"aha aha it's beginning. You're the two guys I heard about that heckle from the box." says Adam "Now you're in my race...welcome to my world bitches." Statler and Waldorf look worried for a second then Adam slaps his knee and laughs, dohohohohoho.
Statler and Waldorf say "Hey Adam you know what you're doing wrong? Standing too close to the racers. "
"Well how's this?"
"Still too close."
"This better?"
"Still too close."
"Well how far do you want me to go?"
"Got a car?"
Adam slaps his forehead and falls backwards.Statler and Waldorf pull out a starters pistol shoot it into the air and start running, beginning season two of the amazing race!
Camera crew: Adam can we help you out?
Adam: Yes please.
Crew: Which way did you come in?
Adam: hits forehead and and passes out.
The other teams, hearing the starter pistol race for the clue. Bumbleebee plays Start it up. The ground shakes as engines rev, as giant feet pound the ground and the echo of dohohohoho rings in the air as the racers head out on the new season of the amazing race! And as Adam collects his thought and tries to come up with a game plan for dealing with the hecklers from the box
Teams are now off to Peru.
In Peru they encounter their first detour Rope a llama or Rope a basket.
For the first Detour of the race, teams choose between Rope a Llama or Rope a Basket. In Rope a Llama, teams had to lead llamas to a pen not far off; once they had two llamas in their pen, the herder would give them their next clue. In Rope a Basket, teams had to put on hats and capes, tie and carry a basket of alfalfa weighing 35 pounds (16 kg) to a store called Tienda Victoria Valdivia 2⁄3-mile (1.1 km) away; once there teams would receive their next clue.
Teams doing Rope a llama
Alf and E.T
Hannibal and Jigsaw
Mark and Roger
Miss Piggy and Kermit
Mr Burns and Smithers
Scooby and Shaggy
Statler and Waldorf
Teams doing Rope a basket
Bumbleebee and Optimus
Bob and Susan
Simba and Nala
Spongebob and Patrick
Squidward and Plankton
Yoda and Obi-wan
Rope a llama
* Shaggy and Scooby help out Statler and Waldorf with their llama drama.Even though Scooby and Shaggy help Statler and Waldorf they get their llamas in first by using scooby snacks.
*The llamas love Mark and Roger's singing so go quietly.
*Alf thinks the llamas are his distant relatives he hasn't seen in a long time and tries to communicate with them, then E.T uses his glowing finger to lead the llamas to the pen.
*Miss Piggy and Hannibal exchange words.
*Mr. Burns tries to lasso the Llamas but the rope just falls around his feet.He tries to push them hunhhhhhh. The llama moves forward just enough that Burns falls on his face. Smithers rushes over and tips him back up again. Smithers pulls out some carrots from his pocket and leads the Llamas into the pen.
*Statler and Waldorf get their first llama into the pen but the second one is particularly stubborn. Sometimes it moves towards the pen but then turns around and runs the other way. It butts Statler in the butt.
Scooby and Shaggy decide to help the old fellas. They notice somethings not quite right with this Llama. They notice it has nikes on its back feet. Shaggy and Scooby set a trap with Statler and Waldorf. Statler and Waldorf chase the old guys, distracting it. Scooby and Shaggy put some scooby snacks on the ground and set a trap with the lasso. Statler and Waldorfg are laying on the ground leaning against each other with exhaustion.The llamas seems to be caughing which sounds a lot like laughing.
Noticing the snacks the llama comes over to check them out.As the Llama takes one of the snacks it springs the trap which lassos the llama by the legs flipping it upside down.To everyone's shock and amazment the lllama starts shouting. "Get me down get me down."Scooby and Shaggy take the Llama down and pull off the llama's head to reveal... Richard Hatch!
Miss Piggy and the killers: Hannibal, you furry little freaks better move or we will turn you into sweaters.
Hannibal covers her mouth with his hands and tells Jigsaw "And that's how you silence the hams"
Miss Piggy gives Hannibal a karate chop and says "that's how the ham slams the man"
Jigsaw gets angry and puts Miss Piggy in a frying pan trap which she barely escapes. Hannibal makes a joke about Kermit ending up as frogs legs later.
Shaggy: Hey scoob, those old dudes look like they're in trouble. I've heard of Llamas in pyjamas but never llamas in nikes, I think something's up."
Richard Hatch: "Yeah and I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids!" "Don't worry I'll be back!"
Statler and Waldorf"I told you. I thought that Llama was acting like something had crawled up its butt"
Statler and Waldorg: "Hey Hatch! We just figured out your style." Hatch: "Oh ya? What's that" "you work like Adam the host" "Adam the host's not an evil genius..." "well..." "grrrrr...."
Rope a Basket
*The big bots spring into action right away and make light work of lifting the basket.Bumblebee plays the children's song "A tisket a tasket"
*Little Plankton has a plan of his own. Fitting squidward with a set of roller skates, he attaches a grappling hook to the Autobot's basket and with that they are in tow with the big machines.
*Simba and Nala use their jungle cat strength and drag the basket to the end of the detour.While Yoda and Obi-wan use the force to guide them
*Susan and Bob get off to a slow start and Bob tries to chat up the basket.
*Patrick teaches Bumblebee a new song which causes him to malfunction.
*Half the teams are singing while the other half are trying to carry their baskets and cover their ears at the same time.
Susan"Bob you're lucky that Optimus works at the Opt shop and fixed Bumblebee's radio".
Susan: Hey it's really nice to meet you Mr. Spongebob but Bob blob and I have a race to run so we'll see you later"
Yoda: "Oh my poor green ears what is that horrible noise?"
Obi-Wan "I think it's singing...? That or Alf just found himself a cat to eat".
Yoda: "The light of the force is dim with that star".
Nala and Simba: "Roar!!!!!"
Spuogebob: "I know what would make this basket carrying easier let's sing a song about it" "Basket basket heavy heavy basket you're making my ass wet basket!!!" which causes Patrick to sing his song "twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, Patrick star." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYeuSZGOqnM The song causes Bumblebee to malfunction on trying to learn it.
When Optimus stops to help Bumblebee, he drops his basket. This causes Plankton to take a flip landing in Squidward's basket. They also lost the free ride that they were getting being towed by the autobots.This lets Bob and Susan race ahead.
First to the pit stop is Mark and Roger.
Adam: Mark and Roger, you are the first team to check in to the first leg of this Amazing race.
Mark and Roger: Really we are the first team?
Adam: Roger Roger you are the first team. LOL
Mark and Roger: It makes us so happy we could just sing! and they bust into a chorus of "We're not going to payyyy, we're not going to pay last year's RENT. This years RENT."
To which Adam responds with: "You won't have to pay last years rent because as the winners of this leg of the race you have won a month long hairy adventure with Chewbacca on a Llama farm in Peru and some llama pyjamas to keep you both warm on those chilly Peruvian nights.
Hannibal and Jigsaw arrive second. "Hannibal and Jigsaw, you're team number 2!!" says Adam through a megaphone from a football field away. Jigsaw and Hannibal high five each other. Hannibal says to Jigsaw "Nice work" to which Jigsaw replies "Thanks partner, care for a celebratory "Pork Rind" as Miss Piggy and Kermit race up to the check in.
Miss Piggy turns up her nose saying "hmm" and walking past the killers to Adam at the check in mat."Miss Piggy and Kermit, you're team #3!"Piggy says: "Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you ma ma ma ma ma ma" kissing Adam profusely.
Fourth to check in is Spongebob and Patrick who Adam tells are in 4th place.
Spongebob: Gee thanks Adam that's swell. We're so happy Patrick would like to sing a song for you--
Adam,:good luck on the next leg guys but here comes our next team."Adam wipes his brow woo that was close.
Bob and Susan arrive in 5th place. Bob hits on Adam thinking he is a monster. Susan tells him it's Adam the host so Bob turns his attention to a bowl of jello on the table. "Bob and Susan, " says Adam, "you're team #5!"
Simba and Nala arrive in 6th place. "Simba and Nala, you're team #6!" After Adam tells them they are in 6th place they prowel off singing "oh I just can't wait to be first!"
Scooby and Shaggy arrive in 7th place. "Scooby and Shaggy, you're team #7!" to which Scooby says "rooby roooby roo" Shaggy says "Like zoinks Scoob, we're still in the race even after that llama drama"
Yoda and Obi-wan arrive in 8th place. "Yoda and Obi, you're team #8!" Obi says "Next time we'll try harder" to which Yoda says "Do or do not do, there is no try."
Alf and E.T arrive in 9th place. "Alf and E.T, you're team #9!" Alf and E.T got held up because Alf refused to leave his relatives and was admiring their good hair.
Statler and Waldorf arrive in 10th place. "Statler and Waldorf, " says Adam, "you're team #10!" "Well? We would have done better if our Llama hadn't hatched a wrotten egg! Dohohohoho"
Mr Burns and Smithers arrive in 11th place. "Mr Burns and Smithers, you're team #11!"
Burns" Smithers? How many teams are there in this race?"
Smithers: "13 sir."
Burns: "Hmmm. Smithers we're at the back of the pack but two strongs bucks such as us should be like lone wolves leading the teams and howling at the moon! Howoo--cough cough cough. Smithers: "right you are sir".
Bumblebee and Optimus arrive in 12th place. Adam asks the team what they think about this little set back to which Bumblebee plays the Elton John song "I'm still standing ya ya ya"Optimus installs a special sound mute program when repairing Bumblebee so this doesn't happen again.
Squidward and Plankton arrive in last. "Squidward and Plankton, " says Adam, "you are the last team to arrive. I'm sorry to tell you you have both been eliminated from the race. "
Adam: Well I guess it's back to the Crusty Crab for you two.You are our first team to go to the elimination crustacean"
Plankton: "Do you know what I want Adam?
Adam: A booster seat? A booster...!
"No! I want total global domination of this race mwuahahahaha! and maybe some of those ever so tasty crabby patties."
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