In the first Roadblock, that team member has to search among 600 metal boxes in order to find their next clue.
Team members doing the roadblock:
E.T: E.T accidentlaly slams a box lid on his finger then pulls it out. He holds it up and it glows as he says: oooooowwwwwww Alf yells: no pain no gain keep searching! E.T eventually finds a clue.
Susan: Susan scrambles to find the clue. Bob yells encouragement from the sidelines. She starts flinging the box lids one of which accidently hits BOB knocking him out.
Roger: Roger starts clanging box lids together and singing "clanging clanging rattle bing bang, gonna make my noise all day"
Mark yells: Mortimor! Beeeeee Quiiiiiiiiet!Roger Roger get that clue Roger that. As Mark cheers Roger on, Bob starts to sing I'm blue.
Optimus: Optimus uses an electromagnet to lift all the box lids at once and quickly find the clue.
Scooby:Rot rere rot rere rot rere rot rere Rer rit ris!Rooby rooby roo! Rets ro Raggy!
Statler: Statler peers into a box for a few seconds:
Waldorf: Did you find the clue?
Statler: No! I think I found the Amazing Race Show producers' talent.
Waldorf: Let's see... there's nothing in the box.
Statler: Well...?
Statler and Waldorf: Dohohohohoho
Teams head to the DETOUR. In the first Detour, teams choose between Solid or Liquid. In Solid, teams traveled to a coal depot and had to chop up to 175 pounds (79 kg) of coal, load it into the flatbed tricycles and then delivering it to K.K. Jaiswal Charcoal Merchants, once delivered, teams would receive their next clue. In Liquid, teams traveled to the Sharma Tea Corner, got a tea cart and searched a 3-story office building for five pre-designated people which were on a list the teams had and had to give them a cup of tea and got a business card in exchange. When they received all five, teams returned the carts to the tea shop, and delivered the cards to the owner who would give them their next clue.
Teams doing solid
Bob and Susan
Bumblebee and Optimus
Mark and Roger
Teams doing Liquid
Alf and E.T
Scooby and Shaggy
Statler and Waldorf
Mark and Roger work well together to load up the coal and race ahead.
A Rivalry between Susan and Optimus has formed so they continue to trash talk each other through this contest.Susan and Bob and Optimus and Bumble Bee are peddling their trikes side by side, comments flying back and forth between the two teams. They start playing bumper trikes with sparks and coal flying until finally the autobots press ahead leaving Bob and Susan in their coal dust.
Susan: There is no way an aluminum shed on wheels is gonna pass us!.
Bob: I can't look.
Optimus: Honk honk miss badonka donk, make way for the winners.
Bumblebee plays leader of the pack as they pull in front of Bob and Susan.
*Scooby acts like he is british as he poors tea for Shaggy.
Alf is tuned in too well to E.T's happy emotions and does some skipping and dancing along.
*ET also samples a lot of the tea sipping it up through his finger. It turns out that Alf wasn't really dancing and skipping but just desperately trying to hold a pee utnil he could find a bathroom.
Statler and Waldorf just shake their heads and roll their eyes as they push past the others.
ET and Alf get held up looking for bathrooms because of all the tea they drank.
Shaggy and Scooby bump carts with Statler and Waldorf sending China and tea flying everywhere so they need to start again.
Alf: I have to race like a pee horse Willy!!
Shaggy: Zoinks! Look out scoob there goes some flying saucers.
Scooby: Reerio, rould rou rike rome rea raggy? Scooby bows daintily pouring the tea with pinky finger extended.
Statler and Waldorf: No use crying over spilled tea. Dohohohoho.
And the race isn't over yet! All teams are told they are in and can now proceed to the 2nd part of the leg and at the pit stop two teams will be eliminated!
For this Fast Forward, one team participated in a traditional Hindu ritual at Kailashoham Gaure Shwar Mahadev Mandir, Kaylana Lake: shave their heads bald. Once all of the two team members' hair had been removed, the team would be awarded the Fast Forward.
Scooby: Raggy, rour rot raggy rany rore.
Shaggy: Gee Wiz I kinda feel light headed.
Scooby: Raggyy rhat rabot re? Ri reel rold Raggy.
Shaggy: Wowzers Scoob, I guess that makes you a chilly dog.
Scooby disappears for a minute and returns dragging two mops behind him.He takes the ends off of each mop and puts them on Shaggy and his head. Rhats Retter! Row rour raggy ragain.
Shaggy Hey scoobs let's see if we can fast forward ourselves to some Jasmine rice and curried chicken somewhere.
Rounds rood Raggy. Mmmmm mmmmm.
In the second Detour, teams choose between Trunk or Dunk. In Trunk, teams had to travel to Jodhpur's old city and cart a 600 lb (270 kg) elephant (in Khanna Niwas) through the streets of Jodhpur, when they reached the Shri Kunj Bihari Temple, the temple priest will hand them their next clue. In Dunk, teams made their way to a dyeing house (in Panna Niwas) and had to dye 25 sheets of fabric in a basket until they found the one with their next clue on it.
Teams doing Trunk
*Bob and Susan
*Bumblebee and Optimus
Teams doing Dunk
*Alf and E.T
*Mark and Roger
*Statler and Waldorf.
*Bumblebee and Optimus attach the elephant to their hubcaps and manage to tow it down the street in no time.
*Bob can't move the elephant at all and ends up getting dragged along by it.
Susan uses some peanuts and her power of persuation to get their elephant and BOB back on track.
Optimus: Hey little lady, looks like you got some junk in your trunk. *honk honk, on the horn as they go past*
BOB: Hey hey blow it out your exhaust pipe you big rig!
*Statler and Waldorf luck out and only have to dye about 5 sheets before finding their clue.
Low lights:
*ET and ALF work quickly but get held back when Alf decides now would be a good time to dye his hair. He has ET hold him by the ankles and dunk him head first into the bright blue dye.
*Mark and Roger kick it up a notch and start to work frantically noticing that the old guys have finished quickly and are already off to the pit stop. But, they end up getting tangled up in a flurry of flying sheets and falling into the dye.
Statler: I feel like I'm dying. Dohohohoho
Waldorf: After that joke, me too. Dohohohoho
Alf to ET after watching a mummified Mark slam a tangled toga wearing Roger into the dyeing pots:
Alf: Boolyah! now that's a slam dunk!
From the detour teams must now head to their roadblock.
In the second Roadblock, that team member had to complete two laps in a cart driven by a camel, once completed, teams would receive their next clue.
Team members doing the roadblock:
Alf : Alf jumps into his cart claiming it's a chariot! He starts shouting at the camel: On dancer, on prancer, on Donner and Blitzen...Look at me ET I'm Alficus.
Bob: Come on beautiful, giddy up giddy up! BOB's cart hits a bump that sends him bouncing out of the cart but Susan is quick with the rebound and bounces him right back in again.
Susan: 3 points! Bullyah!
Bumblebee Adam steps in and blasts BumbleBee with a temporary shrinking ray allowing for a fairer competition for this challenge and to make it easy on the camel so it doesn't have to pull the weight of a car.Bumblebee plays the theme song from Bonanza as he steers his cart but it sounds like a chipmunks version because of his shrunken size.
Mark has a hard time getting his camel into gear. Roger sings "kick it in gear, kick it in gear" by Jennifer Paige. Mark tries smacking it on the butt which makes the camel turn around and spit at him. Roger yells: Holy Spit! duck.
Waldorf: Hey Alice, let's get a move on.
Statler: Try singing to it it's working for those other teams.
Waldorf: My humps my humps my lovely camel humps! Waldorf sings "Alice the camel has 1 hump"
The camel sings back "Alice, who the f**k is Alice? causing Waldorf to jump and fall out of the cart.
First to arrive, having been allowed to bypass all detours and roadblocks is SHAGGY AND SCOOBY who are both bald(though trying to hide it with their mops). Adam compliments them saying "Bald is beautiful." Scooby says "right rald is reautiful" before getting in some hair regrowth syrup. "As the winners of this leg of the race you have one a beauty salon courtesy of Hair There."
Next to arrive is Bumblebee and Optimus Adam says "Bumblebee and Optimus Prime you are team #2!!" Bumblebee plays Celebrate and they do wheelies all over the pit stop.
In 3rd place is Bob and Susan "Bob and Susan, " says Adam "You are team #3!" The elephant from the detour has followed Bob and Susan to the pit stop and the elephant drags Bob away to play catch the peanut.
In 4th is Statler and Waldorf "Statler and Waldorf," says Adam "You're team #4 and that means you are still in the race." Statler says "What this darn thing isn't over yet?They should call this the neverending race Dohohohohoho. "
The 5th team to arrive is Alf and E.T "Alf and E.T you are the 5th and because this is a double elimination I am sorry to tell you have both been eliminated from the race." E.T says "Oh no E.T go homeeee...E.T E.T phone home."
The last team to arrive is Mark and Roger who are both dyed purple from the bark challenge. "Mark and Roger, " says Adam, "you are the last team to arrive and I'm sorry to tell you you have both been eliminated from the race." Mark and Roger sing "goodbye race, goodbye. I just came to say goodbye race." Bob rolls past and says to Mark "Purple's your color. "
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