Teams doing RUSSIAN BRIDE:
Batman and Robin
Bert and Ernie
Chewbacca and Han
Frodo and Sam
Leonard and Sheldon
Barney and Homer
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash
Freddy and Jason
Gandalf and Saruman
Hermione and Luna
Highlights of the Russian Bride
*Leonard and Sheldon pop the hood of the Lada and soup it up so it's super fast. Leonard draws on his knowledge of the russian language that he learned from his chess code
*Bert and Ernie and Frodo and Sam are super excited to get their brides to the cathedral. They sing Going to the Chapel all the way there.
Lowlights of the Russian Bride
*On the way to the cathedral Batman and Robin are pulled over by KGB agents and questioned about their funny costumes or lack of clothing.
Chewbacca: Mwrorrrrr urghrrr rnnnhhhh rrughhh urrghhhh rnnnhh (translation: I once ordered a mail order bride but I sent her back when she was hairier than I was. )
Hans Solo: How do you think I met you?
Ernie: Hey Bert, she's pretty Bert. But not as pretty as you, Bert.
Robin: Spiralling Sputniks, Batman, I think we're being pulled over by the KGB!
Highlights of the snowplow task:
*Hermione and Luna engage in a battle of bumperplow with the wizards but Hermione is better at magic so she thwarts the wizards' sabotage plan which makes the wizards very cross.
*Homer and Barney have excellent skills from running their own snowplow businesses.
*The ponies come in behind Homer and Barney because their plow had two extra horsepower.
Lowlights of the snowplow task:
*Jason accidentally runs over Freddy while he's manuvering the course and all that can be heard from under the snowplow is "Freddy's down!" .
Fluttershy "1 horse power, 2 horse power."
Gandalf "Now that's what I call a hit and run" Saruman "Now Freddy's a hit. "
Homer" Mr Plow! Now that's my name! That name again is Mr Plow! He gets up and stands on his snowplow and yells "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!!"
In this leg's Roadblock, one team member has to choose two Russian marathon runners who will help them warm up, before he or she stripped down to his or her underwear to run a 1.4-mile (2.3 km) course toward the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre, where their partner, who was transported there separately, will join them in heading to the Pit Stop.
Team members doing the roadblock:
Leonard and Sheldon: They argue over who is going to do the roadblock then they decide that Sheldon will do the roadblock. So he strips down to a pair of tighty whities that have the day of the week on them and RACE LEG 5.
Bert and Ernie: It's Bert's turn ."ERNIE! All these people will see me. " "You'll be fine, Bert. Just think of how good you look in tights, Bert. " Bert strips down to a pair of Alphabet Blockhead boxers.
Chewbacca and Han Solo: Han agrees to do it. Han Solo strips down to a purple g-string and Chewy just rolls his eyes. All the cameras immediately blur Han Solo out.
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash: Fluttershy does it. Fluttershy takes off her saddle to reveal some fancy underwear made by Rarity and sings "The Art of the Undress"
Freddy and Jason: Freddy does it. Freddy strips down to a pair of boxers that match his red and green sweater.
Frodo and Sam: Frodo does it. While he runs he yells "I wish the ring had never come to me, I wish none of this had happened" Frodo falls over near the ballet theatre.
Gandalf and Saruman: Saruman does it. His underwear has orcs and the eye of Sauron all over it. Most of the other teams cover their eyes, allowing the wizards to get ahead.
Hermione and Luna: Luna is up. The crowd goes wild as Luna strips down to a pair of Victoria's Secret underwear. As she runs Gandalf sings "Loony Loony Lovegood" and "Oh Potter, you rotter, what have you done, you're killing the students, you think it's good fun"
Batman and Robin: Robin decides to do it since all he has to do is take off his shirt and cape and he's good to go.
Barney and Homer: Homer is up. He is puffed after running for 1 minute. He is wearing Mr Plow boxers.
Waiting at the pit stop with Adam is Frank.N.Furter from the Rocky Horror Picture Show who was so inspired by the time warp last week that he wants to do it again.
Leonard and Sheldon make it to the pit stop in the ballet theatre. "Leonard and Sheldon, you're Team Number ONE! As the winners of this leg of the race, you've won a snow cone machine and a case of russian vodka!" Sheldon gives Leonard a hug. Leonard says "Sheldon I'm not used to these pdas!" To which Sheldon replies " I'm just trying to avoid hypothermia. Now warm my core!!!"
With thunder and hooves, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, gallop into second. "Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash you're Team Number 2!"
Gandalf and Saruman come in. "Gandalf and Saruman, you're Team #3!"
Bert and Ernie pirouette into 4th place. "Hey Ernie, all this fresh air is invirogorating!"
Frodo and Sam. Sam helps Frodo up from where he fell down and says "I can't carry the ring,Mr Frodo but I can carry you!" He lifts Frodo up and puts him down gently at the pit stop. "Frodo and Sam, you're Team #5!"
Freddy and Jason run to the checkin mat, Freddy still sporting the tread marks from the snow plow on his body. "Freddy and Jason, you're Team #6!"
Han Solo and Chewy fell behind because Han lost a shoe on the run to the pit stop, making for some frightening camera work as he bent down to retrieve it. Frank.N.Furter says "Looking good, " to Han Solo. "Han and Chewy, you're Team #7! Now put some clothes on," says Adam.
Hermione and Luna come to the pit stop, terrified that they are one of the last teams to arrive. They brace themselves for an elimination. "Hermione and Luna, you are Team #8!" They are both silent, shocked until Adam says "You are still in the race!"
Barney and Homer took their own pit stop on the way to the pit stop and were detained by the Moscow police for peeing in public. They go to the pit stop and Adam tells them "Barney and Homer, you are Team #9 I am sorry to tell you, you have both been eliminated from the race."
Batman and Robin: Batman and Robin got detoured, thinking they saw the Bat signal in the sky but it turned out to be the neon lights of the Moscow McDonalds. They arrive at the pit stop. "Batman and Robin, " says Adam "You are the last team to arrive. I am sorry to tell you you have both been eliminated from the race."
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