Teams make their way from Germany to France.
In this Leg's Detour, teams chose between In the Trenches or Under Fire. For both tasks, teams dressed up as World War I-era American soldiers, known as Doughboys.
In the Trenches, teams traveled through trenches to a telegraph where they had to decipher a message in Morse code –"We will prevail. Vive la France."– and then presented their deciphered message to the French sergeant.
In Under Fire, teams crawled under barbed wire 100 feet to receive a message –"The war is over. Vive la liberté."– from a man in a foxhole. They then crawled back through the barbed wire to present the message to the sergeant. Before either task was completed and the teams received their clue, the message they received was sent to "headquarters" via carrier pigeon.
Teams doing In the Trenches
*Po and Shifu
*Applejack and Big Mac
*Dr Evil and Minime
*Frankenfurter and Rocky
Teams doing Under Fire
*Adam and Bill
*Beastly and No Heart
*Ghost Nappa and Vegeta
*Gru and Vector
*Michael Jackson and Whitney's ghosts
* Po and Shifu make it to the telegraph first, because Po thinks he's going to get Pillsbury crescent rolls and starts looking for the Pillsbury doughboy. Shifu hits him with the stick to keep him moving.
*Frankenfurter doesn't want to get his clothes dirty, so he and Rocky jump on Applejack and Big Mac, slowing the other team down. When Big Mac and Applejack get to the telegraph they buck Frank and Rocky off, making them land in a big mud puddle.
*Dr Evil loses Minime in a mud hole, and has to feel around to fish him out.
Po "Shifu where are the crescent rolls? When they said doughboys I expected Pillsbury"
Po "Poke me and die old man, you should know better than to poke a hungry bear."
Applejack and Big Mac say "Last stop on the pony express, " before bucking off Frank and Rocky.
Dr Evil, "come to daddy Minime, oh you stink."
*Bill and Adam suffer a temporary setback because Bill's pants get snagged on the barbed wire. Adam comes back and yanks Bill out of his pants, who finishes the detour in his underwear.
* No Heart turns into a tornado, whirling through the detour, carrying Beastly with him.
*Nappa and Vegeta get held up because Nappa keeps scratching his back with the barbed wire and purring like a kitten.
*Michael Jackson and Whitney get held up, because Michael Jackson keeps trying to steal the man in the foxhole's french military jacket, because he wants it for his next video.
*Gru and Vector use the shrink ray to shrink the wire, but they accidentally change the settings, so the wire ends up huge and everybody runs under it with no problem.
*Michael Jackson and French lieutenant, "Oui," "non," "Oui!" "Non, non, monsieur Jackson. It is my coat!" Michael Jackson hits the lieutenant with the baguette and takes the coat anyway.
Whitney says "Michael's gone gangster! He's bad, bad, bad you know it!"
*Adam to Bill: You have to crawl under there
Bill: Under where?
Adam: Ha I made you say underwear and now I can see your underwear.
Vegeta: Goddamnit, Nappa.
Gru: Run for it!!
Po and Shifu run past the u-turn, not wanting to use it. However Beastly and No Heart get to it second and decide to use it. Beastly and No Heart show up at the blind u-turn sign but Beastly falls on it and breaks it. No Heart says "What it is?" and then realises it's the u-turn sign. Beastly starts shouting, "we're going to win, we're going to win this leg."
Beastly says "let's u-turn Gru and, no no, Dr Evil and Minime, no no, Nappa and Vegeta..."
No Heart says "No we're going to u-turn someone who actually cares." No Heart puts up Michael and Jackson and Whitney's ghosts picture, which means they have to go back and do the trenches.
The ponies and Adam and Bill end up at the u-turn at the same time.
"Who do you think did this?"
"Beats me, but we have to go to the pit stop now, so we better beat it. "
Vegeta using his super saiyan swagger, looks around and sees the sign has been flattened and put back up and says to Nappa, "it must've been that windbag No Heart and that Beastly. "
Nappa says "Sucks to be you, MJ and Whitney. "
Michael Jackson and Whitney see they've been u-turned and Michael Jackson starts to cry. Whitney grabs him, and drags him along saying "we don't have time for this, here's a tissue. " They go back to the trenches where they're chased by the french lieutenant who keeps screaming, "give me back my coat you smooth criminal, monsieur Jackson, you better take a look at the man in the mirror because he's bad, bad, bad you know it! Sacrebleu! Zut alors! Merde! ScheiSSe oh that is not french. Come back Michael Jackson. Heal the World. Michael Jackson waves the jacket behind him saying "vive la liberte for the coat!"
Ernie and Bert wait at the pit stop. And suprisingly, in first place is Michael Jackson and Whitney. Michael Jackson wins/steals a free coat, courtesy of the french lieutenant. Whitney wins a new album called Let the spirit move you.
In second place, is the french lieutenant but he's not part of the race, so Ernie and Bert say "KIDNAP THAT FOOL" and drag him off. They give him a consolation prize, of a pink raincoat and he walks off like "Yes I'm a lady" which makes Bert raise his eyebrows.
The real second place team is Po and Shifu, with Shifu hitting Po with the stick screaming.
The third place team is Adam and Bill. Shifu drops the stick that he was hitting Po with, tripping Bill and Adam, who slide headfirst into third place, high fiving Bert and Ernie from the ground.
The fourth place team is Beastly and No Heart. No Heart gets really angry, "BEASTLYYYYYYYYYYYYY" because even though they u-turned MJ and Whitney, they still came in first. "n-n-n-n-o heart," Beastly says. No Heart grabs the stick and chases Beastly off the pit stop. "N-n-n-n-o Heart it's not my fault. Oh if only the care bears were here to distract you."
In fifth place is Applejack and Big Mac, who gallop in.. Bert and Ernie congratulate Big Mac and Applejack. "You are the 5th place team and that means you are still in the race." "Eyup"
In sixth place is Ghost Nappa and Vegeta. "Hey Vegeta, " says Nappa," guess what place we're in Vegeta."
"We're in sixth place Nappa." "No we're in 666 Vegeta." "What does that mean Nappa?" "It means....I've got a stuttering problem." "We're leaving Nappa."
In seventh place is Frankenfurter and Rocky. "Frank and Rocky, you are team number 7 and that means you are still in the race."
In eighth place is Dr Evil and Minime, who think they're in last and are all set to attack Bert and Ernie when Bert and Ernie tell them they are "team number 8 and are still in the race for 1 millionnn dolllarssss"
In last place is Gru and Vector. While trying to change the shrink ray settings after the barbed wire debacle, they accidentally shrink themselves and it takes them forever to get to the pit stop.
"Gru and Vector," Says Bert, "you are the last team to arrive and I am sorry to tell you, you have been eliminated from the race. " Since they are out of the race, and no longer a threat, Dr Evil who is good with frikkin laser beams, helps fix their shrink ray and returns them back to normal size.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Amazing Race Season 3 episode 3 recap
First up we have a ROADBLOCK Doing the roadblock:
Adam swang the lasso over his head accidently snagging Bill's hat. which flew through the air landing on top of the target and helping Adam to pull it in.
Billy ray: Says to Miley watch how your pappa use to do this as a kid. Yee haa! Unfortunately he ends up getting the lasso caught in his own mullet giving himself a very fancy looking pony tail . From behind he looks like he is a third my little pony.
AppleJack Struggles because teams keep lassoing her instead of the horse they are supposed to which holds up her and Big Mac. .Sick of her team being roped by other teams Applejack decides to get the assistance of her horse buddies to cause a diversion on the Adam and Bill team, causing a rift between the two teams.
Adam swang the lasso over his head accidently snagging Bill's hat. which flew through the air landing on top of the target and helping Adam to pull it in.
Billy ray: Says to Miley watch how your pappa use to do this as a kid. Yee haa! Unfortunately he ends up getting the lasso caught in his own mullet giving himself a very fancy looking pony tail . From behind he looks like he is a third my little pony.
AppleJack Struggles because teams keep lassoing her instead of the horse they are supposed to which holds up her and Big Mac. .Sick of her team being roped by other teams Applejack decides to get the assistance of her horse buddies to cause a diversion on the Adam and Bill team, causing a rift between the two teams.
Beastly tries to do the road block but has some trouble because he is hopping around on one foot So every time he throws the lasso he tips over to one side.
Rocky takes the challenge while Frank sings encouragement to him: It's just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right, Twirl the lasso over your head and bring the target in tight.
Mini Me
Mini Me takes the challenge but has trouble at first as the target is higher than he is. Dr. Evil yells someone throw him a fricken bone! Then Mini me gets an idea and blimbs up Dr. Evil standing on his head and snares the target. Dr. Evils says: That's using my head mini me.
Ghost nappa
Nappa lassos the target without a problem. Ghost nappa says: Hey Vegeta, you can call me a space cowboy or you can call me a gangster of love. Vejeta says: Nappa I'm just gonna call you Morrees now let's get to the detour you big lug.
MJ is about to do the challenge but first he does a back spin and magically appears in a sharif's costume. Someone comments that he looks like Woody from Toys story. MJ pulls out one of his gun from its holster. It is a water gun so he squirts them.
Po keeps missing the target he aim is not so good. Shifu gets an idea though. He skillfuly disarms MJ with a move that he got from Jackie Chan in Rush hour 2. then filling the squirt gun with chocolate sauce, he squirts the target. Poe instantly snags it dragging it in and licking it clean. Shifu smacks Po with a chopstick reminding him that he has no idea where that target has been.
Seeing as everyone else used guns and they used to promote violence, Gru pulls out Vector's shrink ray and accidentally fires it at the target, causing it to be smaller which gives him even more trouble with the roadblock.
Bella ends up snagging her target by pretending that it's Jacob as he hates Edward's washboard of a chest.
Next up is a Detour.In the Detour, teams chose between Horse Sense and Horse Power. In Horse Sense, teams were given a set of directions by a gunslinger and, using only a stationary compass as a navigational aid, had to find a bag of loot buried in a field. They then had to deliver the bag to the lead bandit, and if the markings on their bag matched the coordinates given to them, he would give the team coin with the name of the Pit Stop location on it as their next clue.
Horse Sense highlights:
MJ and Whitney: Whitney puts on s sweet southern accent and charms the gun slinger into giving her a clue as to where to look.
Po and Shifu: Shifu tells Po it is a bag of golden dumplings that they are looking for and Po digs up the bag like an ogre in just a few seconds. He also chips a tooth trying to eat the lead spitting it out and hitting Shifu in the forehead with it.
Low lights:
Beastly and No heart: No heart keeps zapping Beastly in the butt with a tazer to get him to dig faster.
Nappa and Vegeta: Vegeta also gets some help from the gun slinger when he pulls out a bigger gun and blasts a hole through the gun slingers hat. Nappa unfortunately loses the coin trying to do a magic trick where he pulls a coin out from Vejeta's ear. They suffer a temporary set back as Nappa chases after the rolling coin.
Bella and Edward also get held up. They were sparkling a little to brightly while they were digging. someone yells prarry fire! and people started throwing water and dirt on Bella and Edward to try and put them out.
Nappa and Vegeta: Vegeta to the gun slinger, "That's not a gun... This is a Gun! He blasts a cactus with it launching it 20 feet in to the air and turning it into black ash.
Whtney sings: "Thank God you're a country boy"
Po: "Did you say Dumplings Master?"
In this detour, teams had to enter a polo field and, using a wooden practice horse, had to get a goal within 9 strokes and received thetrophy with the name of the Pit Stop location on its base as their next clue.
Horse Power Highlights:
Apple Jack and Big Mac rear up on their back hooves and clap their front hooves together causing sparks to fly. Then Big Mac jumps on one of the wooden Polo Ponies crushing it flat. swinging the polo mallet with his teeth he gets a perfect score. Eeeyup!
Low lights:
Frankenfurter has trouble getting on the polo ponies because he is in a dress and heels but once on the pony he has no trouble swinging his mallet..
Dr. Evil gets some help from Minime who cups his hands and tries to give Dr. Evil a boost on to the horse but totally throws him right over the other side. The second time around Dr. Evil tries getting on himself and has no problem. He then starts firing his pollo balls with deadly accuracy at Gru and Vector, knocking them off their pony every time them attempted to get on it. The entire time yelling Marco! Polo!
Apple Jack and Big Mac: Wonder Pony Powers... Activate!!!
Gru and Vector: "owwww"
Dr. Evil: "Mini me!!!" As he's flying over the poloo Pony, "What are you a fricken jack in the box"
I have left you and I out of this so that you could choose which leg of the detour you wanted to do.
The first team to arrive is Po and Shifu. Ernie goes into give Po a close shave but Po bumps him,sending the razor flying which shaves off all of Bert's hair. Ernie says "Po and Shifu, you're team number #1!As the winners of this leg of the race you have won Mandarin All you can eat chinese buffets for the year.
Hot on the heels of Po and Shifu is Adam and Bill, narrowly missing a close shave. "Adam and Bill you are team number two"
Team number 3 is MJ and Whitney. Ernie moonwalks alongside them as they come into the pit stop.
Team number 4 is Dr Evil and Minime. Dr Evil rubs Bert's bald head for good luck in the next leg.
Team number 5 is Miley and Billy Ray.
Team number 6 is Rocky and Frankenfurter, who tries to grab Miley to get ahead of her. Ernie sings "you're a hot dog, and you better not try to hurt her. Frankfurter."
Team number 7 is Ghost Nappa and Vegeta. Nappa says "we better do better in the next leg because otherwise I'm coming back as a producer."
Team number 8 is Beastly and No Heart. No heart and Beastly enter as a tornado, knocking over the pit stop.
Team number 9 is Gru and Vector. Vector dances.
Team number 10 is Applejack and Big Mac. "Applejack and Big Mac, "says Bert, "you're still in the race!" Big Mac"Eeeeeyup!"
The last team to arrive is Bella and Edward. Bella and Edward says Ernie "we're sorry to tell you but you're team number 11 and that means your sparkle on the amazing race has gone out."
The first team to arrive is Po and Shifu. Ernie goes into give Po a close shave but Po bumps him,sending the razor flying which shaves off all of Bert's hair. Ernie says "Po and Shifu, you're team number #1!As the winners of this leg of the race you have won Mandarin All you can eat chinese buffets for the year.
Hot on the heels of Po and Shifu is Adam and Bill, narrowly missing a close shave. "Adam and Bill you are team number two"
Team number 3 is MJ and Whitney. Ernie moonwalks alongside them as they come into the pit stop.
Team number 4 is Dr Evil and Minime. Dr Evil rubs Bert's bald head for good luck in the next leg.
Team number 5 is Miley and Billy Ray.
Team number 6 is Rocky and Frankenfurter, who tries to grab Miley to get ahead of her. Ernie sings "you're a hot dog, and you better not try to hurt her. Frankfurter."
Team number 7 is Ghost Nappa and Vegeta. Nappa says "we better do better in the next leg because otherwise I'm coming back as a producer."
Team number 8 is Beastly and No Heart. No heart and Beastly enter as a tornado, knocking over the pit stop.
Team number 9 is Gru and Vector. Vector dances.
Team number 10 is Applejack and Big Mac. "Applejack and Big Mac, "says Bert, "you're still in the race!" Big Mac"Eeeeeyup!"
The last team to arrive is Bella and Edward. Bella and Edward says Ernie "we're sorry to tell you but you're team number 11 and that means your sparkle on the amazing race has gone out."
Friday, June 22, 2012
Amazing Race Season 3: Episode 2 recap
On the last episode of The Amazing Race, Darth Vader and Richard Hatch were sent home. They were unavaliable for comment but it's been heard that there was a strike at the Death Star Canteen. When Richard Hatch was found all he had to say was 'if it wasn't for those meddlin' kids!'
In the second episode of The Amazing Race first thing up is a DETOUR. In the first Detour of this race, teams chose between Llama Adoration and Condor Consternation. In Llama Adoration, teams traveled to a farm where they had to dress a llama by placing a blanket on its back and a scarf around its neck. In Condor Consternation, teams traveled to a beach where they donned special shoes resembling birds' feet and used a hang glider-like condor costume to glide out to a clue in the water.

Adam and Bill
Applejack and Big Mac
Frankenfurter and Rocky
Gru and Vector
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
Miley Cyrus and Billy Ray
Beastly and No Heart
Bella and Edward
Dr Evil and Minime
Ghost Nappa and Vegeta
Michael Jackson and Whitney
Po and Shifu
*Adam ties the blanket around the llama's neck and makes it look like a superhero. Super llama man.
*Frank starts singing "In 7 days I can make a lllama maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan" **We at TAR do not condone llama fashion crimes. We do however find it hilarious** They also fit their llama with high heeled boots.
* Gru and Vector get confused and try to put a blanket and scarf on Big Mac and Applejack.
* Big Mac and Applejack try to get the blanket and scarf off themselves and knock into Justin Bieber, who falls into Miley and they both fall over.
Applejack "Hey I'm a horse not a llama"
Bill" Hey at least our llama didn't bring the drama/"
Selena says "Bieber's downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn now get your hands off my man, chickadee"
*Michael Jackson and Whitney put on an air show using all kinds of fancy moves and swirl down to grab their clue.
*Beastly who is used to riding a bike in mid air makes a direct beeline for the clue.
* Even though they're donning condor costumes Bella and Edward look like bats.
*Minime gets blown off course by a gust of wind.
*Po drops down out of the sky making a huge splash.
Nappa: Vegetaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
Vegeta: What is it Nappa?
Nappa: I can flyyyy
Vegeta: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Nappa: What's wrong Vegeta?
Vegeta: Nothing just an aneurysm out sheer stupidity.
Nappa: Wow I didn't think you were that stupid Vegeta
Vegeta: *passes out in frustration*
Michael Jackson: Wheeee wheee look at me. Hey that sounds like it should be a song. <i>Wheeeee wheee look at me I can flyyyy like a condor in the skyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Oooooooooooooooooooohh</i>
Beastly: Oh boy(as he grabs the clue)
In the leg's Roadblock, teams had to collect several ingredients used to make kuchen: a plate of butter, a bowl of sugar, a bag of flour, a baker's dozen of eggs from the hen house, and a cup of milk straight from a cow. Once the ingredients were collected, team members had to give them to the baker to receive a serving of kuchen and their next clue.
Team members doing kuchen
Adam: Adam uses his stealth ninja skills to skillfully pluck the eggs from under the chickens and escapes without getting hen-pecked.
Bella: A rooster takes particular interest in Bella and chases her around the hen house.
Big Mac: Big Mac is used to being on a farm, so collects all the items quickly.
Dr Evil: Dr Evil fights with the cow to get some milk and says "come on throw me a freaking bone...I mean teat here"
Miley: Miley says to Billy Ray Cyrus "Dad this'll be no problem it'll be just like home.This cow reminds me of ol'Bessie"
No Heart: No Heart is slowed down a bit by his cow because he has cold hands.
Po: Shifu keeps throwing stars at Po's butt every time that he tries to eat the food he's supposed to be collecting, to keep him on track.
Selena: Selena gets slowed down because she has to go back and get a 2nd plate of butter because while milking the cow, one of the chickens ran up and pecked at her butter.
Vector: Vector uses all his mechanical gadgets like a mechanical egg plucker, egg counter and a milking machine which Po steals for later.
Vegeta: Vegeta tries to squeeze the cow and make it squeak which results in a painful kick to Vegeta.
Whitney: Whitney gets help from beyond the grave from the Beegees who help guide her to all the food products.
First into the pit stop are Adam and Bill. "Hey Bert, look it's the same team who came first last time. Sorry but we can't give you the first place twice." Bert"Ernie!! They are allowed to come in first twice. It's a different leg!" Ernie" Next thing you know they'll be having arms too.Ás the winners of this leg of the race you have won these chicken costumes and a life supply of chocolate cake!
Following Adam and Bill is Po and Shifu "Po and Shifu, " says Bert, "you're team number two! And that means you are still in the race." Po tries to high five Shifu but loses him to the dumpling table.
In third place is Miley and Billy Ray who are hugged by Ernie and Bert on arrival. "Miley and Billy you're team number 3! And that means you are free!"
Running furiously to 4th place is Beastly and No Heart "Oh boy," says Beastly, "oh boy!"
Dancing into 5th place are the ghostly team of Michael Jackson and Whitney. "Cause we're baaad we're baaaad," sings Michael Jackson.
Applejack and Big Mac gallop furiously into 6th place. "We did it," says Applejack. "Horses, " says Ernie, "can I have a ride?" Bert's "you are in 6th place" speech is interrupted by Ernie taking a gallop with Big Mac and destroying the tents. "Ernie how does it look?" "You look with your eyes, Bert!"
Dr Evil and Minime head into 7th place. "Dr Evil and Minime, " says a rather angry Bert, "you are team number 7 and that means you are still in the race!"
Bella and Edward arrive looking very hen pecked in 8th place "Bella and Edward," says Bert, "you're team number 8 and that means you are still in the race!"
Frankenfurter and Rocky arrive "Frankenfurter and Rocky you are team number 9 and that means you are still in the race!!"Rocky sings "the sword of the race was hanging over my headd.."to which Frank gets irritated at and starts singing "Sweet transvestite"
Ghost Nappa and Vegeta arrive in 10th place. "Ghost Nappa and Vegeta you are team number 10 and that means you are still in the race."
Vegeta did you hear that? We're still in the race.
That's great Nappa now we have to wait for the next leg.
Is it here yet?
Is it here yet?
Is it here yet?
Nappa starts eating a Butterfinger. Vegeta tells him goddamnit Nappa give me that Butterfinger!!!
And last to arrive is Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. "Justin Bieber and are the last team to arrive. I am sorry to tell you you have both been eliminated from the race." Justin Bieber sings baby as they walk off the pit stop to epic tragic music.
And so concludes the second leg of the race. Stay tuned for the third leg of the amazing race contest blog.
DISCLAIMER:: Team Two Star would like to apologize to Team Four Star and Little Kuriboh as they are such big fans of Team Four Star they stole two of their stars for this contest. May the force be with them.
In the second episode of The Amazing Race first thing up is a DETOUR. In the first Detour of this race, teams chose between Llama Adoration and Condor Consternation. In Llama Adoration, teams traveled to a farm where they had to dress a llama by placing a blanket on its back and a scarf around its neck. In Condor Consternation, teams traveled to a beach where they donned special shoes resembling birds' feet and used a hang glider-like condor costume to glide out to a clue in the water.

Adam and Bill
Applejack and Big Mac
Frankenfurter and Rocky
Gru and Vector
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
Miley Cyrus and Billy Ray
Beastly and No Heart
Bella and Edward
Dr Evil and Minime
Ghost Nappa and Vegeta
Michael Jackson and Whitney
Po and Shifu
*Adam ties the blanket around the llama's neck and makes it look like a superhero. Super llama man.
*Frank starts singing "In 7 days I can make a lllama maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan" **We at TAR do not condone llama fashion crimes. We do however find it hilarious** They also fit their llama with high heeled boots.
* Gru and Vector get confused and try to put a blanket and scarf on Big Mac and Applejack.
* Big Mac and Applejack try to get the blanket and scarf off themselves and knock into Justin Bieber, who falls into Miley and they both fall over.
Applejack "Hey I'm a horse not a llama"
Bill" Hey at least our llama didn't bring the drama/"
Selena says "Bieber's downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn now get your hands off my man, chickadee"
*Michael Jackson and Whitney put on an air show using all kinds of fancy moves and swirl down to grab their clue.
*Beastly who is used to riding a bike in mid air makes a direct beeline for the clue.
* Even though they're donning condor costumes Bella and Edward look like bats.
*Minime gets blown off course by a gust of wind.
*Po drops down out of the sky making a huge splash.
Nappa: Vegetaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
Vegeta: What is it Nappa?
Nappa: I can flyyyy
Vegeta: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Nappa: What's wrong Vegeta?
Vegeta: Nothing just an aneurysm out sheer stupidity.
Nappa: Wow I didn't think you were that stupid Vegeta
Vegeta: *passes out in frustration*
Michael Jackson: Wheeee wheee look at me. Hey that sounds like it should be a song. <i>Wheeeee wheee look at me I can flyyyy like a condor in the skyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Oooooooooooooooooooohh</i>
Beastly: Oh boy(as he grabs the clue)
In the leg's Roadblock, teams had to collect several ingredients used to make kuchen: a plate of butter, a bowl of sugar, a bag of flour, a baker's dozen of eggs from the hen house, and a cup of milk straight from a cow. Once the ingredients were collected, team members had to give them to the baker to receive a serving of kuchen and their next clue.
Team members doing kuchen
Adam: Adam uses his stealth ninja skills to skillfully pluck the eggs from under the chickens and escapes without getting hen-pecked.
Bella: A rooster takes particular interest in Bella and chases her around the hen house.
Big Mac: Big Mac is used to being on a farm, so collects all the items quickly.
Dr Evil: Dr Evil fights with the cow to get some milk and says "come on throw me a freaking bone...I mean teat here"
Miley: Miley says to Billy Ray Cyrus "Dad this'll be no problem it'll be just like home.This cow reminds me of ol'Bessie"
No Heart: No Heart is slowed down a bit by his cow because he has cold hands.
Po: Shifu keeps throwing stars at Po's butt every time that he tries to eat the food he's supposed to be collecting, to keep him on track.
Selena: Selena gets slowed down because she has to go back and get a 2nd plate of butter because while milking the cow, one of the chickens ran up and pecked at her butter.
Vector: Vector uses all his mechanical gadgets like a mechanical egg plucker, egg counter and a milking machine which Po steals for later.
Vegeta: Vegeta tries to squeeze the cow and make it squeak which results in a painful kick to Vegeta.
Whitney: Whitney gets help from beyond the grave from the Beegees who help guide her to all the food products.
First into the pit stop are Adam and Bill. "Hey Bert, look it's the same team who came first last time. Sorry but we can't give you the first place twice." Bert"Ernie!! They are allowed to come in first twice. It's a different leg!" Ernie" Next thing you know they'll be having arms too.Ás the winners of this leg of the race you have won these chicken costumes and a life supply of chocolate cake!
Following Adam and Bill is Po and Shifu "Po and Shifu, " says Bert, "you're team number two! And that means you are still in the race." Po tries to high five Shifu but loses him to the dumpling table.
In third place is Miley and Billy Ray who are hugged by Ernie and Bert on arrival. "Miley and Billy you're team number 3! And that means you are free!"
Running furiously to 4th place is Beastly and No Heart "Oh boy," says Beastly, "oh boy!"
Dancing into 5th place are the ghostly team of Michael Jackson and Whitney. "Cause we're baaad we're baaaad," sings Michael Jackson.
Applejack and Big Mac gallop furiously into 6th place. "We did it," says Applejack. "Horses, " says Ernie, "can I have a ride?" Bert's "you are in 6th place" speech is interrupted by Ernie taking a gallop with Big Mac and destroying the tents. "Ernie how does it look?" "You look with your eyes, Bert!"
Dr Evil and Minime head into 7th place. "Dr Evil and Minime, " says a rather angry Bert, "you are team number 7 and that means you are still in the race!"
Bella and Edward arrive looking very hen pecked in 8th place "Bella and Edward," says Bert, "you're team number 8 and that means you are still in the race!"
Frankenfurter and Rocky arrive "Frankenfurter and Rocky you are team number 9 and that means you are still in the race!!"Rocky sings "the sword of the race was hanging over my headd.."to which Frank gets irritated at and starts singing "Sweet transvestite"
Ghost Nappa and Vegeta arrive in 10th place. "Ghost Nappa and Vegeta you are team number 10 and that means you are still in the race."
Vegeta did you hear that? We're still in the race.
That's great Nappa now we have to wait for the next leg.
Is it here yet?
Is it here yet?
Is it here yet?
Nappa starts eating a Butterfinger. Vegeta tells him goddamnit Nappa give me that Butterfinger!!!
And last to arrive is Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. "Justin Bieber and are the last team to arrive. I am sorry to tell you you have both been eliminated from the race." Justin Bieber sings baby as they walk off the pit stop to epic tragic music.
And so concludes the second leg of the race. Stay tuned for the third leg of the amazing race contest blog.
DISCLAIMER:: Team Two Star would like to apologize to Team Four Star and Little Kuriboh as they are such big fans of Team Four Star they stole two of their stars for this contest. May the force be with them.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Amazing Race Season 3: Episode 1 recap
All the teams are transported to the starting line by bus. This is the first time in the Amazing Race where we have 3 ghosts entered. We also have some musical talent. Pity Statler and Waldorf aren't here. Ernie and Bert are waiting at the starting line.
Ernie fires the starting pistol.
In the first Roadblock of the Race, one team member has to cross a tightrope the length of a football field (360 ft/110 m) suspended 120 feet (37 m) above the ground.
Team members doing the roadblock:
Bill makes his way slowly and cautiously along the tight rope.
Adam yells encouragement from below: "Bill! Just don't look dow... Never mind. Keep going you're doing great."
Adam says to Bill before they leave "Good thing Shaggy and Scoob aren't here. They'd probably try to eat Big Mac and Applejack."
Applejack: Applejack chooses to take this one for the team and walks across carefully, one hoof after another. "Easy, just don't look down...."
Big Mac "Eyup"
Beastly: No heart tricks Beastly into doing it.
No heart: "Beastly you do this!"
Beastly: "But I'm afraid of heights."
No Heart: "Beastly!"
Beastly: "I guess I'm afraid of no heart even more."
Edward: Beastly races across the tight rope trying to get away from Edward who thinks that Beastly might make a good snack.
As Applejack runs off she says to Big Mac" Hey Big Mac that vampire is sparkling. "
Big Mac' Think he's heard of Twilight Sparkle?"
(echo of dohohohohohohoho)
Darth Vader: Darth Vader shows off the power of the dark side by doing cartwheels across the tight rope and light saber tricks half way.
Minime: Dr. Evil tricks Mini Me into doing this challenge by betting him
"1 million dollars" that he can't do it.
Ghost Nappa: He gets up and starts bouncing on the tight rope going "wheeeee this is fuuuuun" "Vegeta you should come up here and try this is fuuuun."
Vegeta: "Nappa! We're in a race damn it! Stop fooling around."
Gru: Gru does it. He appears to be executing a series of ballet moves across the tight rope. No one knows where he got the tutu from but he finishes with a flying leap over the end.
Justin Bieber: Justin does well but near the end he loses his balance and has a fall. Luckily he is harnessed in.Being Justin Bieber he yells down to Selena: "Hey babe I'm fallin for you"
Michael Jackson: Michael Jackson, not wanting to be outdone by Darth Vader or outshone by sparkling Edward, moonwalks his way backwards across the tight rope, waving his gloved hand at the crowd below.
Billy Ray Cyrus: Billy Ray line dances his way across the tight rope.He does the Boot Scootin Boogie.
Shifu: Shifu does it and does a series of kung fu moves across the tight rope, nabbing a dumpling off a plate at the end.
Once they finish teams take a funicular down the mountain to find their next clue.
Now they have an additional task in place of a detour!
At Paseo Templeman, teams picked up painting supplies (4 paint cans, paint brushes, and a ladder) and had to find a group of house painters next to a house matching the color of their paint. Once at the house, they had to finish painting a portion of the house to receive their next clue.
*Michael Jackson gets a zombie army to perform Thriller with him up the road
*As he is carrying the paint cans, Billy Ray starts singing: "Don't tell me back, my achy braky back, This painting biz is real tough work to hack."
*Justin sings "Hi ho" as they walk down the road with their ladder and paint.
*Applejack and Big Mac work together to load up their supplies and gallop off to start painting.
*Beastly and No heart decide to sabotage Dr. Evil and Minime and maybe Gru and Vector by swtiching some of their paint cans around.
*Po and Shifu accidentally rescue Dr. Evil and Minime, and Gru and Vector because Po Says that the paint cans remind him of marshmellows and he is jealous that the other 2 teams got assorted marshmellows while he and Shifu just had all the same plain old marshmellows.
*Edward complains that the paint isn't glitter and comes out in a silver suit "got my bling bling on now"
*Frankenfurter sings: "Sweet paint bless my soul, I really love the brush and roll."
*Ghost Nappa smacks the cans, splattering paint all over Vegeta. "You can't defeat me, I'm the patty cake champion"
*Richard Hatch accidentally whacks Darth in the head with the ladder denting Darth's helmet.
*Adam and Bill meanwhile were chased by a gang of angry painters when they accidentally went into a house where a paint crew not part of the Amazing race was working, and started painting.
Adam and Bill: As they run away from the angry painters "Running for our lives wasn't quite what I had in mind when you said let's paint the town red. I didn't think it was gonna be with our own blood."
"Run faster"!!!
Darth Vader: Hieavy breathing sounds as Richard Hatch whacks his helmet.
Edward to Bella: "I bring the Bling babe!"
Applejack"Now that's what I call Twilight Sparkle"
Big Mac "Eyyupppp"
The first team to arrive at the pit stop, red paint and all is Adam and Bill.
Ernie: Hey bert, hey bert, I'm not sure if that's our first team or a red fire truck racing to the pit stop.
Bert: Ernie It's Adam and Bill and it looks like they've been out painting the town red and everything else that got in their way.
Ernie won't let them into the pit stop because they're not Adam and Bill because they are all covered in red paint and stuff so he has to call the Missing AB bureau.
Once Bert gets some paint thinner and helps Adam and Bill to clean off Ernie let's them check in.
Ernie"Adam and Bill you're team number #1 and that means you are still in the race.
Bert"As the winners of this leg of the race you have won 100 pounds of red licorice, a trip to Disney World and some tickets to see the Boston Red Sox. Oh and also a towel monogrammed with the Missing AB Bureau..."
The second team to arrive is Michael Jackson and Whitney
MJ moonwalks into the pit stop while carrying Whitney and doing back spins.
"Michael Jackson, " says Ernie, "'re team number 2 and that means you are still in the race! Can I have your autograph?"
The third team to arrive is Applejack and Big Mac. "Applejack and Big Mac, " says Ernie, "you're team number 3 and that means you are still in the race!!"
Applejack" That's great news.
Big Mac "Eyup"
The fourth team to arrive is Miley and Billy Ray. "Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus, you're team number 4 and that means you are still in the race!!" Miley: Hey Pop, it's like climbing a mountain but we will get there.
The fifth team to arrive is No Heart and Beastly. After they check in, No Heart gives Beastly a present (a treadmill)
Beastly" I love it...It's something I've always wanted....what is it?
No Heart "A guarantee that you will win the leg next time!!"
The sixth team to arrive is Nappa and Vegeta. Nappa: Did you hear that Vegeta we're still in the race.
Vegeta: ugggh u-ugh *has a nosebleed*
Nappa: You okay vegeta?
Vegeta: Yes, ju-just an aneurysm out of sheer stupidity
Nappa: Wow-didn't think you were that stupid Vegeta
The seventh team to arrive is Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez who seem shocked to learn that they are in 7th and didn't come last. Bert asks Justin: Who is this lovely lady that you are racing with?
To which Bieber responds with: "She my baby baby baby ya.
Dr Evil and Minime arrive in eighth.Ernie says "Dr Evil and Minime you are team number 8 and still in the race for 1 miiiiillion dollaarrrs"
Bella and Edward arrive in 9th. "Bella and Edward, " says Ernie, "Bella and Edward our sparkly friends you can shine because you're team number nine and that means you are still in the race."
Rocky and Frankenfurter come in 10th. "Rocky and Frank, " says Bert, "you're team number 10 and that means you are still in the race!"
Po and Shifu manage to come in 11th place. "Po and Shifu, " says Ernie, squeaking a rubber ducky "you are team number 11 and that means you squeaked by enough to be in the race"
Gru and Vector arrive in 12th place. "Vector and Gru, " says Bert, "You're team number 12 and that means you are still in the race!" Vector kicks Gru as they leave the pit stop.
Darth Vader and Hatch are the last team to arrive. "Darth Vader and Richard Hatch, I'm sorry to say but I guess the power of the dark side wasn't very strong this time. You are the last team to check in and you have been eliminated."
Bert: "Hey Ernie, you know you're not supposed to play with guns!" "Now Give me that".
Ernie: Hey Bert hey Bert I need to start the race now stand back... On your mark, Get ready... Go!"A flare whistles right over top of Bert's head parting his hair right down the middle. Teams race for the clue, running over a stunned and shocked Bert.
Bill and Adam pause to help Bert back up and return him to Ernie's side..Adam: "It's not easy being the host but you two will do great. Keep up the fine work. "
Adam grabs Bill and they race off for the clue.
Adam grabs Bill and they race off for the clue.
Teams are now headed to Chile
Bill" Hey Adam Shaggy and Scooby never found the Chilli in Chile do you think we will?"
Adam: Dohohohohohohohoho
Team members doing the roadblock:
Bill makes his way slowly and cautiously along the tight rope.
Adam yells encouragement from below: "Bill! Just don't look dow... Never mind. Keep going you're doing great."
Adam says to Bill before they leave "Good thing Shaggy and Scoob aren't here. They'd probably try to eat Big Mac and Applejack."
Applejack: Applejack chooses to take this one for the team and walks across carefully, one hoof after another. "Easy, just don't look down...."
Big Mac "Eyup"
Beastly: No heart tricks Beastly into doing it.
No heart: "Beastly you do this!"
Beastly: "But I'm afraid of heights."
No Heart: "Beastly!"
Beastly: "I guess I'm afraid of no heart even more."
Edward: Beastly races across the tight rope trying to get away from Edward who thinks that Beastly might make a good snack.
As Applejack runs off she says to Big Mac" Hey Big Mac that vampire is sparkling. "
Big Mac' Think he's heard of Twilight Sparkle?"
(echo of dohohohohohohoho)
Darth Vader: Darth Vader shows off the power of the dark side by doing cartwheels across the tight rope and light saber tricks half way.
Minime: Dr. Evil tricks Mini Me into doing this challenge by betting him
"1 million dollars" that he can't do it.
Ghost Nappa: He gets up and starts bouncing on the tight rope going "wheeeee this is fuuuuun" "Vegeta you should come up here and try this is fuuuun."
Vegeta: "Nappa! We're in a race damn it! Stop fooling around."
Gru: Gru does it. He appears to be executing a series of ballet moves across the tight rope. No one knows where he got the tutu from but he finishes with a flying leap over the end.
Justin Bieber: Justin does well but near the end he loses his balance and has a fall. Luckily he is harnessed in.Being Justin Bieber he yells down to Selena: "Hey babe I'm fallin for you"
Michael Jackson: Michael Jackson, not wanting to be outdone by Darth Vader or outshone by sparkling Edward, moonwalks his way backwards across the tight rope, waving his gloved hand at the crowd below.
Billy Ray Cyrus: Billy Ray line dances his way across the tight rope.He does the Boot Scootin Boogie.
Shifu: Shifu does it and does a series of kung fu moves across the tight rope, nabbing a dumpling off a plate at the end.
Once they finish teams take a funicular down the mountain to find their next clue.
Now they have an additional task in place of a detour!
*Michael Jackson gets a zombie army to perform Thriller with him up the road
*As he is carrying the paint cans, Billy Ray starts singing: "Don't tell me back, my achy braky back, This painting biz is real tough work to hack."
*Justin sings "Hi ho" as they walk down the road with their ladder and paint.
*Applejack and Big Mac work together to load up their supplies and gallop off to start painting.
*Beastly and No heart decide to sabotage Dr. Evil and Minime and maybe Gru and Vector by swtiching some of their paint cans around.
*Po and Shifu accidentally rescue Dr. Evil and Minime, and Gru and Vector because Po Says that the paint cans remind him of marshmellows and he is jealous that the other 2 teams got assorted marshmellows while he and Shifu just had all the same plain old marshmellows.
*Edward complains that the paint isn't glitter and comes out in a silver suit "got my bling bling on now"
*Frankenfurter sings: "Sweet paint bless my soul, I really love the brush and roll."
*Ghost Nappa smacks the cans, splattering paint all over Vegeta. "You can't defeat me, I'm the patty cake champion"
*Richard Hatch accidentally whacks Darth in the head with the ladder denting Darth's helmet.
*Adam and Bill meanwhile were chased by a gang of angry painters when they accidentally went into a house where a paint crew not part of the Amazing race was working, and started painting.
Adam and Bill: As they run away from the angry painters "Running for our lives wasn't quite what I had in mind when you said let's paint the town red. I didn't think it was gonna be with our own blood."
"Run faster"!!!
Darth Vader: Hieavy breathing sounds as Richard Hatch whacks his helmet.
Edward to Bella: "I bring the Bling babe!"
Applejack"Now that's what I call Twilight Sparkle"
Big Mac "Eyyupppp"
The first team to arrive at the pit stop, red paint and all is Adam and Bill.
Ernie: Hey bert, hey bert, I'm not sure if that's our first team or a red fire truck racing to the pit stop.
Bert: Ernie It's Adam and Bill and it looks like they've been out painting the town red and everything else that got in their way.
Ernie won't let them into the pit stop because they're not Adam and Bill because they are all covered in red paint and stuff so he has to call the Missing AB bureau.
Once Bert gets some paint thinner and helps Adam and Bill to clean off Ernie let's them check in.
Ernie"Adam and Bill you're team number #1 and that means you are still in the race.
Bert"As the winners of this leg of the race you have won 100 pounds of red licorice, a trip to Disney World and some tickets to see the Boston Red Sox. Oh and also a towel monogrammed with the Missing AB Bureau..."
The second team to arrive is Michael Jackson and Whitney
MJ moonwalks into the pit stop while carrying Whitney and doing back spins.
"Michael Jackson, " says Ernie, "'re team number 2 and that means you are still in the race! Can I have your autograph?"
The third team to arrive is Applejack and Big Mac. "Applejack and Big Mac, " says Ernie, "you're team number 3 and that means you are still in the race!!"
Applejack" That's great news.
Big Mac "Eyup"
The fourth team to arrive is Miley and Billy Ray. "Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus, you're team number 4 and that means you are still in the race!!" Miley: Hey Pop, it's like climbing a mountain but we will get there.
The fifth team to arrive is No Heart and Beastly. After they check in, No Heart gives Beastly a present (a treadmill)
Beastly" I love it...It's something I've always wanted....what is it?
No Heart "A guarantee that you will win the leg next time!!"
The sixth team to arrive is Nappa and Vegeta. Nappa: Did you hear that Vegeta we're still in the race.
Vegeta: ugggh u-ugh *has a nosebleed*
Nappa: You okay vegeta?
Vegeta: Yes, ju-just an aneurysm out of sheer stupidity
Nappa: Wow-didn't think you were that stupid Vegeta
The seventh team to arrive is Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez who seem shocked to learn that they are in 7th and didn't come last. Bert asks Justin: Who is this lovely lady that you are racing with?
To which Bieber responds with: "She my baby baby baby ya.
Dr Evil and Minime arrive in eighth.Ernie says "Dr Evil and Minime you are team number 8 and still in the race for 1 miiiiillion dollaarrrs"
Bella and Edward arrive in 9th. "Bella and Edward, " says Ernie, "Bella and Edward our sparkly friends you can shine because you're team number nine and that means you are still in the race."
Rocky and Frankenfurter come in 10th. "Rocky and Frank, " says Bert, "you're team number 10 and that means you are still in the race!"
Po and Shifu manage to come in 11th place. "Po and Shifu, " says Ernie, squeaking a rubber ducky "you are team number 11 and that means you squeaked by enough to be in the race"
Gru and Vector arrive in 12th place. "Vector and Gru, " says Bert, "You're team number 12 and that means you are still in the race!" Vector kicks Gru as they leave the pit stop.
Darth Vader and Hatch are the last team to arrive. "Darth Vader and Richard Hatch, I'm sorry to say but I guess the power of the dark side wasn't very strong this time. You are the last team to check in and you have been eliminated."
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Season 3 is returning next week!
If you're voting, great. If you're lurking, still great. As you know since the hosts of the race are currently racing, we've handed over our hosting/producer skills to Ernie and Bert who may or may not cause havoc.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Season 3 cast revealed

Adam and Bill
Team Relationship: Survivors of Ernie's Barber shop/Mark and Bopper fans.(also friends/cobloggers and body doubles for Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street)
Amazing Race Blog Host/Producer/DJ and expert on Schadenfreude
Occupation: Amazing Race Producer/One man dance party!

Team Relationship: Brother/Sister
Applejack: Cowgirl/Cereal box cover girl
Big Mac: Mcdonalds employee

Bella:Blood bank worker by day/glitter factory by night

Bella and Edward
Team Relationship: Husband/Wife
Edward: Blood bank worker by day/glitter factory by night

Beastly and No Heart
Team Relationship: Evil dude and annoying henchman
Beastly: Crossing guard
Team Relationship:Father and adopted son
Terrorizing the galaxy and the Amazing race blogs and Pasta Empire builders

Team Relationship: Father/genetically modified son
Dr Evil: Entrepreneur
Minime: Aspiring centre for basketball team

Frankenfurter and Rocky
Team Relationship: Workout partners at the gym
Frankenfurter:Top chef specializing in hot dogs and meat loaf.
Frankenfurter:Top chef specializing in hot dogs and meat loaf.
Rocky:Swimsuit model

Ghost Nappa and Vegeta
Team Relationship: BFFS
Ghost Nappa: Child psychologist(with a minor in pain) and patty cake champion
Vegeta: (UFC) Ultimate Fighting Champion.

Vector and Gru
Team Relationship: Competing villains
Gru: Retired villain
Vector: Plumber

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
Team Relationship: Boyfriend and girlfriend
Justin: Teen heart throb
Selena: Teen heart throb
Selena: Teen heart throb

Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston's ghosts
Team Relationship: Doomed spirits destined to walk the earth till they have won or at least been eliminated from the Amazing race.
Michael Jackson: Ghost Idol judge
Whitney Houston: Ghost Idol judge

Miley Cyrus and Billy Ray Cyrus
Team Relationship: Father/Daughter
Billy Ray: Country star
Miley: Country star

Po and Shifu
Team Relationship: Master/Student
Po: Big fat panda waiter
Shifu: Kung fu master/dumpling fight champion
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Amazing Race Season 2: Finale Recap
Teams are now headed to Puerto Rico, then United States to finish THE AMAZING RACE.
First up is a detour. In this Detour, teams choose between Pony Up or Tee It Up. In Pony Up, teams had to ride a horse into the ocean then hang onto its tail as it goes around buoys, when the horse has finished its course, teams would receive their next clue. In Tee It Up, teams had to dress in proper golfing attire, then went out to the driving range and had to hit a golf ball into a 16-foot (4.9 m) area 140 yards (130 m) away. When one of the team members' puts a ball on the green, teams would receive their next clue.
Teams doing Pony up
Statler and Waldorf
Teams doing Tee it up
Bob and Susan
Scooby and Shaggy
*Statler helps him back up on the horse and they finsh the detour without too much of a set back.
*Waldorf falls off of his horse and into the water.
Statler to Waldorf in the water: Are you OK?
Waldorf: No I feel like an episode of the muppet show right now.
Statler: Why's that?
Waldorf: Cause I"m sinking you old fool. help help!
Waldorf: Well we survived that challenge. I guess we will have a whale of a tale to tell.
Statler: Don't you mean a horse?
Waldorf: Of course. Dohohohohohohoho.
During the challenge:
Statler and waldorf together: Heads or tails? Tails for the win.
At the end of the challenge:
Statler: Well that was a medium cahllenge.
Waldorf: A medium chalenge? Are you sure?
Statler: Yup it wasn't rare and it certainly wasn't well done.Dohohohohohohoho.
*Everyone is showing off their fancy golfing attire.Shaggy is looking very smart in his checkered pants while Scooby is wearing a shirt promoting Ernie's Barber shop and some very baggy long green and white shorts.
* Susan does a pirouette swinging her leg over top of Shaggy's head causing his smart white golfing cap to go flying.
*Shaggy takes some time to dig his hat and wig out of the sand trap where they landed.
*BOB rolls down the driving range and falls into the pond but gets his ball back.
*Susan keeps blasting the balls right over the green and one smashes through the window of Adam's make up trailer landing on his huge pile of Spaghetti .Adam almost chips a tooth biting into the golf ball thinking it was a meatball. From outside Bumblebee can be heard playing "On top of spaghettttiii"
*Before the challenge started Susan looked over to Shaggy and Scooby and asked:
Susan: Have you got the balls for this challenge?
Shaggy and Scooby were flabbergasted and not sure what to say.
Susan: Oh, there they are.
And she reaches behind them grabbing a bucket of golf balls.
Susan: There is a bucket of balls there for you guy too, hurry up.
Scooby"Rehehehehehehehehe. "
Shaggy "Like zoinks Scoob like i thought she was saying we're cowards."
Scooby"re rare...rarent re?"
Teams head to the roadblock from there. In the final Roadblock of the race, one team member had to dive off a 30 ft (9.1 m) bridge then swim 90 yards (82 m) to a buoy, where they would find their next clue. After obtaining the clue, they went to the waiting boats that returned them to shore.
Team members doing the roadblock:
Scooby: Scooby stands on the edge of the bridge teeth chattering and knees knocking."Rikes Raggy Ri ron't rike reights!" Shaggy throws some Scooby snacks into the air in front of Scooby and before he realises what he has done he dives after the snacks
Scooby: Gulp! rmm rooby ranks... Rikes! Ragggggy!!!
Susan does a canon ball and soaks everyone.
She causes a huge tidal wave that Scooby rides grabbing the clue on his way past.
Statler:Statler gets a soaker while stan "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." Waldorf"you old fool I'm not your son and my name's not Shine. Now jump in that water and start swimming you old fool." Statler says "Where's that crazy barber I could use a rubber ducky right now. "
Teams can now head to the finish line in the United States. All teams get on the same plane so it could be anyone's guess who wins. All the previously eliminated teams are gathered at the finish line to see who will be the winner of The Amazing Race Season 2 when Scooby and Shaggy appear. The two of them sprint away from a headless Frankenstein who reveals himself to be Richard Hatch, winking at the cameras.They crash through the finish line and come to a stop in front of Adam.
"A race lasting 29 days and nearly 40,000 miles. I am pleased to tell you that you are the winners of The Amazing Race and have solved the mystery of winning 1 million dollars!!!!"
Shaggy: Zoinks, and double Zoinks, Scoob we did it we won. That million dollars will sure buy a lot of tuna fish and chocolate ice cream subs. mmmmMaybe we can even buy a new pimped out mystery machine for Freddy to drive.
Scooby says "ri rouldnt rave rone rit rithout ry rood rold ruddy raggy"
Shaggy says "And I couldn't have done it without my best buddy in the whole wide world. Now let's do what we do best, Scoob. Eat!" The crowd lift up Shaggy and Scooby and they start crowd surfing.
As Statler and Waldorf come in to the check in mat:
Adam: "Well, here they are ladies and Gentleman. It's Starsky and Crutch. "
S and W: Hey Adam your standing too close to the check in mat.
"Well how's this?"
"Still too close."
"How's this?"
"A little more."
"Well how far back do you want me to go?"
S and W: "Gotta car?"
Adam: I outta punch you in the nose for that.
S"Please not while I'm holding it."
Holding their noses Statler and Waldorf go to be checked in.
Adam: You may be crusty and you may be dusty but you old fellows are team number two! Congratulations!"
Adam:" BOB and Susan you didn't win the race but you still made a big finish! Congratulations you are team number three."Susan hugs Bob and says she is proud of how far they came and everything they saw. Bob is too busy looking at the green jello with pineapple chunks and saying it is his new love. Bob says he lost interest in Mark when he got dyed purple because purple isn't his color.
Adam announces that the Amazing Race Season 2 is now over. A monster yells "Time for makeupppp." "What?" "Makeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuppppppppppppp." Adam gets powderpuffed with a giant cloud of powder in his face. Statler and Waldorf grab him and pull him onto the bus where the other team members are now and Mr Burns drives away. Adam can be heard screaming "Let me outtttttt...." and we hear Kermit say "Can I help you out?" "Please." "which way did you come in?"
The screen fades to black. It goes fuzzy and then a clip of Freddy and Jason appear from space saying "We'll be back. Hasta la vista, baby."
Standby for Season 3 and 4.
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