The clue turned out to be for the Detour, given them a choice between Buddhist Tradition or Chinese Custom. In Buddhist Tradition, teams traveled to the Tien Kong Than Buddhist temple and carried a series of joss sticks to the top of the temple. After arranging them in the proper order, teams lit them and received their next clue. In Chinese Custom, teams traveled to Padang Kota Lama park where they participated in the Chinese New Year tradition of balancing large flags on their foreheads and then running across the esplanade. After both team members made it across the esplanade without letting the flag fall, they received their next clue.
Beastly and No Heart
Dr Evil and Minime
Po and Shifu
Adam and Bill
Nappa and Vegeta
Michael Jackson and Whitney
*Po and Shifu: Shifu loads up Po with all the joss sticks except for one, that he uses it to smack Po in the butt with, so that he'll move up to the top of the temple faster.
*Dr Evil and Minime collect up their sticks, and start running towards the top of the temple, but not before Beastly sneakily lights their bundle of sticks on fire. "hehehe they'll never win now," Beastly says.
Shifu: look at this fat, flabby arms. *smack smack* faster, faster you flabby furbag *smack* we have to win this race! I don't know who's bigger. You or the buddha!
Po: Ow! Ow! Ow!
Dr Evil says: "Sticks and stones, throw me a freaking bone."
No Heart: Good work, Beastly. Perhaps you're not as dim witted as I thought. There could be a spark of intelligence there somewhere.
Beastly: Th-th-thank you N-n-no heart.
Beastly then proceeds to drop the joss sticks, so they have to go back to the beginning.
*Michael Jackson and Whitney are a little slow in this detour, because they did a studding performance of 'Oh say can you see, the star-spangled banner' that mesmerized and thrilled everybody. It was a brilliant performance. But after that they were off like a shot, flag waving behind them.
*Bill and Adam recover from a bumpy start, when one of them accidentally lost the flag and the other one tripped and got wrapped up in it.
*Nappa oiled his bald head for a covershoot in Vogue, so the flag keeps slipping off his head, whereas Vegeta's flag gets stuck because his hair is so pointy.
*A strange van with tinted windows ominously drives past the detour.
Adam: Hey Bill, I'm hoping Christmas comes soon, because I'm all wrapped up.
Adam: Hey Bill, there's a weird van driving around here. Do you think Freddy and Jason are back?
Vegeta: Nappa your head's like a cue ball!!!
Nappa: Well at least my head's not on point.
Michael Jackson: Heeeeehee
Roadblock, where teams asking "Whose life could use a splash of color?". One team member had to prepare a traditional Hindu offering called a float by first breaking open several coconuts in order to find one that had colored flesh. They then built the float and gave it to the waiting Gurukkal who sent it out to sea and then gave teams their next clue. The clue sent teams to the Pit Stop at George Town's Pinang Peranakan Mansion
Team Members Doing the Roadblock:
Adam: Bill yells to Adam, "get cracking!"
Shifu: Shifu uses his kung fu skills to chop the coconuts
Beastly: Beastly gets hungry and starts eating the coconuts. He eats the one with the float in it, so No Heart smacks him on the back of the head and he spits it out. "B-b-but No Heart I was going to eat that. Oh. I'm so hungry." No Heart yells, "BEASTLYYYYYYYYYYYY."
Nappa: Vegeta helps him out and cracks open a coconut on Nappa's head. "Oh thanks Vegeta, I could use a little coconut oil. Hey Vegeta. I'm using my head Vegeta." Vegeta groans.
Michael Jackson: Michael Jackson makes it musical by knocking the coconuts together and then finding the right coconut by hearing the difference in pitch.
Dr Evil: While Dr Evil is opening his coconuts, he gets a squirt of coconut milk in the eye, blinding him. "Blinded by a coconut. Can't I get a freaking break here? Someone throw me a freaking bone here."
Ernie and Bert wait at the check in mat, for the first time. Po and Shifu come running.
"Po and Shifu," says Ernie, "you're team number #1 and they have won a matching set of grass skirts and coconut bras. And also these flags with your faces on them. And a new car courtesy of Sesame Street's The Alphabet Blockheads with the licence plate PIMPED OUT PANDA"
Adam and Bill come in second, and they are followed by the mysterious van, as it whizzes past.
Michael Jackson and Whitney miss a close encounter with the van but they are team number 3
Nappa and Vegeta slide into fourth place, with coconut oil flying off Nappa's shiny head.
Dr Evil and Minime come in last and slip on the coconut oil flying from Nappa's bald head, landing on the checkin mat. "Dr Evil and Minime, you have slid into last place," bert says, "and I am sorry to tell you, that does mean you've been eliminated from the race."