger argue back and forth as to who will take this gross challenge when Alf and ET arrive. Mark argues that since he did the last roadblock it's Roger's turn and tells him plaid bike shorts are out of style then disappears leaving Roger to the roadblock. Roger stands in front of the food trying not to heave and figure out how he will get it down.
Alf can't hold E.T back from the buffet. E.T eatttt E.T eatttt. E.T gobbles up the food in no time and even looks around for more.
Simba and Nala arrive. Simba chooses to do the roadblock. He pounces on the food and devours it.
Hannibal and Jigsaw are next to arrive.
Hannibal: Mmm I've been salivating for some Salivary. This is a feast fit for a king wouldn't you say Simba? Tut tut tut, it's not good to speak with your mouth full. Hannibal does a face plant into the food and begins to gorge on the gourmet.Meanwhile Jigsaw convinces the other teams as they come in that they don't really want to do this challenge which is not hard to do as the teams see both Simba and Hannibal looking very similar tearing their food to pieces.Roger is still staring blankly ahead at this frightening feast.
Bob ignores Jigsaw and goes right for the buffet and sucks it all into his stomach.Susan, throwing napkins to BOB, Hannibal and Simba: Oh boys you've all got a little bit of kidney on your chins there..
Obi: Yoda: Obi-wan a jedi's strength must in the stomach be not just the mind.Plus I've got some pepto bismal in my robe for you after.
Obi: Master Yoda this looks a lot like something I once ate at Jabba's place.
Obi is determined and digs in.
Statler and Waldorf are accustomed to eating meat from their time in the land of the dinosaurs so Waldorf digs in.
The Autobots opt out saying that will be worse than water in the gas tank for clogging up the system. Kermit's a vegetarian and Miss Piggy doesn't eat pork so they're out.
Spongebob and Patrick are on a strict race diet of crabby patties so they pass.
Roger sees everyone else diving in and just closes his eyes, plugs his nose and starts shovelling the food in trying to swallow it down as fast as he can.
Teams sitting out the roadblock:
Bumblebee and Optimus
Kermit and Miss Piggy
Spongebob and Patrick
Teams are now off to the pit stop. (the autobots, Kermit and Piggy and Spongebob and Patrick are now sitting out their 4 hr penalty)
First to arrive looking worried as they think they are in last is Shaggy and Scooby. Adam appears out of nowhere scaring Scooby who jumps on Shaggy's back. Adam puts the pair in plastic hot dog costumes. Adam: "You are the top dogs for this leg of the race!" Shaggy says still shaking "l-l-like really you mean we actually won the race?"Scooby: Rot riggity rog! Adam: "Not only did you win this leg of the race but you've also win...these fancy hot dog costumes have luck getting out of them" then walks away.
[trapped in hot dogs]
Scooby Doo: What now?
Shaggy: Let's do what we do best Scoob, eat.
[Scooby bites one]
Scooby Doo: It's plastic.
Shaggy: What do you care? You drink out of the toilet.
Scooby Doo: So do you.
They eat their way out and find $1000 worth of pet food and restaurant vouchers as well as some Mr. Clean toilet brushes and Oral B electric tooth brushes.
2nd Mark and Roger Roger proclaiming "I'll never eat meat again," before racing to the toilet. Adam: What is the terrible smell?
Mark: Apparently Blood sausage and the other Argentinian delights made Roger a little windy!
Mark: If you think that's bad Adam try running behind him here.
Mark: All I could do was sing the song from top Gun, "Take my breath away".
3rd to arrive is Hannibal and Jigsaw Adam congratulates Hannibal and Jigsaw on coming in third and points out that Hannibal still has some blood on his chin from the blood sausage.Hannibal climbs the flag pole and wipes off his chin with the flag and then proceeds to eat the flag claiming they didn't have dessert at the roadblock.
4th to arrive is Alf and E.T come into the pit stop looking rather full. "E.T.....fulll," says E.T "E.T phone home E.T" while Alf chases a cat.
5th to arrive is Simba and Nala who are pleasantly surprised when Adam tells them they are team number 5! Simba asks when the next course will be and Adam points to the no longer existing flag and says there isn't one.
6th to arrive is Bob and Susan. Bob says he can still taste the stuff and Susan refuses to look at him since she can see the food through his stomach.
7th to arrive is Yoda and Obi-wan who come in. Obi runs to the bathroom while Yoda shakes his head "His stomach did not use the force. "
8th to arrive is Statler and Waldorf. "How was it fellas?" says Adam. "This race leg was a rotten egg, " says Waldorf.
"Oh yeah?" says Adam "Why's that?"
"It's like a bad smell that doesn't go away. Dohohohohohohoho. "
"It's like a bad smell that doesn't go away. Dohohohohohohoho. "
9th is Bumbleebee and Optimus who race to the pit stop after sitting out their 4 hr penalty. It doesn't take them long to get there and when they find out they are still in the race Bumblebee plays Still Cruisin by the Beach Boys.
10th is Kermit and Miss Piggy. Mysteriously as they get near the pit stop, a gong falls on Adam's head knocking him out. Eager to get a new host, Kermit asks where they are going to find one. Miss Piggy drives off in a flash car and comes back.
Miss Piggy: Kermit, we found a celebrity! Jack Black has graciously agreed to host the show for us.
Kermit the Frog: That's great! Where is he?
Miss Piggy: In the trunk.
Jack Black: [Inside car trunk] Get me out of here!
Adam wakes up, checks Piggy and Kermit in and falls asleep.
Last to arrive is Spongebob and Patrick. Spongebob curiously comes over to the sleeping Adam.
"Don't worry, " says Piggy, "Jack Black can check you in."
(muffled from trunk) Spongebob and Patrick you are the....Adam, on hearing his race host position being stolen jumps to his feet and says "Spongebob and Patrick you are the last team to arrive. I am sorry to tell you, you have both been eliminated from the race. "
Spongebob looks sad, Patrick too for a millisecond but both of them are pleased they did it and are now headed to the elimination station.
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