In the second episode of The Amazing Race first thing up is a DETOUR. In the first Detour of this race, teams chose between Llama Adoration and Condor Consternation. In Llama Adoration, teams traveled to a farm where they had to dress a llama by placing a blanket on its back and a scarf around its neck. In Condor Consternation, teams traveled to a beach where they donned special shoes resembling birds' feet and used a hang glider-like condor costume to glide out to a clue in the water.

Adam and Bill
Applejack and Big Mac
Frankenfurter and Rocky
Gru and Vector
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
Miley Cyrus and Billy Ray
Beastly and No Heart
Bella and Edward
Dr Evil and Minime
Ghost Nappa and Vegeta
Michael Jackson and Whitney
Po and Shifu
*Adam ties the blanket around the llama's neck and makes it look like a superhero. Super llama man.
*Frank starts singing "In 7 days I can make a lllama maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan" **We at TAR do not condone llama fashion crimes. We do however find it hilarious** They also fit their llama with high heeled boots.
* Gru and Vector get confused and try to put a blanket and scarf on Big Mac and Applejack.
* Big Mac and Applejack try to get the blanket and scarf off themselves and knock into Justin Bieber, who falls into Miley and they both fall over.
Applejack "Hey I'm a horse not a llama"
Bill" Hey at least our llama didn't bring the drama/"
Selena says "Bieber's downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn now get your hands off my man, chickadee"
*Michael Jackson and Whitney put on an air show using all kinds of fancy moves and swirl down to grab their clue.
*Beastly who is used to riding a bike in mid air makes a direct beeline for the clue.
* Even though they're donning condor costumes Bella and Edward look like bats.
*Minime gets blown off course by a gust of wind.
*Po drops down out of the sky making a huge splash.
Nappa: Vegetaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
Vegeta: What is it Nappa?
Nappa: I can flyyyy
Vegeta: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Nappa: What's wrong Vegeta?
Vegeta: Nothing just an aneurysm out sheer stupidity.
Nappa: Wow I didn't think you were that stupid Vegeta
Vegeta: *passes out in frustration*
Michael Jackson: Wheeee wheee look at me. Hey that sounds like it should be a song. <i>Wheeeee wheee look at me I can flyyyy like a condor in the skyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Oooooooooooooooooooohh</i>
Beastly: Oh boy(as he grabs the clue)
In the leg's Roadblock, teams had to collect several ingredients used to make kuchen: a plate of butter, a bowl of sugar, a bag of flour, a baker's dozen of eggs from the hen house, and a cup of milk straight from a cow. Once the ingredients were collected, team members had to give them to the baker to receive a serving of kuchen and their next clue.
Team members doing kuchen
Adam: Adam uses his stealth ninja skills to skillfully pluck the eggs from under the chickens and escapes without getting hen-pecked.
Bella: A rooster takes particular interest in Bella and chases her around the hen house.
Big Mac: Big Mac is used to being on a farm, so collects all the items quickly.
Dr Evil: Dr Evil fights with the cow to get some milk and says "come on throw me a freaking bone...I mean teat here"
Miley: Miley says to Billy Ray Cyrus "Dad this'll be no problem it'll be just like home.This cow reminds me of ol'Bessie"
No Heart: No Heart is slowed down a bit by his cow because he has cold hands.
Po: Shifu keeps throwing stars at Po's butt every time that he tries to eat the food he's supposed to be collecting, to keep him on track.
Selena: Selena gets slowed down because she has to go back and get a 2nd plate of butter because while milking the cow, one of the chickens ran up and pecked at her butter.
Vector: Vector uses all his mechanical gadgets like a mechanical egg plucker, egg counter and a milking machine which Po steals for later.
Vegeta: Vegeta tries to squeeze the cow and make it squeak which results in a painful kick to Vegeta.
Whitney: Whitney gets help from beyond the grave from the Beegees who help guide her to all the food products.
First into the pit stop are Adam and Bill. "Hey Bert, look it's the same team who came first last time. Sorry but we can't give you the first place twice." Bert"Ernie!! They are allowed to come in first twice. It's a different leg!" Ernie" Next thing you know they'll be having arms too.Ás the winners of this leg of the race you have won these chicken costumes and a life supply of chocolate cake!
Following Adam and Bill is Po and Shifu "Po and Shifu, " says Bert, "you're team number two! And that means you are still in the race." Po tries to high five Shifu but loses him to the dumpling table.
In third place is Miley and Billy Ray who are hugged by Ernie and Bert on arrival. "Miley and Billy you're team number 3! And that means you are free!"
Running furiously to 4th place is Beastly and No Heart "Oh boy," says Beastly, "oh boy!"
Dancing into 5th place are the ghostly team of Michael Jackson and Whitney. "Cause we're baaad we're baaaad," sings Michael Jackson.
Applejack and Big Mac gallop furiously into 6th place. "We did it," says Applejack. "Horses, " says Ernie, "can I have a ride?" Bert's "you are in 6th place" speech is interrupted by Ernie taking a gallop with Big Mac and destroying the tents. "Ernie how does it look?" "You look with your eyes, Bert!"
Dr Evil and Minime head into 7th place. "Dr Evil and Minime, " says a rather angry Bert, "you are team number 7 and that means you are still in the race!"
Bella and Edward arrive looking very hen pecked in 8th place "Bella and Edward," says Bert, "you're team number 8 and that means you are still in the race!"
Frankenfurter and Rocky arrive "Frankenfurter and Rocky you are team number 9 and that means you are still in the race!!"Rocky sings "the sword of the race was hanging over my headd.."to which Frank gets irritated at and starts singing "Sweet transvestite"
Ghost Nappa and Vegeta arrive in 10th place. "Ghost Nappa and Vegeta you are team number 10 and that means you are still in the race."
Vegeta did you hear that? We're still in the race.
That's great Nappa now we have to wait for the next leg.
Is it here yet?
Is it here yet?
Is it here yet?
Nappa starts eating a Butterfinger. Vegeta tells him goddamnit Nappa give me that Butterfinger!!!
And last to arrive is Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. "Justin Bieber and are the last team to arrive. I am sorry to tell you you have both been eliminated from the race." Justin Bieber sings baby as they walk off the pit stop to epic tragic music.
And so concludes the second leg of the race. Stay tuned for the third leg of the amazing race contest blog.
DISCLAIMER:: Team Two Star would like to apologize to Team Four Star and Little Kuriboh as they are such big fans of Team Four Star they stole two of their stars for this contest. May the force be with them.
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